Take several of these Natural Disaster Quizzes.
Which was the hardest? Which was the easiest?
What was the most interesting thing you learned from them?
Take several of these Natural Disaster Quizzes.
Which was the hardest? Which was the easiest?
What was the most interesting thing you learned from them?
on the wildfire quiz i got 6/12 correct… i didnt know as much as i thought i did about wildfires and i learned some new things….
the wilfire quiz wasnt as easy as i thought it was going to be.. but i learned alot of new things about wildfires that i didnt know before..
i think that one i took was pretty hard i got o out of 11 haha. But i found out some new things like that tyohoon is like another word for hurricane. And that the coriolis effect is when thunder storms spin clockwise.And i dint know that hurricanes are assinged in alphabetical order. 🙂
i got some question right but some wrong. I got 8 right and 2 wrong…
i lernd that hericcans can be as big as a state
uhmm.. the quiz wass k00h.. uhm. kinda missed alot of questions! i also learned alot.
i learned alot of thinks questions an answers but i did well on the quiz
i learned alot of thinks.also alot of questions an answers but i did well on the quiz
hii but i did good on the quiz an learned alot of questoins an answers but yea i did good
the most interesting I’ve learned is that a hurricane can
bring Tornadoes too!! because tornadoes can be found in hurricanes
i doing great than last time because i read corretly on the question…i also learn many new thing about the natual disaster…..i want to learn more…..
The wildfire was pretty hard but i got okay on it.
i learned that lightning could struck about 100 times in a second.