Go to Sacramento Flood Maps. Click on the “Rescue” maps for the area you live in (probably either South Sacramento or The Pocket).
The areas in red will flood immediately. People who live in the yellow area will have a little time to escape.
Which color area is your home located in? What would you take with you if you only had a few minutes to escape the flood? Why?
The road in green are the safe ways to leave. Which road would you take?
If members of your family were in different places when the flood began, do you have a place where you would meet?
Watch this animation of Sacramento being flooded.
I dont think that the levees will break because we always keep and eye on them and new orleans didnt
The color area my home is located in is white.
I would just take what i need in order to survive such as clothes and food.
I would take the road that I can get to the fastest.
Probably at another relatives house.
I would jus get the things that i need and go some where else safe.
My color house is white and tanish . If Sacramento really flooded , i would take nothing but my family (:
I wouldn’t know where to leave but swim for my life also don’t panic too, it’ll be a lot worst if you panic. If my family member are in different place, I wouldn’t know where to meet up with them but find them.
I don’t know what color area my house is in but,
If the levees broke in Sacramento
I would take my family and anyone else who needs help and get somewhere safe.We would probably meet at KFC haha.
I’d take the essential things like valuables and food/money, maybe some papers, then I’d quickly escape with my family.
if the levees was to be broken I would built a metal box that no water can go through it and bring all the food i can get and for the other people I no ill make them 1 to
If the levees broke in Sacramento I wold gather up all my family and friends that I could, and take them to one of the tallest sky scapper in Sacramento into the flood went away.
But into that happens I’m moving to Elk grove I’ll be much more careful.
WE GONNA FLOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we mait die . i wouldnt’t be able to take the pain of seen all this people injured. hope that never happens.