Register for each USA Learns Class by typing (or copying and pasting) these codes:
For ELD type: 579e86e0
For ELD2 type: 75f2430d
For ELD3 type: 780451c6
Please write about a time when you demonstrated a growth mindset and leave it in the comments section.
Creature Features from National Geographic
Animals and Plants from the Denver Zoo
Animals A To Z from Oregon Zoo
Zoo Animals from the Sacramento Zoo
Animal Bytes from the San Diego Zoo
Meet Our Animals from the Smithsonian
Take several of these English tests. In the comments section, write down the number of each test you take and the results. The comment will stay private – no one else will see your results. At the end of the year, you will take the tests again to measure your progress.
1. British Council online assessment.
5. English Tag
7. Exam English
9. Easy English
10. English Jet