Using Reading Strategies

Pick a link from Mr. Ferlazzo’s website that has a fair amount of text and use Awesome Highlighter to demonstrate reading strategies with virtual post-it notes. Use Backboard if Awesome Highlighter doesn’t work.

Place the url address of your annotated pages in the comments section of this post.

You might also want to pick a newspaper article on Natural Disasters from any of the following sources:

The Guardian

Science Daily

Earthquake Newspaper Archive

Hurricane Newspaper Archive

Tornado Newspaper Archive

Internet Scavenger Hunt On Natural Disasters

Complete this Internet Scavenger Hunt (the page calls it a Webquest) on Natural Disasters. You can write the answers on a Word document and then upload it to the Internet using Then paste the url address of your answers in the comments section.

After you have completed +this Internet Scavenger Hunt, please pick one natural disaster and create your own Hunt for other students to complete. Use different links and different questions. Create it in a Word document and use again.