Educational Learning Theories

Hey thinkers:

This week we are considering studying human beings. Yeah that’s us!

Let’s think about which learning theories we see your teachers applying to their lessons and activities.

Also, which of these learning approaches seem to work best for you? Collaborative Learning? Inquiry Based Learning? Interdisciplinary Learning?

1. Which learning theories are you seeing your teachers apply? Which approach to teaching seems most effective for you?

2. Also, you can use this learning style quiz by Edutopia. How accurate are these results with what you know about yourself? What kind of learner are you?

3. Emotional intelligence is a concept that values and validates our ability to use emotions as a way of knowing. In your own words, what is ’emotional intelligence’? To what extent do you possess emotional intelligence? How can a greater knowledge of your emotions actually make you more knowledgeable? Take this emotional intelligence quiz to determine your emotional intelligence.


Learning Theories: Which theories are you seeing your teachers apply?

Hey thinkers:

This week we are considering studying human beings. Yeah that’s us!

Let’s think about which learning theories we see your teachers applying to their lessons and activities.

Also, which of these learning approaches seem to work best for you? Collaborative Learning? Inquiry Based Learning? Interdisciplinary Learning?

Also, you can use this learning style quiz by Edutopia. How accurate are these results with what you know about yourself?

Using the above links or other research, consider how you are taught and how you learn, and answer these two questions:

1. Which learning theories are you seeing your teachers apply?

2. Which learning approaches seem to work best with your learning style?

Provide a response to this post by Thursday, January 31.

Cite examples from your real-life experiences.

Responses to two classmates is due by Friday, February 01.

Kind Regards,


The Human Mind

Visit this BBC site and discover the human mind by indulging in these creative interactive teaching tools.

What sex is your brain? Total recoil? What kind of thinker are you? What is OCD?

Are these surveys scientific? Is there a way to verify the validity of the conclusions? Does it matter? How much about the our minds can we know through the process of self-examination?

What’s Your Learning Style?

Take this learning style quiz at Edutopia and answer these questions.

1. What is your learning style according to the quiz results?

2. Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?

3. What are the limitations of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences?

4. What are the assumptions of this theory?

5. Comment on at least three of your classmates posts and be sure to include questions.