Entries Tagged as 'links'

Assignment #29

March 28, 2009 by alicemercer · No Comments · assignments, links

I will be working with small groups in the back on doing a quick project on the Revolutionary War and it’s aftermath to finish up our Making a New Nation unit. Here are some examples of what we might make:

Make a Movie, Poster, or Scavenger Hunt at National Archives Experience

While you are waiting to see me, please do the following activities:


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Assignment #16

December 12, 2007 by alicemercer · 22 Comments · assignments, links

The surface of the Sun from Diane Duane’s photostream

Write about something you learned about stars. Here are some hints:

  1. How is the Sun related to stars?
  2. Are stars the same?
  3. Do stars stay the same?
  4. What are some different kinds of stars?

Please write at least three sentences sharing what you’ve learned.


Human Rights

November 28, 2007 by alicemercer · 89 Comments · assignments, links

Photo: http://flickr.com/photos/riacale/1347847390/ from riacale’s photostream (Creative Commons license)

UDHR: Plain Language Version

  • Read about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This says what rights everyone, everywhere in the world should have.

UDHR–The Rights of Children: Plain Language Version

  • Learn about the rights all children should have

What rights do you think children should have? Send me a comment with 3 sentences about this topic.


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