I want to you concentrate on how Jim Crow affected peoples ability to get around. Here are some links, concentrate on the ones that discuss the bus boycotts, and Rosa Parks. I’ve also added a couple of new links on Rosa Parks: What you will do today is research. You will get information that will […]
Taking a Stand Lesson 3: Writing about the Civil Rights Movement
January 16, 2010 1 Comment · assignments
·There are at least two writing contest this month about civil rights. You will do writing to enter at least one of the contests. SacRT (the local bus) is sponsoring a contest called “A Season of Civil Rights” about public transport and civil rights. Here are the rules: Write a poem of 10 lines or […]
Tags: civilrights·essay·martinlutherking·poem·resources·rosaparks·takingastand
Taking a Stand Lesson 2: Life under Jim Crow
January 6, 2010 59 Comments · assignments
·Add your thoughts to this VoiceThread. What do you think it was like living under “Jim Crow” laws that separated blacks and whites.
Tags: civilrights·jimcrow·takingastand