I Have a Dream

Dr. King’s rhetorical style is identifiably unique, for he uses rich imagery, figurative language (metaphor and simile), repetition, allusions to famous people and ideas, and parallel structure.  Using these stylistic features, create your dream speech.

Post your dream speech and comment on three of your classmates’ speeches.  Be sure to take the role of POSITIVE, CRITIC, OR SUGGESTIONS, as you provide comments and questions.

Dream on!

82 thoughts on “I Have a Dream

  1. In the city of trees, there is a big problem. A problem that has plagued America for a long time. I’m talking about gangs. These gangs have corrupted our neighborhoods long enough.
    I see people being shot down in streets for colors they wear. I hear the crying mothers mourn over a child lost to gang violence. I feel the pain that families share when a relative is lost to gang violence.
    Like a lumberjack we must chop these trees of violence from their roots. Now is the time to say enough is enough. Now is the time to no longer appease. Now is the time to take the streets back and be the hand of justice.
    Like the Great Tupac Shakur said “I’d rather die like a man, than live like a coward.”
    I have a dream that we all can sleep peacefully without the sounds of gunshots. I have a dream that we as citizens of America, home of the brave, will no longer fear the gangs’ influence. I have a dream in which we can walk to a park without seeing spray paint all over. I have a dream that one day we all can live in a community in which nobody need be afraid of another

  2. Kids around the world that die every day from starvation. I see mothers and fathers worries about how they will feed their kids, I hear kids cry because they are hungry, and I feel their struggle because it’s all around me. World hunger is ignored like time when there’s nothing to do, world hunger is cancer with no cure.

    Now is the time to play your part to stop this epidemic, now is the time to give to people that are less fortunate, and now is the time to teach your children to give rather than receive.

    “Like the great William D Daronce said The future may well lie in adapting the cropping system to environmental diversity, making the most of the different natural resource endowments of different agro-ecological zones – rather than using costly inputs to change the environment.
    I have a dream that one day I will turn on the television and not hear about kids dying of starvation, I have a dream that people across the world will stand together to help stop world hunger. IHAVE A DREAM that everyone will eat, not only me and my family.

  3. california,one of big states in the country has had problems. pollution appears in the most busiest traffics in the state, unemployment went up and down including crime. i see pollution on the biggest cities houses in foreclosure,and crime . In the city of Los Angeles ,the gets a lot of traffic in the downtown areas which cause pollution, causes to endanger the environment and could cause climate change. Los Angeles is not the only big city that has problems the bay area has a similar problems and other cities that also have the same problem. crime is very common in major cities for example San francisco & oakland have mostly crime on the most rural places. last year in august the unemployment rate went up to 12% and by december unemployment went down to 10.9%. i hear arguments that leads to an unfinished path. i feel pain because of endangering the environment and compassion for the victims that have lost their homes and been victims during a crime. california used to be like a gold rush but the almighty fortress is our strength. today is that day to change those problems & turn it into solutions. Now is the time to lower the crime & stop the pollution that affects our golden state. Now is the time to start making new solutions . Now is the time to help the people like the great Martin Luther KIng said,”true peace is not merely the absence of tension ,it is the presence of justice.”I have a dream that california really shows that is a great state to live in. I have a dream that this example would help other states and future generations to improve.I HAVE A DREAM that this society would improve.

  4. Mexico, where times like right now are very difficult, anything can occur when you least expect it. I see fear in people’s eyes, they don’t go out because they’re afraid to go out and end up dead. What kind of world are we living in now? When will this all end? I hear gun shots and people screaming at night as if they’d seen a ghost. I feel the cold air from outside; I step out and see the town lonely as a ghost town or as if a war had just ended.
    Mexico; a place where it used to be free but now it’s like a place where it’s hunted. I open my eyes and now I see the violence and everyone fighting for money. Is it really worth your life fighting for money? I think not but once people start getting million’s, they can’t go back into getting a regular job so they do whatever is possible to get money the dirty way. But there is still hope in many of their life’s.
    Now is the time to change how people are coming in and out the United States with drugs. Now is the time to end violent drug gangs and make everyone part of our community. Now is the time to start making a change in society and actually settle the drug dealing. President Felipe Calderon said, “If [the Americans] are determined and resigned to consuming drugs, they should look for market alternatives that annul the stratospheric profits of the criminals, or establish clear points of access that are not the border with Mexico….But this situation cannot continue like this.”
    I have a dream the hot days in Mexico will be different and people will walk the streets without danger of going out. I have a dream that the government of Mexico will take control and settle the drug dealers. I HAVE A DREAM Mexico will actually be the land of the free and the community will change everyone.

  5. I Have A Dream!!!
    That one day homeless people out on the streets, starving, suffering out of pain physically and emotionally will finally be able to settle down and no longer be those who are forgotten and looked at as “ Bums”. Every day on the streets , under bridges , walking randomly through neighborhoods I see poor homeless men , women , children’s and also teens living poverty . I hear homeless people begging for money and groaning from the feeling of starvation and the moans from the aching of there teeth rotting away . I feel the pain of the homeless people like a boxer being pounded in the last round of a match left with little stamina . Seeing homeless people out in the world with nothing left is like a stab in the economies heart , making it seem like the economy is falling down the stairs of a strong and successful government .
    Now is the time because we are young and have been giving the knowledge and guidance from our parents and schools that have been brought upon us. Now is the time because I have faith that if we actually take the time and effort to help out the homeless people we will at least start a trend that will inspire more and more people to support us or help out. Now is the time because it will shape up our society and make us come together as one , like we should be . We can’t just rely for this issue to resolve itself or wait for someone to step in we must go out on a limb and make it happen. Like the great “ Dirk kempthorne “ would say “ Government alone cannot solve the problems we deal with in our connectional facilities , treatment centers , homeless shelter and crisis centers we need our faith based on community partners “ .
    Which basically is saying we can’t blame the government or the economy or even ourselves for why there are many homeless people around the world, we just have to take the responsibility to take action and solve this issue . So then again.. I have a dream that one day all homeless people will be successful and well fed people living in descent home and a loving family. I have a dream that homeless people would stop being the problem and will one day be the one looking for the issue to solve the problem. I have a dream that we can make this happen !

  6. Obesity’s danger has been well known in America’s society for a while now. The 21st century is populated with adults, children, and especially teens who are sitting at home feeling alienated from the outside of the world because they are overweighting themselves with these entire fast food restaurants around America.
    I see cities filled entirely with fast food restaurants looking for a place for food advertising rather than looking for a community of healthy living. I hear the sounds of people clicking their swelled fingers away as they all slouch comfortably in their soft cushioned couch watching T.V. all day long doing nothing at all. I feel the fullness of everyone as they live each day feeding them until they are drowned by their own emotions just eating more and more day by day.
    Obesity is a silent disease that lives in the back of everyone’s mind eating their happiness away and making them eat more and more.
    Now is the time to make wiser decisions for a healthier future for everyone.
    Now is the time to stand up and believe that you can make it possible even if everyone doesn’t stand up and believe in themselves.
    Now is the time to prosper for this new goal so our future generations can follow along.
    Like the tough Jillian Michaels once said, “Having the right to happiness means having the right to earn it, not having it given to you without effort and action on your part.”
    I have a dream that the bright chains of fast food advertising on the streets of America will slowly fade away.
    I have a dream that our people who are suffering from their own guilt will find that spark to grasp and lead them on their new journey and to start freshly new again.
    I have a dream that one day our fellow people, thick or thin, will learn to forgive themselves and learn to love themselves again as they would always do.

  7. Our world wars are remembered as a tragedy. Today, as we are in the 21st century, this tragedy still continues to attack us. Faces still continue to disappear as we talk among us. Countries still continue to scatter for man to receive power. From day to night and night to dawn, governments still continue their preparations for attack in opposite ends of the world. Does this benefit the lives of our friends? Our neighbors? Our people? Our lives?

    As hatred is being brought among us, I see brothers and sisters falling down before us, one after the other. I hear the loud cries of young children yearning for their loved ones in the battlefield. Although governments are saying that we people are taking the lead, I feel unbalanced knowing that others are suffering because of one person’s opinions and ideas.

    Wars break out and bring no prize but a death bed. Just like a bomb that brings no satisfaction but panic for survival.

    So, with the remembrance Psalms 37:11,” that they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”

    Now is the time to keep our brothers united. Now is the time to seal the past and reveal the future. Now is the time for families to find happiness amongst each other. Now is the time for war to be no more but peace left to spread.

    To have no more destruction among us, I now have a dream. I have a dream that tears would no longer fall and weapons no longer be made. I have a dream that brothers would hold on shoulder to shoulder, despite one’s disagreement. I have a dream that peace will be valued and spread amongst all nations for all to become one. That there will be no more words of hatred but love, no more words of suffering but satisfaction, and no more cries to side of my ears of one’s depression and their sorrows. In order for all people to gain happiness and live their life of having peace among them. I have a dream today.

  8. In the rural south of Sacramento, CA area homelessness is a big issue for adults but not only adults , but families with children as young as a new born all the way up to a senior in high school in some cases. Just stranded no job no food nothing but the clothes on their backs. As a community we can at least provide to make a difference in these families lives and homeless people’s lives, some where they can sleep comfortably at night and out of the heat in the summer and out of the cold in the winter with a hot meal prepared and as a community we can make this dream a reality for today’s society and tomorrow’s future.

    I see the starvation of these homeless men and women, boys and girls don’t you see it as the darkening of our days grows darker and darker by the moment that we stand and watch them suffer and struggle. I hear the pain of all these little boys and girls cry food with their stomachs roaring for food and their mothers and fathers heartbroken because they can’t feed here children for only god knows how long until there next meal. I feel the pain and all the suffering of the homelessness men and women, boys and girls stuck without anything to survive off of and without no monthly income they can’t provide no shelter no food I can only imagine all the pain these families feel.

    Now is the time to let our actions speak louder than our words and help these homeless men and women, boys and girls get shelter. Now is the time to we American’s step up and give to those who are need of our help now. Now is the time that to build a shelter for these homeless boys and girls, men and woman and help these homeless men and woman, boys and girls stay out of sleeping on the streets and in some where warm and welcoming so they can feel a little at ease. Like the great words of my very own mother, a single mother of three children working two jobs to provide food and shelter, if you can help someone out why not help them because in order to get, you have to give to others because in today’s society being greedy is going to get you nowhere.

    I have a dream that there will no longer be homeless people and homeless families sleeping under bridges or on park benches. I have a dream today that one day homeless people will have another chance to get back on their feet and get a second chance to pursue the pursuit of happiness. I HAVE A DREAM TODAY that one day I can look out and not see the pain and the suffering of all these homeless people anymore and instead see the happiness and joyful moments they have to share and give to their loved ones that they could not once before this is my dream that I have today.

    • i do agree with you because today, it seems hard to find a job to support a family and since this economy isn’t going up anytime soon, there are many people that we have to see suffer.

  9. I like it! Lol. I might steal some ideas from this post. The words were so persuasive and gave me a good understanding on how bullying has affected the world today.

  10. I Have A Dream!!!!!!!!!
    Today’s society is like crap in the toilet, it stinks. Ever since gangbanging became apart of the USA a large percentage of people do it which is setting an bad example for young children in today’s world. Where can we find help to stop this? The law? The president? Us people?
    As a kid growing up in Oakland CA, I have seen adults reach out to teenagers like a dog searching for a mate. Teenagers influence young kids like Michael Jackson influences every young singer. Recently I have witness young kids ages 9 & up claiming different gangs like it’s the thing to do, When there little butts should be more interested in school.
    Like an ugly disease , gangbanging spreads day and night catching kid after kid to join along. The impression forces itself upon one that men measure by false standards, that everyone seeks power, success, riches for himself, and admires others who attain them, while undervaluing the truly precious thing in life. Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.
    I have a dream that one day people realize were hurting ourselves by killing each other. Is it worth going to jail for the rest of your life trying to take someone else life?
    I have a dream that one day we’ll all come together my brother and sisters and put aside the gangbanging and accept each other no matter were we come from

  11. The economy is no longer good. As the economy gets worse, we lose our freedom .People spend more time working then enjoining their time with their family. That’s not fair. This has to stop because lots of family’s don’t spend time together and start to have problems because of their job. Or they are most of the time looking for a job and forgetting about their family.
    The economy problem has been going on for years but still the government has to fix this because people are just working to pay bills and deaths and don’t go out and have fun just work and pay because the economy.
    The thirteenth Amendment is no long true why because it seems like if we are slaves, but we can fix that force the government to do something that will actually fix the economy.
    Now is the time to make the government to fix this problem.
    I see people voices getting together and making the government fix it.
    I feel that this problem soon will be gone.
    I have a dream that the economy will get better and are freedom will come back to enjoy life like we are supposed to be able to do. We need to be with family and go out and have fun.

    • i didnt see the “now is the time…” part in your essay. you need and allusion. or if your allusion is of the 13th admendment, then you shouldindicate it.your introduction paragraph is a little confusing. it seem to focus on the economy, but then switches into family relations.

  12. In the city of Sacramento California there has been a lot of Gang Members that has caused a lot of different kinds of crimes, like shooting, stealing, burglarizing, and murdering.
    I see innocent people getting killed for no reason.
    I hear the gun shots that are caused by gang members.
    I feel the pain of the innocent people and families.
    It’s like animals eating their own young’s!
    It’s a continuous flowing endless waste of people’s lives.
    Now is the time to end the violence.
    Now is the time to join together.
    Now is the time to make the best for the future and help ourselves live in a better place.
    “Like the great Kim Kardashian “As If “!
    “I have a dream that someday I can stop all this nonsense and just make everyone have peace with everyone”.
    I have a dream that someday I can help those out that are in a bad situations or in need of something.
    I HAVE A DREAM that I can make this world a better place!

  13. War today is a big problem that we all want to see go away. War has been around for too many years. It makes us live in fear that maybe one day we can be attacked. This hatred towards each other is uncalled for. According to Winston Churchill “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.” How can we make it stop? Will it ever stop?
    I know people in the army and I know people that have served this country. They say it’s awful, depressing, and horrible. They would not recommend it to anyone. Plenty of men and women die for this country, but if there was no war then they would still be alive today. I hear the wives and husbands crying for their loved ones. I hear the screams of the lives that are being taken away. I see their tears running down their faces like water dripping from melting ice.
    War is taking lives of many innocent people. When will this nonsense be over? I see plenty of children that will be growing up without a father, mother, brother, sister, or someone they care about. That can be changed, and hopefully that can be today.
    Now is the time to stop war.
    Now is the time to end war.
    NOW is the time to live in peace.
    I have a dream that one day the fight will stop, that we all become one.
    I have a dream that all people of the world could live happily and in peace, not having to worry that one day everything might be destroyed.

  14. 5 years from now in the Ghetto. People who have life-struggles, mostly within their own souls.
    I see my generation years from now wealthier than ever with their gold chains, diamonds and pearls, and even kicked out of a place where they used to call home
    I hear drum beats of doubt louder each day from haunted past and scarred memories beating up hopes and dreams of the ones who had failed themselves by giving up
    I feel like I can guide a light step to help the lost ones come back into reality from within themselves’ with a new strength that can overcome
    Like a fragile bird that have to fly in order to survive the world it was born in. If you tell yourself that you can’t do it, then where will you do from there? So no giving up!
    Now is the time to grip firmly into your soul and believe that you can change your way of life with control
    Now is the time to hold back your doubt with a single palm and shout “doubt is not my friend!”
    Now is the time to believe in yourself instead of letting echoes and shadows absorb you into a world of failure
    Like a Cliché “Failure is not an option” So believe and thrive because failing yourself is no way to live life
    “I have a dream that even a single angel’s spark can light up devils darkness”
    I have a dream that the weak in spirit, sensitive at heart, and insecure in mind becomes strong, passionate, and independent in themselves

    • i agree with you chai and by the way there is no cant in my dictionary, so there should be no cant in others dictionary

    • Chai,

      You have some powerful individual ideas. Are you able to organize around a central topic?


  15. (I made two dream speeches; one was from last year and the other from this year)

    “The Wrongful Doings of Humans”

    I have a dream that Mother Nature will continue on and live without its destruction. Today, throughout the whole world all I see and hear is that forests are being cut down, carbon is polluting the air and so are the oceans, seas, and lakes. Even the land and streets are filled with trash. What are we humans acting upon, to preserve Mother Nature or to destroy it until we have to move to another planet? I, myself, feel useless, the tight burden on Mother Nature, pathetic, sympathetic; aggregative. Mother Nature needs people to help and not just me alone. The air pollution is as harmful as falling into a pool of toxic waste. Mother Nature is so precious that it’s more valuable than blowing up China and destroying the trade mark of the United States, the Statue of Liberty. Now is the time that we preserve our natural resources. Now is the time we take diligent care of what we throw into the air, water, and ground. Now is the time we take action against Global Warming before it’s too late to save Mother Nature. Just like the great Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” “I have a dream the forests and lakes will be preserved to help Mother Nature become a place we need to care about before Mother Nature kills us all for our horrible deeds. I HAVE A DREAM that all people will live, live on, and continue living for preserving Mother Nature before she Vanishes.

    “Too Little, Too Late”

    What is happening to the world around us? The world around us is forgetting what true love is. Now days. In the United States, all I see is people choosing the physical appearance of a person to be what they call love. Isn’t true love about the content of a person’s heart? I thought that as well. I see people sadder than people from the time of “The Great Depression”. I hear people crying that they don’t have a person to love and regretting that fact that they went out with the wrong person. I feel the misery that these people feel because I too have been lovelorn for a long time and their depression of heart breaks. Love is like a paradox, puzzling. Love is a spice with many tastes, a dizzying array of textures and moments. Now is the time to change how you see love. Now is the time to give love a second chance. Now is the time to stop being superficial and shallow for beauty and to show the people around you that you are not that heartless. Like the great Judy Garland said, “For it was not my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed but my soul.” “I have a dream that girls and guys will be able to love each other without the physical appearance but with meaningful true love. Also that every girl and guy will be able to experience love, for those who haven’t like me,” I have a dream where all couples will have the love of their life like Romeo and Juliet. I HAVE A DREAM that showing true love is flowering the loved!

    • thats what I’m talking about avikesh yeah man, love a person for what they are, but not for the appearance of the person

    • I agree with what you wrote and disagree at the same time because physical attraction does come first before any further strong feelings and love build up. For example, animals don’t converse and get to know one another before mating, they automatically see what they like and BAAAAM! This may be a poor example but you get my point.

    • In the second speech: I hear people crying that they don’t have a person to love and regretting that fact that they went out with the wrong person, change the wrong to “a person who made them suffer”

  16. I Have a Dream

    In the city of trees to every street of Sacramento where the homeless lives outside of the store or at the corner of the stores. In the cold and dark street with no lights.
    I see the homeless dig out of the garbage can of restaurants and liquor stores of the ghettos. I hear the homeless beg for food or money, but the least that everyone hears is nothing but the selfishness of the inner voice begging for jobs isn’t worth the time of others. I feel the suffering of the homeless because of the government’s selfishness making every family poor.
    Like a lost dog, this dog walks at the same spot every day and night, looking for the owner. When will this owner realize of the lost dog.
    Now is the time to give back to the poor. Now is the time to see what was lost that the poor has given. Now is the time that America rebuilds its economy and make it back to the way it was in the late 20th Century.
    William Wordsworth wrote in his poem, “Guilt and Sorrow,” that “homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.” And the novelist, Alexander Smith, in his book “Unrest and Childhood” wrote that “We hear the wail of the remorseful winds in their strange penance.” And yet we still don’t do anything, because of that selfish inner voice of ourselves.
    I have a dream that one day every homeless will have a job and live like we live now without being worried about money.
    I have a dream that one day homeless teens would go back to school without regrets of having homework or bad grade so that the dream wouldn’t stop.
    I have a dream that one day education wouldn’t stop the homeless to reaching their dream and make the dream come true.
    I have a dream!

    • Su, great allusions and use of parallel structure in the dream section of your speech.


  17. Have we all forgotten behind the meaning of “love” and “marriage”? As a child, it has always stuck to me that settling down and having marriage put into mind consists of 2 people who truly love one another. A mention of not being able to with the same sex wasn’t brought up. Even in our time now, gay marriage still isn’t legal in all states. Why can’t people open their eyes and accept the fact that not only a man and woman can stay happily together, but a woman and a woman or a man or a man as well?

    I’ve seen disgusted faces, people walk in shame, and death threats/hate mail being spread all over social networking.
    I’ve heard stories and reports on the news about teens giving up their lives, suffering harsh bullying, and the insecurity of not being able to be themselves just because of their orientation.
    I’ve felt my heart rapidly thump, goose bumps for throughout my body, the chills tingling down the bones that hold me together, and my fist clench with anger.

    Now is the time to join hands no matter what gender identity.
    Now is the time to demolish the teachings of whether if being “gay” is a sin.
    Now is the time to shape up the world, so our next generation can live a place of equality.

    Like my mother would usually say, “Love shouldn’t have a limit to how many of the same sex part takes in it.” So set aside what the bible has to say and accept all human beings and their natural nature.

    I have a dream that one day at a loving couple’s wedding day, there will not only be a tuxedo and a wedding gown, but either two tuxedos or two wedding gowns making their way down the aisle saying “I do.”

    I have a dream that all straights, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transvestites can flow in the same river like the water, without worrying about who’s what and which is which.

    I have a dream that they will accept all beautiful creations, that they will accept same-sex marriage, and that they will accept whatever type of love there is out there.

    • gee, i agree 🙁 people criticize to much. everyone only wants nothing but a wanna be utopia society. they still cant accept this type of ordeal that deals with gays, lesbians, and bi-sexuals. very sad, wonder how those people feel, maybe theyre hiding themselves in the shadows to allude comments, critize, problems, and bullying. :/

    • Nice speech jasmine i like the allusion with your mother in it, instead of using other famous poet or writer, and like really though people should accept someone for who they are

  18. I have a dream
    In the cold weather of Chicago, the day ahead seems to be light. Everyone is headed home from school, but behind an alley of a school, a 17 yrs. Old teenager was cruelly assaulted by 7 other his age. Even when he asked them to let him go, continuous punches pummeled his face, and he was even dragged on the floor for 3 yards. These violent scenes were caught on camera.
    I see this teenager beaten, his mouth bleeding, eyes swollen, and breath fatigued. I hear his cry for help even when he barely has the strength to speak. I feel outraged bout this cruel act and I wonder how we could let this happen.
    Like demons, these 7 teenagers unjustly and immorally attacked him as if it was joyful. Laughing and smiling, they beat him to a pulp.
    Now is the time to step up and help save people who are assaulted unjustly.
    Now is the time to teach people who make violent attack, that they are wrong for doing so.
    Now is the time to make America, truly “the land of the free”.
    Like the great Ron Paul, a presidential candidate of 2012, once said, “the most important element of a free society, where individual rights are held in the highest esteem, is the rejection of the initiation of violence”.
    I have a dream that a world of benevolence and peace truly exist with us
    I have a dream that the country of freedom and opportunity my parents were promised comes to light
    I have a dream that violence will not be a solution to the problem

  19. I Have a Dream

    The government wants to end online piracy. But they want to shut down websites too, websites that teenagers and even the elderly use. We used to communicate with people all over the world! Not just online chats and social networks but also other websites that we use for more knowledge or for assistance on other obstacles in life. We use Google and Wikipedia. But the website isn’t at fault for people using and posting copy written material. With out Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and even YouTube, how else will we be entertained? What will be the point of even having internet at home?

    I’ve seen my friend’s statuses on Facebook about S.O.P.A and tweets about it too. They don’t even live in the United States and the U.S is trying to not just stop using websites to us Americans but to everyone in the world! I hear on TV all the possible websites that could be shut down. I feel scared and frightened that with out Google or Wikipedia I won’t even be able to complete some of the homework that I need help on.

    Google and Wikipedia are like our second brain, with out them we wouldn’t do much or know much. Facebook and Twitter are our freedom, we can express our feelings and if someone doesn’t like it we can just delete them as friends.

    Now is the time to stand up for what’s right and what’s wrong. Now is the time for the entire world to stand up and do something about the U.S trying to cancel a beautiful object for the entire planet. Now is the time for Obama to do what’s right and stand up for his Americans and not let S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A pass so he can get his votes and be reelected.

    Like a great father of this country, Benjamin Franklin once said, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” We are the well-armed lamb and we have to vote against S.O.P.A against P.I.P.A.

    I have a dream that we will live where everyone in the world won’t have to be afraid of their favorite website being shut down. I have a dream where people on the opposite side of the world can be able to keep in touch and keep chatting online. I have a dream where the government forgets about S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A. and we live happily ever after.

    • love your topic because i can relate to it, and it is all over the internet, what are we going to do without these websites, when we are so used to them?

    • javier , your dream speech is VERY persuasive and you explained your opinion vividly . buen trabajo (:

    • yup, i protest to this topic. the congress has no form of power over us, we deserve some privacy. just because their higher authourity and rule half of the nation, they cant just get screwy about it an start something ridiculous, either S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A wants attention or theyre testing how america would react if they tried to pass this pathetic law. >:( 🙁

    • i think that your speech was persuading when i read about using google and wikipedia because we do use those websites to find information, but when it comes to facebook and twitter, i think you can call instead of typing to eachother all the time..

  20. It is the year 2012 and the recession of todays society affects us all like the Flu you catch in the winter time. Once it happens, it takes awhile to get rid of it. But we can prevent it by taking care of ourselves, and in this case talking about the Reccesion, we all have to take responsibility in life.
    I see ‘‘For Sale’’ and ‘’For Closure’’ signs on houses in some of the richest neighborhoods.
    I hear children cry to their mothers at night saying, ‘’Where is my dad’’??? While the father is working over time trying to provide for his family in this crisis in which we are having.
    I feel sympathy for those families who are in need of money and food.
    These signs pop out of nowhere like a pimple on your face.
    And Children are hungary as a hobo on the streets.
    All this trouble needs to stop.
    Now is the time to help the Government reshape the society!!!
    Now is the time to get a education, so you won’t have to struggle in your life…
    Now is the time to Live your Life and feel FREE to BE who ever and what ever you want to BE!!!
    ‘’Like the Great Depression, it may happen as fast as todays recession has occur’’…
    I have a dream that someday we all will stand together and stick up for one another even if we are different .
    I have a dream every child of any race will become whoever they want.
    I HAVE A DREAM!!! I will become Someone, Someday… 

    • Aaron,

      Great voice and comparisons, especially the hobo on the streets comparison. Why do you make a personal connection in the dream section of your speech?


  21. Obesity’s danger has been well known in America’s society. The 21st century is populated with adults, children, especially teens who are sitting at home feeling alienated from the outside world because they are overweight.
    I see cities filled entirely of fast food restaurants looking like a place for food advertising rather than a community of healthy living. I hear the sounds of people clicking their swelled fingers away as they slouch comfortably on that soft cushioned couch watching T.V. all day long. I feel the fullness as they live each day feeding themselves until they are drowned by their own emotions.
    Obesity is a silent disease that lives in the back of their minds eating their happiness away.
    Now is the time to make wiser decisions for a healthier future.
    Now is the time to stand up and believe that you can make it possible.
    Now is the time to prosper for this new goal so our future generations can follow along.
    Like the tough Jillian Michaels once said, “Having the right to happiness means having the right to earn it, not having it given to you without effort and action on your part.”
    I have a dream that the bright chains of fast food advertising on the streets of America will slowly fade away.
    I have a dream that our people who are suffering from their own guilt will find that spark to grasp and lead them on their new journey.
    I have a dream that one day our fellow people, thick or thin, will learn to forgive themselves and learn to love themselves.

  22. The 21st Century public school in America. Teachers who are not experience or good with teaching and teenage kids who are not learning because students are not learning enough in high school.
    I see students disobeying teachers.
    I hear teachers and students arguing back in forth.
    I feel education is a joke and helpless.
    Public education is like illegal immigrants in which our federal government will never try to solve.
    Public education of the hopeful.
    Now is the time to change public education.
    Now is the time to wake up and pay attention to the future of our students.
    Now is the time for the federal government to acknowledge our students and teachers.
    “Like the great Derrick Z. Jackson says in his article, the way our public and private school work we are dividing our students by class and race.
    I have a dream that teachers will have more support from parents in control of students.
    I have a dream that students should learn how to treat the teachers with respect.
    I HAVE A DREAM that we would learn about different races and learn how to accept each other at a younger age.

    • Kao,

      You express concern about bad teaching and students misbehaving. What does illegal immigration have in common with the concerns you raised?


  23. Trying to reach the ‘perfect body, nobody knows we dream about it. Food, it’s in our minds 24/7. It comes a time when food takes control over you, instead of you having full control of yourself.
    I see humans thinking they’re too big for societies when in reality they’re too thin to fit in.
    I hear, “Don’t eat that!” “That’s too many calories!” “You’re fat!”
    I feel it spreading over the body like a black plague.
    Humans walking around looking so abnormal almost like aliens.
    Eating Disorders are like the highway of self-destruction.
    Now is the time to realize that size doesn’t matter.
    Now is the time to make them stop before their bones get all the attention.
    Now is the time to convey them that they can’t make it out on their own.
    Like the great Nicholas Murray Butler said, “Optimism is the foundation of courage and true progress.” Don’t be afraid to be YOU!
    I have a dream that one day, they won’t be afraid to pick up the pieces, because their heart still beats for them in the dark hole.
    I have a dream that one’s self –esteem won’t focus on how we look; our size or our color but on our wisdom.
    I have a dream that little girls won’t starve themselves trying to reach the ‘perfect body’, living each day trying to survive with nothing but their emptiness.

    • I have a dream that one day we will make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, “When will you be satisfied?” We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro’s basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.

  24. Within the year of 2011 there has been a lot of smuggling drugs to the US from Mexico that has caused a lot of violence that terrorizes families in the US and Mexico and other countries.
    I see innocent people getting caught up in the tragedy of drug smuggling
    I hear the gunshots that are caused by drugs
    I feel the fear that haunts innocent people and families
    Nowadays drug dealing is like a deadly disease, killing innocent people.
    It is a silence of desperation waiting to be heard by our authorities.
    Now is the time to stop the violence
    Now is the time to punish the drug dealers that poison innocent people
    Now is the time to help ourselves live in a better world
    Like Martin Luther King said, “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable…Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, nor struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.”
    “I have a dream that one day all the drug dealing and violence will stop!
    I have a dream that one day the fear will go away and live at peace!

    • simple, well written. 🙂 although large words werent used much it still create a good image of vivd descrptions. Well thought, the reading was smooth all the way. X)

    • I loved how you included innocent people getting trapped into drug dealing. because that’s nothing but the true.

    • I like your rich imagery about what it sounds like to have drug dealers in our community.


    • Amie, i like how in every sentence of yours i could imagine what you were talking about.

  25. War today is a big problem that we all want to see go away. War has been around for to many years. It makes us live in fear that maybe one day we can be attacked. How can we make it stop? Will it stop?
    I know people in the army or that have been in it. They say it’s awful, depressing, and also not recommended. Many men and women die for this country, but if there was no war then they would still be alive today.
    War is taking lives of many innocent people. When will this nonsense be over? The children will be growing up without a father, mother, brother, sister, or someone they care about.
    Now is the time to stop.
    Now is the time to end war.
    NOW is the time to live in peace.
    I have a dream that one day the fight will stop, that we all become one.
    I have a dream that all people of the world could live happy and in peace, not having to worry about maybe one day everything can be destroyed.

    • I do agree that war needs to end because I’ve heard of people go to war and come back suffering, so they suicide. Also, there are many people that go to war and winds up not coming back to their homes at all. So, I think that wars are becoming worse.

  26. In our 21st century, America people today are experiencing many problems such as bullying, discrimination, racism, and hatred.
    I see innocent, quiet, and harmless individuals being harm with no reasons. I hear our society turning into an array of violence and unforgiving community. I feel our world being churned into a bowl of chowder, full of people who can’t get along with each other and instead resort to physical violence.
    Threatening and using violence is like animals in anarchy
    The solution is a handshake of determination to end all of problems that affects innocent people.

    Now is the time to unify and call enemies your friends.
    Now is he time to explore and re-shape our communities where we stand.
    Now is the time to gather all the evil and hate and transform it into positive feelings and recognition .
    Like the great Albert Einstein, all goals makes one dream altogether.
    I have a dream that one day young individuals learn how to shake away the rivalry and hate and instead be brothers and sisters the next day.
    I have a dream that one day people are respected for who they are rather than their impressions or behavior.
    I HAVE A DREAM AMERICA! Let us all rejoice and visualize a peaceful world of happiness and glory!

    • well said my friend! we all should become as one, we are all in this together…..

    • I really liked your speech because it gave me a picture of how bullying looks like. Good Job! 🙂