Knowledge Questions — Religion

Dear ToKers,

1st–Select one of the following questions, and TRY to view it through at least two distinct religions perspectives. Perhaps you can view this one question through your religious perspective and the perspective you recently researched.

2nd–Post your comment with specific examples, reasons, or arguments from BOTH religious perspectives.

3rd–Then, respond to your classmates’ posts/ideas with questions or comments.

Knowledge Questions:

1. What is the difference between religious feelings, religious beliefs and religious faith?
2. Is it possible to know God?
3. Are religious beliefs reasonable?
4. Is faith irrational?
5. Where do religious beliefs come from?
6. Can you think of any evidence which would convince you that God does not exist?
7. What is the value of thinking about questions to which there are no
definite answers?
8. How do we decide between the competing claims of different
religious knowledge systems?

Religious Concepts and Language

Dear ToKers,

1. Research a religion unfamiliar to you. For a partial list of religions, please consult this list from the BBC.

2. Which key concepts are vital to understanding this religion?

3. How is language used to shape this particular view? Is this language metaphorical? Symbolic? Or is it meant to be understood as literal? Which words or phrases are central to this belief?

4. Raise two knowledge questions centered around the ways of knowing.

5. Post your observations, examples, and questions on this class website

Due Monday at the end of class.

Kind Regards,

Mr. Coey

What is art?

Thinking about art as an ‘area of knowledge’ can be both exciting and daunting depending on your comfort level. It might be appropriate to ask, “Is art knowledge?” This question might lead to us to think about the distinction between personal knowledge and shared knowledge.

For this assignment, research various works of art, which might be of use to your Art Presentation.

1. Try flipping through the art articles in my magazine:

Check out Arts by Chris Coey


2. Also, look at the links provided on this web page.

3. Post a comment about a work of art you found to be ‘knowledge’ and discuss whether you see this work of art as relating to personal or shared knowledge.

Posted in Art

Did you know that …

Dear ToKers,

Given that our most recent guest speaker revealed some of our need for (Ahem…cough…shall I say to be more well informed about current events) awareness of international events, I want us to play a game that I am calling “Did you know that…?”

In this game, the rules are simple:

1) Find a current event of international importance

2) explain how this event relates to our study of ethics as an area of knowledge

3) Do NOT duplicate events; in other words, you must read what others have posted prior to posting your current event. If someone else has ‘your’ event, then you must continue researching.

4) Begin your post with the phrase…”Did you know that …” (Be sure to embed the link to the article you are referring to in your post)

Bonus) discussion of ‘ways of knowing’

Suggested online news agencies: RT, PBS, NPR, Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Democracy Now, Bill Moyers, Tavis Smiley, and Comedy Central.

Due: Monday, 6 January, 12:01 a.m.

Ethics Case Studies

Check out Ethics by Chris Coey

1. Peruse from the list of articles. Which topic speaks to you?

2. Read the article.

3. What is the ethical dilemma or ethical issue at stake here? Which ethical system should we use to “know” how to behave or react?

4. Post your comments. How does your sense of ethics inform you and shape how you make meaning?

Educational Learning Theories

Hey thinkers:

This week we are considering studying human beings. Yeah that’s us!

Let’s think about which learning theories we see your teachers applying to their lessons and activities.

Also, which of these learning approaches seem to work best for you? Collaborative Learning? Inquiry Based Learning? Interdisciplinary Learning?

1. Which learning theories are you seeing your teachers apply? Which approach to teaching seems most effective for you?

2. Also, you can use this learning style quiz by Edutopia. How accurate are these results with what you know about yourself? What kind of learner are you?

3. Emotional intelligence is a concept that values and validates our ability to use emotions as a way of knowing. In your own words, what is ’emotional intelligence’? To what extent do you possess emotional intelligence? How can a greater knowledge of your emotions actually make you more knowledgeable? Take this emotional intelligence quiz to determine your emotional intelligence.


Metaphors We Live By and Metaphors in Science

Were you aware of how often we paint mental pictures with our figures of speech? It happens just as regularly as the moon chases the sun. You just can’t seem to escape from them.

1. Read and consider these two articles Metaphors We Live By and In Defense of Metaphors in Science. If you are having trouble viewing the second document, click on this link to a word document, In Defense of Metaphors in Science. Then develop a comment and post on this web site.

2. Argue both for and against using metaphors in our language. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of such expressions? What knowledge questions emerge from this discussion?

Bonus: Give an example of a metaphor in science.  Then think of a new metaphor for the concept. How does changing the metaphor change how with think? Example: “The Big Bang” could instead be “The Big Squeeze”

What does science hope to achieve?

Welcome IB juniors! If you are a senior receiving this email, consider yourself lucky that I haven’t deleted your subscription! All of you, welcome! Let’s consider these questions as we study the natural sciences:

1. What does science hope to achieve?

2. How do we distinguish science from other academic disciplines?

3. Which of the ‘ways of knowing’–emotion, language, reason, sense perception, imagination, faith, memory, intuition– seem best suited to science? Argue for at least three of the ways of knowing and give reasons and examples.

4. Base your answers to these questions on your observations, experiences, and readings–including “How To Think Like A Scientist,” “How Science Works,” and “The Nature of Science,” which can be found on the side bar of this website under the topic heading, “Natural Science.”

5. Return to this website on Friday and comment (discuss) on at least three of your classmates posts.