- Groups will have 2-4 members
- List four events from the Revolution with a date;
- Explain each event by summarizing (not copying from someone else’s writing) in one to three sentences what happened;
- Answer a why or a how question (why is this important, why did they do that, why did this make a difference, why did I pick this event, how did they do that, how is this important, how did this make a difference, how would you have behaved) about each event.
I will need a post from each group listing your members, and the four events you plan to include by the end of this week. Below are three timelines you can look at to get some ideas:
Revolutionary War for Kids-1763 French & Indian War Ends
Billy, Brendan, and Oscar
1763 – The clamation of 1763, signed by King III of England, prohibits any English settlement west of the mountains and requires those already settled in those regions to return east in an attempt to ease tensions with Native Americans.
This was just a long copy of the web page, please list four events, not details like this. Ex. 1763: King George III prohibits settlement in the west.–Ms. Mercer
one of the events is the bosten tea party
You need to find three more events.–Ms. Mercer
We are going to write about ”The Boston tea party”.Me and Steven are working together.
Maria and Jacqueline
1.The Boston Tea Party(1773)
2.The revolutionary War begins(1775)
3.Paul Revere rides(1775)
4.The Declaration of Independents is signed(1776)
This is a great start.–Ms. Mercer
my groups are: Kong,Bill,and me(Ger)
Boston tea party,
Paul Revere’s ride,
The Revolutionary War,and
Signing the Declaration of Independence.
My group names are: Ger, Bill,and me(Kong)
Boston tea Party,
Paul Revere’s ride,
The Revolutionary War,and
Signing the Declaration Of Independence
Excellent!–Ms. Mercer
{1764}French and Indian War Ends.The English Parliament to offset the war debt brought on by the French.
{1773}Boston Tea Party takes effect.It Maintains a threepenny per pound import tax on tea arriving in the colonies.
The Boston Tea Party
Still missing three more events.–Ms. Mercer
My group member is Kerry( and Annabela.)
The Boston Tea Party(1773),
The Declaration of Independence(1776),
The Revolutionary War(1775),
Paul Revere’s famous ride to Lexington(1775)
Good job.–Ms. Mercer
In 1764 the French and Indian 1767 French and Indian War Ends.The English Parliament to offset the war debt brought on by the French.
1773 Boston Tea Party takes effect.It Maintains a threepenny per pound import tax on tea arriving in the colonies.
The revolutionary War begins in 1775.
The Declaration of Independents is signed in 1776
Good, who are you working with? Alexus needs a partner.–Ms. Mercer
Boston tea party ,bunker hill, Yorktown, Lexington & concord,
Good job.–Ms. Mercer
First, the king put taxes on all the colonist.
Second, the Boston tea party.
Third, the start of Revolutionary War (Boston Massacre).
Forth, the end of the Revolutionary War.
Good job. For the end, can I suggest the Battle of Yorktown–Ms. Mercer
1765 – Also in colonists had to house British troops and supply them with food.
1765 – In May, in Virginia, Patrick Henry presents seven Virginia Resolutions to the House of Burgesses claiming that only the Virginia assembly can legally tax Virginia residents.
1765 – In July, the Sons of Liberty, an underground organization opposed to the Stamp Act, is formed in a number of colonial towns.
1765 – August 26, a mob in Boston attacks the home of Thomas Hutchinson, Chief Justice of Massachusetts, as Hutchinson and his family hard escape.
group members,
Dante and Shataya.
Looks good.–Ms. Mercer
The Boston Tea Party
The england had to pay taxes for the tea.
Nobody even wanted to buy tea but, the king then said that the colinists have to pay more taxes with everything they buy.
Like clothes, food, and house supplies.
-Malena,Samantha,and Carlos
This is good, but it’s only one event. I need three more events please.–Ms. Mecer
Our group members are: Jack and Kawm
The Boston Tea party (1773)
The Revolutionary War begin(1775)
The signing of the Declaration of Independence(1776)
General Burgoyne Surrenders(1777)
The British have been defeated(1779)
Last Battle(1781)
The celebration of Peace Treaty(1783)
This is good, but you need only four (4) events. Please remove 3 events from this list.–Ms. Mercer
Our group members are Erika and Eduardo.1765 – In March, the Stamp Act.1764 – The Currency Act.1765 – Also in March, the Quartering Act.1765 – In May, in Virginia, Patrick Henry presents seven Virginia Resolutions.
Excellent job.–Ms. Mercer
The Proclamation of 1763, Townshend Declaratory, Revenue Acts, Virginia Resolves
Virginia resolves what? This last event is not an event. Please list one more event.–Ms. Mercer
The Proclamation of 1763, Decleration of independence,Bosten Tea Party.
Good start, you need one more event.–Ms. Mercer
My group: Jennifer, Vinnie, and Nicholas.
1:March 5, 1770, The Boston Masacre happened.
2: December 16, 1773, The Boston Tea Party.
3:September 5 to October 26 The First Continental Congressmet
not done
You need one more event, but this is a good start.–Ms. Mercer
My groups last comment,,,,,,,,,,,,
4: July 4, 1776 the Declaration Of INDEPENDANCE WAS SIGNED.
my groups:me(Bill),Kong,Ger
Boston tea party
signing the Declaration Of Independence
The Revolutionary War
Paul Revere’s ride
Tava and Abilene
1.The Boston Tea Party begins 1773
2.The revolutionary War starts 1775
3.Paul Revere rides 1775
4.The taxes are still up on tea.
we are done
1.1768-John Adams wrote a letter about taxes.
2.1773-The Tea Act maintained three pennies per pound that arrived in the colonies.
3.1775-The American Revolutionary war begins.
4.1775-Paul Revere rode to say that the Regulars were coming.
Event #1: The War of Independence
Event #2: Paul Revere’s Ride Event#3: Boston Tea Party
Event#4:The Declaration of Independence