Please type your natural disasters essay in a Word document, print out two copies of it, and then copy and paste it in the comments section of this post.
Please type your natural disasters essay in a Word document, print out two copies of it, and then copy and paste it in the comments section of this post.
Imagine you were in the hurricane. The flood is can destroy the hole city. It can damage a lot of things. The hurricane wind is so fast and rainy. I believed that hurricane is the worst natural disaster. There are three reason I believed this hurricane a great deal of damage, many people can die in hurricane and third one is there can be a lot of flood in hurricane.
Hurricane causes a great deal of damage. In data set # 11 says hurricane can damage building big or small. Inn data set # 16 say that Texas in 1900 and they loss of more than 300,000 lives. In the video we watch say the hurricane can damage a lot of thing.
Many people can die in hurricane. In data set # 21 Central America heavy rain and causing mud slides that took nearly 10,000 lives. In data set says # 16 more than 300,000 lives in East Pakistan. In the video we watch say many people can be death by hurricane.
There can be a lot of flood in hurricane. In data set # 1 says wind speeds of over 160 miles an hour and can drop we watch says flood can destroy everything. In the movie says flood is dangerous thing.
I believed that hurricane is the worst natural disaster. The reason includes hurricane causes a great deal of damage, many people can die in hurricane, and there can be a lot of flood. I will not experience because I don’t want to drown by water. I don’t want to die by flood.
Imagine you were in a hurricanes and your house was destroyed. Floods were everywhere and you have nowhere to go. I believe that Hurricanes are most destructive natural disaster because they kill a lot of people, destructive, and they aren’t very predictable.
Hurricanes are very destructive .Category four hit Island city of Galveston September 8, 1900, 8000 people lost their lives. Produce a devastating storm reach 20ft high extend nearly 100miles, 90 percent died. Category 3 higher hurricanes damages potential Category 1 and 2 extremely dangerous.
Hurricanes kill a lot of people. It killed about 8000 people in Category four in Galveston September 8, 1990. 1935 hurricane struck and killed 2000 people. It very dangerous it awful to see your love ones die in front of your eyes.
Hurricanes aren’t really predictable which causes people to escape a hurricane late. Scientist are trying to find a way to improve predicting Hurricanes. Scientist drops a remote sensor in the hurricane to see the wind speed, and how fast it travel. If scientist can predict if a Hurricane occur at least 15mintute early they would be saving a lot of lives. And prevent people from dying.
Hurricanes have killed a lot of people, they are very destructive, and they aren’t very predictable. My opinion about Hurricanes is that they can kill a lot of people and I would never want to be involve in one
By Jonakia Jenkins