Watch these online slideshows about mountain-climbing and read the captions. List the five most interesting things you learn, and five things you’d like to learn more about:
Mountain-Climbing Slideshows
Watch these online slideshows about mountain-climbing and read the captions. List the five most interesting things you learn, and five things you’d like to learn more about:
In mountain-climbing, a “fourteener” is a mountain that is taller than 14,000 feet. Look at this list of California Fourteeners. Follow the links to each one and learn more about them.
If you had to choose one, which would you most like to climb and why? Yes, you have to choose one.
Which one of the fourteeners would you least like to climb and why?
Look at this chart of the ten tallest mountains in the world. Do some research on them using the Internet. Without including Everest, if you had to pick one you were going to climb, which one would it be? Why?
You have to pick one even if you don’t really want to climb any of them!