So the Halo game series are really amazing because the game has really good graphics and its fun in general. I think the matchmaking is amazing because people around the world can play! I like it!
So MINECRAFT awsome HALO 4 awsome thats all I have to say.
My fish a pair of 2 Convict Cichlids witch come from South America had toooooo many babies. The species is usally suppost to have 60 or around 60 but they had around 85 hhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllppppppp!!!!! If you want any and you are an EXPERIENCED aquarist just ask. Please.
His speech was great even though i’m still listening to it as I am writing this. So far so good. M.L.K.JR. was a great man. Like I said GREAT SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont get why they had to have slaves in the first place. Why do they have to be black, how come they can’t be white? They had to be so lazy nobody should do THEIR work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would sacrifice myself to save ALL those innocent people, and for all those people that had slaves go to hell and they probably did go to hell. Don’t even get me started on how those “things” treated the poor slaves.
I wait wait, how was your winter break? My winter break was good thankYOU FOR ASKING. I forgot to tell you that I got HALO 4 and I beat it in a day… IDK what else to write about……..
If you want to make your house even more cooler than it is, I think you should have a waterfall. First go to a river or stream and start digging to your house and make a dirt path to the top of your house. Put the water in the path WITH SOME FORCE and there you go.
dragonfire25’s cousin got him in to MINE CRAFT. A few years ago I downloaded the full game. I like to play MINE CRAFT whenever I can.
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