Assignment #3

September 15, 2007 by alicemercer · 75 Comments · assignments

Your assignment this week will be to write about what you know about cooperation or what you have experienced with cooperation. You will take what you put on your organizer into a post that has at least four complete sentences. Make sure your spelling is correct (no red lines), your grammar is right, and that you use capitals and a space after periods (one space is enough).

Use these Web sites to help you in your quest for information about cooperation.

Cooperation Thinkquest

  • Get information on the value of cooperation by looking at this website.

Teamwork Posters and Prints at

  • Here are examples of motivational posters that might help you with your writing.

75 Comments so far ↓

  • misha

    What I know about or have done with cooperation When you agree on some thing. Or you could share with people.
    These are good ideas, but you’ve left out periods, and the flow of the sentences together is a little awkward.–Ms. Mercer

  • Aaliyah.T

    I know it means that you can do teamwork by helping your friends and showing them things that they never knew or they forgot.I have helped my group by telling them half of the things they diddnt know on the class prodject.

    This is a good response. It sounds like you know a lot and like to help. Make sure you check your spelling before you submit. There will be red lines under misspelled words.–Ms. Mercer

  • sonya s

    Cooperation is when you work in a team and try to do your best and when someone messes up you forgive them and try to do your best next time.I also know that cooperation needs an extrem amount of teamwork.In fourth grade Miss.Solis told us to do a project and she put us in a group.Then we had to draw a picture and write a paragraph about Modern America.The teacher said,that my group and the other group did an exellent job.

    This is a lot of writing, and has lots of good ideas. You have a few spelling mistakes (remember to watch for the red lines under words as you type them). Your only big problem, you had your last name listed. Do NOT use your last name on the computer.–Ms. Mercer

  • JacquelineS.

    cooperation is when you help other pepole with homework or either on a class project.icall my freind kassandra to work on home work together. and it helps and we cooperat.To help each other and to work together

    These are great examples and ideas. You spelling and capitalization need some work. Watch for red lines under words when you type them. They may be misspelled.–Ms. Mercer

  • Vili T.

    I work with my team on a project and other stuff. It mean to help other on other project if they need it. Cooperation is a good thing to help people in group to be the best. To help other an need.
    It means to help others, that is true. It also helps groups be their best. These are good ideas!–Ms. Mercer

  • stevie

    If you work together it gets teamwork. Teamwork is helping others when they need it. Also teamwork gets the job done faster .
    This is good. You defined in the first sentence, given examples in the second, and said why it’s important in the last sentence. This is a three.–Ms. Mercer

  • Maria S.

    Teamwork You work together with other people.Respect treat other people’s stuff nice.And you have to be nice to people and don’t brag if you win something and other people don’t.Those are some stuff I know about cooperation.
    This is not just some stuff you know, it’s ideas! Good work.–Ms. Mercer

  • Anonymous

    I know team works means to help others.Ialso know that teamwork is working together.Do your best to help others.Try hard.

  • Jessica S.

    I know it is teamwork. I know it means working together. That is what I know about cooperation.
    Jessica, it might have been better to start with the last sentence because a reader won’t know what the “it” is in the first sentence until the end. These are really good ideas, and you’ve done a great job.–Ms. Mercer

  • michelle

    It means to help others and do your best. Team work. Thats what cooperation means.
    The second sentence is not really a sentence. Please rewrite this with three complete sentences.–Ms. Mercer

  • greg

    Work as a team Work with your team.
    Good start, but I need more. Please rewrite with three complete sentences.–Ms. Mercer



    BE FAIR.
    BE KIND.

    Good start, but you need three sentences. These are not complete sentences. And, you have written in ALL CAPS which is SHOUTING at your reader. Please re-write this. Marcus, you also had your last name on this. Do NOT use your last name on the computer.–Ms. Mercer

  • GER V


    Good ideas, but:
    1. This is in ALL CAPS which is shouting.
    2. These are not complete sentences (they are missing subjects).
    3. You used your last name on this, do NOT use your last name on the computer.
    –Ms. Mercer

  • Kerry V.

    I know that cooperation is when people participate in something that includes teamwork. Iwas in a contest and a lot of people cooperated. Cooperation is when people work as a team to complete something.
    This is really good! One small error (“Iwas” needs a space). This is a three.–Ms. Mercer

  • Annabela S.

    I know that cooperation means working together to accomplish a goal.In the story Class President, the students cooperate together.At school,we always cooperate together to be the best school ever!We always help each other out whenever we need help.
    This is great! I like how you cited the story. This is a three.–Ms. Mercer

  • Vinnie S.

    I know that cooperation is helping your friends and help others. Everyone does cooperation at school and its very friendly.My friend help me when I fall down a they help me up so they a cooperation me.
    This is good, I like your examples. There are just a few grammar errors (helping your friends and helping others, they cooperate with me.)–Ms. Mercer

  • Kawm V.

    What I know is like a teamwork. I once in a team in Franklin bulldog.It was a lot of fun,all of the boy is vary nice to all the girl.Playing soccer is esay to play soccer.
    So it’s like teamwork, and you played soccer on the Franklin Bulldogs with boys? This is a good example of cooperation, but it’s a little hard to understand.–Ms. Mercer

  • JenniferR.

    cooperation is about helping others.
    I help kinder classes in my time.
    What do you think about cooperation Ms.Mercer.

    I think this class and school is full of cooperation. It’s great to see. Your capitalization and punctuation (? at the end of the last sentence) need a little work. This would be perfect if not for that.–Ms. Mercer

  • Julie X

    Cooperation is like a teamwork. I have been in a team for dancing.
    i have been dancing for 3 years or alot of time aready and i love dancing.
    This is great, and I like your example of the dance team. Make sure you capitalize I.–Ms. Mercer

  • angels.

    It is fun to cooperate in cooperation.Cooperation is fun when you work with friends.Cooperation is fun to work on.
    This is a good start, but it’s just repeating the same thing about cooperation being fun. Please rewrite with some examples or other ideas.–Ms. Mercer

  • Samantha M.

    Cooperation means you work together. you can also do teamwork. working together is another way to learn about someone else.
    In 5th grade the class got split into groups. everyone was working together. It was asome and almost everyone had a great time.
    These are some great ideas. Make sure you have just one space between words. Your sentences should flow together like mine are here.–Ms. Mercer

  • michael c.

    I’m going to run for seketery.I play football ather scool

    You want to be secretary? What team do you play for? Is this about cooperation? This is not long enough. Please re-write with three sentences.–Ms. Mercer

  • jay.v

    cooperation is is just working together.i have work together in a basketball team. We had to work realy hard and do team work we had to run a lot.We did a lot of stuff we had.

    This is great! You’ve done a good job on the ideas. Please pay attention to capitalizing the first letter of your sentences, and leave a space after periods. Like I just did. This would be a three if not for that.–Ms. Mercer

  • Erika Z.

    Cooperation is like teamwork.
    This is what I know about cooperation is were you work together.
    Also I know that
    Rewrite this and finish up the last sentence.–Ms. Mercer

  • Ruben

    Cooperation is like paying attention in class.No I have not done with cooperation. Cooperation
    Is like paying attention to your friends.But now I now how to work together

    This is a good start, but I’m concerned you don’t think you’ve done much that requires cooperation. I’m sure you have done something with cooperation. I’m glad you now know how to work with others.–Ms. Mercer

  • tava r.

    I think coorperation is like working together.
    working together is good.
    You needed three sentences. Please redo this. You have a good start.–Ms. Mercer

  • dulce

    my vacation was quite stunning thankyou. i had alot of fun over my vacation. i went to six flags.i cried because i did not get to go on all of the dad said i might get to go next year.but then i said wat if i dont get to go next year.

    Stunning, hmmm. Thank you for finishing your assignment.–Ms. Mercer

  • tava r.

    how have you been misha

  • misha p

    I m doin good

  • tava r.

    that is all Iknow about cooperation

    Too short.–Ms. Mercer

  • malena .m

    On my summer was fun because it was my cousin wending and I did a lot of fun. I also went to the store with my mom it was fun. Then my dad came with me to the store we went to the mall it was a lot of fun.I also went home and help my grandma make food it was hot.

  • abilene

    cooperation is someone being nice.and someone joining a group of people playing.cooperation is someone cooperating on a project.
    Good ideas! Watch capitalization.–Ms. Mercer

  • ger

    Cooperation is about helping each other.It’s to Work together.THAT COOPERATION.

  • stevie

    my summer was great. I went to sixflags moreanworld. I played on the computer . I also went to my cosins alot. I played outside . I rode my bike to k mart , doller tree, the movies, and wall mart.

  • Victor A.

    Cooperation is when people work together to accomplish something. I know that people need cooperation. Without cooperation you can’t accomplish things.

  • tava

    I think cooroperation means working together. working together means helping . that is all I know about coorpertion.

  • Kassandra C.

    I think cooperation is when you be nice or help people out when they need it.What I have done for cooperation is like when I help my mom clean the house or when I do my chores when I need to.Thats what I know and have done about cooperation.
    Excellent work. It is when you are nice.–Ms. Mercer

  • a'erreus

    on my vaction i played my video game and i went out to eat at ihop. i went to spend the night at my cousins house.ME and Mydad played football and basketball.

  • cristian g.

    I think cooperation is listing to to the ones who are talking .Cooperation is being together and helping each other.cooperation is caring and listing to the impotent ones.

  • misha

    Summer was cool,fun,and boring.I went swimming in at my ants friends house.I went to boys and girls club there were trips and partys it was so much fun.I wanted to go camping but that dint work.well thats all. by by

  • marcus w.

    Cooperation is to help people.It’s to work together.Thats cooperation.

  • Nai

    Coopertion is really good because you can help others.Espically if they need help.Coopertion is teamwork and working together.Coopertion is like if you need help then your team will help you.That is what coopertion is for.

  • Victor A.

    I have done cooperation in a lot of places. I have done cooperation in soccer and basketball. You have to do cooperation in a lot of places. Cooperation is better than by yourself.

    Very good Victor! It is better than doing it by yourself!–Ms. Mercer

  • GREG

    Team work means you have to work as a team and cooperate with your team and be a good sport with your team mates.
    This is not three sentences. Please redo this.–Ms. Mercer

  • alfredo

    be a team. work whit a team. listen to your team
    Remember to capitalize your sentences.–Ms. Mercer

  • patricia

    I know that cooperation is about helping people and being nice.I also know that if you win at something you should not brag about it.Also I have cooperated in soccer when I cooperated by passing it to my soccer team.

  • kawm v.

    hello my name is kawm vang

  • Kerry V.

    Cooperation is when people participate in something. It takes teamwork to win. When people participate, they try their hardest to win the competion and that’s teamwork.

  • Annabela S.

    Cooperation means working together.At school,we cooperate by following the 5 b’s.It is always fun to cooperate because you know you’re doing the right thing.

  • angel s.

    If you work on cooperation you will acomplish many things.You need to work together in cooperation.It is fun to cooperate in cooperation.

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