Dear ToKers,
Given that our most recent guest speaker revealed some of our need for (Ahem…cough…shall I say to be more well informed about current events) awareness of international events, I want us to play a game that I am calling “Did you know that…?”
In this game, the rules are simple:
1) Find a current event of international importance
2) explain how this event relates to our study of ethics as an area of knowledge
3) Do NOT duplicate events; in other words, you must read what others have posted prior to posting your current event. If someone else has ‘your’ event, then you must continue researching.
4) Begin your post with the phrase…”Did you know that …” (Be sure to embed the link to the article you are referring to in your post)
Bonus) discussion of ‘ways of knowing’
Suggested online news agencies: RT, PBS, NPR, Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Democracy Now, Bill Moyers, Tavis Smiley, and Comedy Central.
Due: Monday, 6 January, 12:01 a.m.
Did you know that in Zambia,Africa a politician was arrested for comparing the president to a potato?
The politician Frank Bwalya said that the President was a “chumbu mushulolwa”. In the Bemba language this meant that it was a person who generally doesn’t listen to others opinions.Frank was a previous supporter of the president Mr.Sata and now Frank is a part of the Better Zambia Party.
This study refers to our moral reasoning and judgement as well as our views on the world. Is it really right to arrest someone for voicing their opinion? Is it right to arrest someone that is supposedly trying yo make Zambia a better place for everyone?
These are questions we may ask here in America. However, do the people in Zambia have the same voice to question politics?
Did you know that if we humans didn’t use our nukes, various alien species (don’t worry, they’re already living among us) would gladly give us free technology? Well, that’s what Canada’s (ex) minister of defense says, on this ( interview. According to Paul Hellyer, our discovery and irresponsible use of nuclear weapons has proven us unable to handle any advanced knowledge, and we’ve even been labeled a threat to “the balance of the cosmos.” This *totally* relates to our ethics study with the question of how our behavior is both limiting and endangering us as a species, and how it may even affect our surrounding environment. Are a select few allowed to use (or misuse) weapons of mass destruction and possibly affect the rest of the global population in any way, positive or negative? Is it “ethical” for such weapons to even exist at all, constantly looming over us and possibly stunting our scientific growth?
I find it quite telling that we are not ready to receive alien technology when we have Miley Cyrus! She is the nuclear weapon of twerking!
So… you’re saying she’s “hot.”
Did you know that the US is willing to help the Iraqian goverment without sending the soldiers?
In 2011, the US withdrew from Iraq but now the US is back to help. The Secretary of State, John Kerry, said, “This is their fight, but we’re going to help them in their fight,”. As the fight between the Iraqian goverment and Al Qaeda still carries on, the US plans to stay in “close contact with all of the Iraq political leaders”. This relates to ethics because in other words, this event shows possible hidden benefits which is one of the four self-interest theories. By helping Iraq, this causes the Iraqian goverment to feel a sense of gratitude to the US which is a hidden benifit.
I wonder if our ‘help’ includes tanks, bombs, and paramilitary. Oil and power in the region, not to mention the military bases we have built in Iraq, may be the hidden benefits.
Did you know that a Utah gun maker turned down a 15 million dollar deal with Pakistan? ( Pakistan was in a need of weapons precision aim rifles that had the ability to “change caliber in minutes and shoot as far as 3,000 yard”s according to the suppliers that go by the name of Desert Tactical Arms. The Utah suppliers rejected the 15 million dollar offer because of a number of ways of knowing such as reason, emotion, and memory. Davis stated “We don’t know that those guns would’ve went somewhere bad, but with the unrest we just ended up not feeling right about it,” relating to our tok knowledge as a gut feeling also known as intuition. If Pakistan were to make that offer to me based on my financial situation I would have either agreed or rejected there offer to support my own scenario, However the Utah suppliers decided to approach the dilemma with Kant’s approach that it was simply his duty to do what he did vs my own approach which was self interest to benefit myself.
Great ideas!!!Just because you have the ability to make more money, should you?
Did you know that the African Union plans to install brand new cyber security units for the continent of Africa. As the internet ever grows more wider and broader, so does the crime that occurs in the internet. With that, Africa explains that this decision refers to combating cyber crime in its developing countries. In many of the African countries, internet is not well protected and regulated from online criminals that use the internet to get rich. Some of the ideas that these criminals use are advanced scams and schemes to trick people into giving away their money. Without any regulations from cyber security, these criminals flourish in wealth. However, the African Union plans to further explain their decision at their summit at Ethiopia’s capital of Addis Ababa. This relates to our study of ethics because the ideas that the AU want is similar to that of utilitarianism. The AU wants the best for its people and they do that by planning to install new cyber security units across its continent.
Nice connection to utilitarianism!!
Did you know that a French footballer has been criticized for a gesture he made after scoring a goal.( This relates to our unit of ethics through the thought of equality, from what occurred during the reign of the reign of the Nazi. The Nazi gesture referred to as the “quenelle” is a simple hand movement that has spiked a controversy since a comedian in France used it to create a joke. Although some may think of it as a simple hand movement, to others it can create a memory of the horrid events that occurred. Similar to those of the deaths of millions, to the near impossible mission of an escape to live a better life. Who are to only think of ourselves and say that we are more important than others to not care about others feelings.
This topic reminds me of the problem with sexual harassment in the workplace, which is determined by a person’s level of discomfort. In other words, it is harassment if it is interpreted as harassment. Intention does not play a role.
Did you know that Illinois became the 16th state to allow the same sex marriage? ( The governor of Illinois said that it would be a great idea to mark it on the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, saying that “dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Then Quinn signing the bill at the desk that belonged to the 16th president. Earlier into the month the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act was both passed by the states of General Assembly and Barack Obama applaud for his home state for allowing the bill to pass. According to the United states, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington are the states that allow the same sex marriage showing an example of utilitarianism. Having the same sex marriage seeks the greatest good for the greatest amount of people in those states.
Same sex marriage could relate to “the golden rule”–do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Did you know that the people of Bangladesh still have trouble voting for their president due to the violent clashes between the opposition activists and the police? ( The opposition has boycotted the vote and delayed the outcome of the election. They torched down the more than 200 polling stations in two nights. Many Bangladeshis are afraid to vote at the polling station. Although the voters had no real choice to start off with due to the government’s control, but now it is even worst because the violent between the opposition and the police. This remind me of the self-interest theory; in this case, a group of people that disagreed with the votes used violent to spread fear, so that they will get what they wanted (the opposition). While the other wanted the same people to stay in power so they control the votes (the police). Each party wanted something for themselves, but not for the greater good of Bangladesh.
Sounds like ‘self interest’ is keeping many Bangladeshi from participating in their government. In a way, it reminds me of the acrimony we hear from our politicians in Washington D.C.
Did you know that Syria’s chemical weapons will be destroyed in a massive vessel named “The MV Cape Ray”.
After being announced by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and approved by Syria itself, President Bashar al-Assad will order his regime to move the most dangerous chemicals out of the country in Danish and Norwegian ships where it will be moved to Italy, to be transferred onto “the Cape Ray” where it will be destroyed by two Field-Deployable Hydrolysis Systems. The ship also has many safety features that would ensure the containment of the chemicals in the case of a chemical spill. This relates to our ethical studies by showing us an example of utilitarianism. The international community wants what is best for everyone, and is therefore using a safe way to destroy the chemical weapons which could be harmful to the world.
Great example! Do you think that there are hidden benefits for Syria in this deal?
Did you know that Bolivia wants to make nuclear power plants but other other south American countries abandon it?( President Evo Morales claims that Bolivia has the necessary raw materials and says to use it for peace. while other Latin american countries, such as Brazil and Argentina had stopped for other various reasons. This topic relates to our study of ethics because Bolivia seems to resemble the self interest theory. For example in the article, President Evo Morales said that “It is time to take Bolivia off the last row in Latin American development” claiming that he wants to show the world that Bolivia is now a nation that has nuclear power.
Thanks, Chue! Do you see this as an ethical issue because of environmental impacts?
Did you know that the global agricultural production is failing because of the rising population? ( Not only is it declining, but we are in a crisis were we need to ensure our food security and we’re even buying agricultural land in Africa. As the population increases, the demand for food increases as well. Countries are starting to purchase fields in Africa were they are going to be able to grow their own crops. This relates to our study of ethics because it has to do with self-interest theory. Countries will fight when deciding which country gets what crop. Each individual country will prioritize and want to give themselves the crops. No country should be prioritized with food but countries with more people need more food. Another issue is over population. Every human has the equal right to live and survive. Every day thousands of babies are born so the population number is constantly changing. Controlling the population amount is difficult to solve. A final issue is the Africa land grab. Other countries are taking the natives land for their own purposes. Land isn’t a material that can be sold and traded easily. Animals and humans are taken away from their natural habitat. However, the land grab is benefitting some countries. “India and China—which face the prospect of severe water shortages in the years ahead” are purchasing land because they know their countries will probably face an enormous food shortage in the future. This is an effective plan, but hopefully, they will never reach that point. The way of knowing that we need to consider is reasoning. This is the most important way of knowing for this issue because we have to take precaution and careful planning to insure that this crisis doesn’t get worse. Millions of pounds of food get wasted everyday. Countries that do not feel the shortage throw away food for no reason, like in schools and restaurants. If laws are established to control the amount of food wasted, a food shortage would not exist and this would not be a problem.
I appreciate your detailed analysis of the complicated problem affecting industrialized and developing countries. Is industrialization ethical? Should we consider our immediate ethical concerns as taking preference to our long-term ethical concerns. What can you ethically do about ‘overpopulation’? By the way, have you seen Pope Francis’ quote about food scarcity? He said that ‘wasting food was like stealing from the poor.’ What do you think? Is that a fair assessment?
Did you know that the demands for organic milk are increasing due to the belief that it’ll benefit society? ( Organic milk is different from conventional milk because it is produced from cows that graze outside on a thirty percent diet, given no growth hormones which would benefit both the health of cows and humans more efficiently. It could be a healthier choice, despite it costing more, but there’s unfortunately no solid scientific evidence in supporting that organic milk is more nutritious. But U.K. there was a nutritional study of organic milk, showing that it contained omega-3s, which was beneficial to heart health. Unfortunately, the results revealed that there was a limited amount of them, as compared to the larger amount of omega-3s in fish. Similarly this connects to our study of ethics, specifically the golden rule and utilitarianism’s concept of maximizing happiness. By treating everyone equal, methods were being established of how to enhance nutritional values for everyone, all the while trying to make everyone as happy as possible by attaining necessary nutrients easier. And that can be done through buying organic milk. Hopefully the research continues in creating greater beneficial dairy products for health, alongside with greater qualitative and quantitative data.
Thanks, Lucky! Do you see the push for organic food as a response to GMO foods? Do organic food companies claim to be more moral in the their relationship to both animal and human? But what about the cost? Those organic foods cost more, which means fewer people are likely to be able to afford those food items. Is that unethical?
Did you know that a 16 year old Indian teenage girl was sexually violated and burned alive by her attackers?( The victim was burned with severe injuries on December 23, 2013 and was reported dead a week later due to her injuries. She filed a complaint to the police station after she was first violated on the 25th of October. She was burned alive on Dec 23 by her attackers. This relates to our study of ethics because an idea of sexual ethic; which refers to ethics that deals with sexuality. The victim was sexually and psychically assaulted by her attackers and I think that the world should turn their heads and pay attention to this so that there wouldn’t be any more situations like this. This is also violence against women and women’s rights.
Thanks, Mai Tong. Violence against women is a serious problem, and one that we should consider carefully. What are the causes of such violent acts? Do we as Americans have a moral responsibility to lend help to women in India?