Reflecting on your thinking and the Ways of Knowing

As we look back and think about the ideas we have encountered, how are you thinking about your thinking now? Which questions about the ways of knowing are most interesting? And what are the implications for how this thinking and awareness may influence the way you learn throughout your school day?


Create a graphic presentation of your ToK experience, including images or references to ‘real-life’ experiences viewed through the lens of ToK thinking and questioning. Include, when reasonable, linking questions from your chapter reading selections.

The goal of this presentation is to record your thinking about your thinking (meta-cognitive) up to this point in the course and to perhaps even speculate as to how this awareness about knowledge may shape your future.

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Then, select one of these prompts to guide your reflection:

  1.  In what ways are we fascinated by the richness of knowledge as a human endeavor? How are we empowered by the act of reflecting upon knowledge?
  2. How is knowledge constructed, critically examined, evaluated and renewed, by communities and individuals?
  3. How can you reflect on your experiences as a learner, in everyday life and in the IB Diploma Program? What kind of connections have you made between academic disciplines and between thoughts, feelings, and actions?
  4. How has ToK encouraged you to explore a diversity of ways of thinking and ways of living of individuals and communities? To what extent are you aware of personal and ideological assumptions of others and of yourself?
  5. How might you explore your responsibilities originating from the relationship between knowledge, the community and the individual as citizen of the world?

An “A” presentation will explore questions about knowledge, links between ways of knowing, and references to personal experiences, observations, and real-life case studies. Be creative and explore your thinking.