Please type your ABC paragraph about the brain in a Word document, and then copy and paste it in the comments section of this post.
In addition, please read someone else’s paragraph and write a reply to it. You can write one or two sentences saying what you liked about it.
The most interesting thing I learned about the brain was that it grows bigger when you use it. Like what the quote said in page 1 “ Scientist have been able to show just how the brain grows and gets stronger when you learn. This reminds me that if you don’t learn you probably can’t speak.
My favorite part about learning about the brain was that the more you exercise your brain the more it grows. In page one the quote “use it or lose it ” means you have a brain so put it to work. To me the brain is the most important part of you because without it you are nothing. The brain is where all you information is and its the you biggest muscle. I believe without the brain you are nothing.
I totally agree with you, without brain we are nothing!
The most interesting thing I learned is if you exercise and practice your brain, then it will get stronger and smarter. For example, like the quote on page 4 “by practicing you make your brain stronger. You also learn skills that let you use your brain in a smarter way—just like how a basketball player learns new moves.” I think this is important because if you know this then you will be able to learn and practice more.
the most interesting thing i learned about the brain was as you read, learned, and study is your brain will get bigger and your cells grow as well. in quotes “use it or lose it.” it reminds me that if you don’t read or learn new things your brain will get smaller and mushy and won’t be able to speak good vocabulary and think right…
the most interesting i learned about the brain is the brain can get stronger by exercising. on page 1 it says “the brain grows and gets stronger when you learn”. i like this because now i know more about the brain.
The most interesting thing I learned was that babies could hear people talking from the first day that they are born .(like the quote on page 3 they have to make since of these strange words and figure out what they mean.) I agree with it because I have a baby sister and she says new things every day.
The most interesting thing I learned about the brain is that when you exercise it, it grows bigger, but if you don’t use it, it can shrink and you get weaker. In the research papers, “Use it or lose it!” Its like muscles, when you use it, it will get bigger and stronger. If you don’t use it, it your brain will get weaker and will shrink.
The most important thing I learned about the brain is every time you learn something new your brain cells multiply. In the brain video it states when you learn something new more lines are going to start to connect. I think its important to get more lines because the more lines that are connected the smarter you get.
I think that your intelligence grows grown with learning new things, when you study because in article “when you learn new things, these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger”. In page 2 paragraph one. I agree with the article because in my opinion the new things you learn help your brain get stronger and smarter.
The most important thing I learned is how I have electricity in my brain and how words, thoughts, and emotions are zapping and zooming from one neuron to another in my brain. The brain video states the brain is full of electricity passing thoughts around from neuron to neuron. This is important because it allows me to think and process situations, and the video allowed me to actually see what my brain is up to all day while I have no idea how hard it works for my simplest thoughts.
I learn that the brain is more like a muscle. like page one one say’s frist page. it change and gets stonger when you use it. think it is inportant because the more u learn the stonger the brain gets
No one is really dumb it just that people don’t try. In the artical it was said that your brain is like a muscle the more you work your brain out by studing, the more intelligente you become.
I think that this artical is ture abot the more you learn,the more you study, is the way you exercise your brain to grow your intelligence.
the most important thing I learned about the brain is that the more you exercise it gets bigger and stronger also smarter. like the quote says on page 1. “everyone who lifts gets stronger.” that quote relates that when you exercise your brain it gets stronger and smarter.
The most interesting thing about the brain is that it grows when you learn or practice something. It says on page four that, “the more a person learns, the easier it gets to learn new things”. So does that mean that if I keep writing ill get better.
Alejandro Sosa
I think the most interesting/important thing I learned was, that the brain can grow by exercising it, just like your muscle grows in any other sport. The reason why is because it is entirely true, the more you learn/study, the more your brain grows stronger. On page 4 I quote. “Just like a weightlifter or a basketball player, to be a brain athlete you have to exercise and practice.” And I agree because no one knows everything, but once you learn, then your brain will get smarter and you will know new things.
The most interesting thing I learned about the brain is that brain is like a muscle. The more you exercise it the stronger and smarter it gets.It can grow new neurons as well as your intelligence. If you don’t use it, you will lose it as stated on Page 1 “Use it or Lose it.” Most age-related losses in memory or motor skills simply result from inactivity and a lack of mental exercise and stimulation. I totally agree with this article and it also clarifies the misunderstanding of many people who thinks that a child is born smart or dumb. First, I used to think like that too, but after reading the article and watching the video, it changed my thinking, and I learned a lot.
Thanks Mr. Ferlazzo! It’s Pleasure to have you as teacher! 😀
The most interesting about your brain is that once you learn a language you will never forget it. In the article,”You Can Grow Your Intelligence,” on page three paragragh four said that,” Once children learn a language they will never forget it because the child’s brain has changed it;it actually gotten smarter.” I think this is very intersting because, I usually think that even though people were born with their own languge that they spoke everyday, when they speak English too much thet might forget their own language. But now i know because the article told me.
The most interesting think i learn is every time you learn some thing new your brain get stronger and smart.and when you use your brain grows bigger,but if you don’t use your brain,it’s will get weaker and shink.i think that this is important because if you know this information then you will be able to learn and practice more.
In My opinion I believe that the most important thing that i learned about this article was that your brain is a muscle, the same as every other one in your body. The reason why is because your brain is not used the same as the rest of them, but for thinking. On page 4 i Quote “Just like a weightlifter or a basketball player, to be a brain athlete you have to exercise and practice.”I agree with this because the more you study, the more you learn, just like a weightlifters muscle grows when he/she lifts weights.
The most important thing that I’ve learned from the neuron video about the brain would be the fact that I learned and that fact is that our brain can grow as much as we want to make it grow.
For example no one is born a genius or an idiot, I mean you can become that but that’s only up to you and no one else, and that’s how the brain works it grows as much as you want it to grow or if you just don’t want to learn than your brain just won’t grow as much as it really can.
Like on the brain article it states that “most people don’t know that when they practice and learn new things, parts of their brain change and get larger, a lot like muscles do when you exercise.” I think that the information from the article is pretty accurate on the part that it says that the brain is like your muscles when you exercise your biceps get bigger and that’s just how your brain grows as you learn new things your brain grows in the process.
Genaro Molina
The most interesting thing about the brain is that the more you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow. Like in page 1, “When you lift weights, your muscles get bigger and you get stronger.” But when you stop lifting weights your muscle shrinks. Most people don’t know that when they practice and learn new things, parts of their brain changes and gets larger, a lot like muscles do when they exercise. That’s why people say,”use it or lose it.” I now know that the more you learn the more your brain cells grow.
I think that the most interesting fact I learn is that there is billion of neurons, and they continue to grow. It said, “Inside the cortex of the brain are billions of tiny nerve cells, called neurons.” on the last paragraph first page. Also it said, “These tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger. If the brain’s neurons multiply and get stronger every time we learn something new. Then by the end of our life. Our brain would have trillions of neurons and even more.
The most interesting i learn is that the more you exercise the more your brain get stronger.Like the quote on page 1″many people believe that a person is born either smart,average,or dumb-and says that way for life.”I think this is important because its tells about your brain.
The most important part that i learned is that your brain can get bigger and bigger. On page three, babies are born without being able to talk or understands language but once they learned the language they won’t forget it because in page three it says “Once a children learn a language, they won’t forget it.” Learning cause permanet changes in the brain. The brain is very strong and help us do all of our stuffs that we do. The brain is like a master piece.
then most interesting thing i learned , the more you get smarter. like the quote says on page 1..”everyone who lifts gets stronger”..that quote relates to it if you exercise your brain , like read and write, you get stronger and smarter..:)…
what I found out about brain is u work hard u can smart if u work at it .It has shown that when u work u will git grate at u do people are doing research and they found this out.yous it are lose it
what i found out about the brain was that the more you read and exercise your brain the more it grows . the brain reacts like a muscle you have to do more with it rather that let it sit for it to have some sort of change . the most interesting thing to me was how the lesson was tought and explained
tornadoes fascinate me yet scare me also because they are responsible for many lives lost but yet they are natural and to me it is a great ability to know how they are formed. on the url it tells you about tornadoes. i think a tornadoes is very scary because as it says ” a tornado is a violent , rotating colum of air.” that means beware [ duh! 🙂 ]. tornadoes yet fascinate me because on that same url it says “various types of tornadoes” that means there is not only one type of tornado there are many kinds i dont yet know about that i believe i would be interested in beacaues i think thata tornado may be a small disaster but it is a vicious one just like me . 🙂