Play A Game In A Private Room

Today, all students will play against each other in a game called:

Gut Instinct

Go to the game, click on “English,” and then sign-up. Write your initials, and write “mrferlazzo” in the box that asks for “League Name.”

Do not click “submit” until Mr. Ferlazzo or Ms. Hull yells “Go!”

You will be asked a question. After every answer you will see a scoreboard showing who is winning.

Sometime in the future will will also play a similar game called:

Mia Cadaver’s Tombstone Timeout

What Are Your Favorite Learning Games?

Later this year you will be creating your own learning games that other students can play.

Today, please play the games on this list. Vote for the three games you think are the best. In the comments section, please write which three you voted for and why you voted for them:

I voted for ______________ because ___________________________.

I voted for ______________ because ___________________________.

I voted for ______________ because ___________________________.