Assignment #4

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Think about risks you have taken or you have seen others take. Give examples of a good risk, and a bad risk. Please write at least two complete sentences to answer this in the comment box at the bottom of the page. Fill in Name with your first name and last initial (the first letter of your last name). Skip down to spam word, then type your answer below that.

66 thoughts on “Assignment #4

  1. A good risk is helping a friend.A bad risk is smoking and drinking.
    This is very good. Smoking is a bad risk. Please leave a space after the period.–Ms. Mercer

  2. taking a risk is fun sometimes, but taking a bad risk is not really fun

    This is great, but it is only one sentence. –Ms. Mercer

  3. One time i saw some one save some one’s life the person was drowning in a pool so he saved her
    This is only one sentence. What about bad risks?–Ms. Mercer

  4. A good risk is if your friend fell down help them back up and take them to the nerse.A bad risk is when somedy smokes and forces somebody else to smoke and just keeps on going on.
    Good job! Make sure that if you see red lines under a word you are typing, you check the spelling. These are great ideas.–Ms. Mercer

  5. A good risk is when you save a good person that you know.A bad risk is want you see someone that needs help and you just pass by.
    This is excellent! Good ideas, nice writing, and good grammar and spelling.–Ms. Mercer

  6. I have took a risk of helping my friend do her homework.A good risk is like helping others or taking a chance.A bad risk is to jump off a bord blindfoaded.
    Good job! Just watch your spelling. Words with red lines under them may be misspelled.–Ms. Mercer


  8. i omost got rand over by saving my frend
    This is not enough writing. Please write one more sentence. If you see red lines under words, they are misspelled.–Ms. Mercer

  9. A bad risk is when you do not know how to swim and you jump in the deep spot you will drown. A good risk is when you race because it is exerising.
    Exercising is important. Good job on this assignment!–Ms. Mercer

  10. yesterday it was my first day on a bike. i take a risk.
    Make sure you don’t type in your last name. Was this a good risk, or a bad risk?–Ms. Mercer

  11. A good risk is to save other people so they can give your rerange to save your life.A bad risk is killing other people.
    Good job! This is a really good response. Remember it’s “revenge”. Also, one space between words is enough.–Ms. Mercer

  12. once when i was 3 years old i took a good risk by making some new friends.once when me and my friend got into a argument i started beating my friend up.
    That last one sounds like a bad risk! Watch the start sentence. Make sure you capitalize the start of the sentences, and leave a space after periods. –Ms. Mercer

  13. I save my sister from giting hit by a car. I push her out the whay.
    Good job! Make sure you check your spelling. You’ll see red lines under words that are misspelled.–Ms. Mercer

  14. A good risk is when you try something . A bad risk is when you do not try something.
    Should you try to jump off a building? If you do not try that, is that a bad risk?–Ms. Mercer

  15. i never going to this school be for. i like to go to school .
    Going to school can be a risk. I’m glad you like it here. Make sure you use capitals for the start of your sentences.–Ms. Mercer

  16. Once i went to the stor and my sister michelle was going to fall and save her and that was a good rick.Once i pucht my brutherand that was a bad rick.

    These are both good, but watch you spelling (you’ll see red lines under words that are misspelled), and capitalize names and the word “I”.–Ms. Mercer

  17. When I was 3 years old me and my mom went to the store I took 5 small candies that was not a good risk. Once I washed my moms car that was a good risk.
    Good examples, that is dangerous to steal.–Ms. Mercer

  18. I have take a risk to save my little sister when she drown. I have take alot of risk for my family and i have take abig risk and when i was seven i ride a big bike i spit on my sister bed and that was a bad risk.
    Wow that was a big risk. Spitting, never a good risk. Really makes people mad.–Ms. Mercer

  19. I take a risk to be a chearleader.I spit on a jackit that was a bad risk.
    Did you enjoy being a cheerleader? Spitting on a jacket does not sound like a good idea. What happened?–Ms. Mercer

  20. Ones when I got a ball and hit the car I got in trouble and that’s a bad risk. ones when I was helping my grandma cook and stir it and put it on the table that’s isw a good risk.
    Were you one when you got the ball, or did that happen once? Learning too cook is a good risk. These are great ideas.–Ms. Mercer

  21. How I am a person by helping peaple and caring for them and sharing for them
    This is just one sentence, and it’s not clear what the end is? You need a period. Also, I don’t see anything about risk here. Please re-write.–Ms. Mercer

  22. A good risk is leaning. A bad risk is drugs.
    Did you mean learning or leaning? What is risky about trying to learn?–Ms. Mercer

  23. once my little niece was eating and the pool was right there and she fall into the pool and i help her get out that is a good risk.

    Have you done other, smaller thing, that were also risks?–Ms. Mercer

  24. What was bad is that they could die. What was good was that they could not die at all. A good risk was that they gamble but they could lose money.
    So gambling can be a good and a bad risk. You might win, you also might lose all your money. What risk could cause you to die?–Ms. Mercer

  25. A good risk is to be good. A bad is to kill people.
    What risks are there in being good? What might happen?–Ms. Mercer

  26. Good things that is notdoing durgs. Bad things are doing durgs.
    What is the risk of refusing to do drugs when other people want you too?–Ms. Mercer

  27. A good risk is when you help someone that is poor is good.A bad risk is when you do not help someone that is nice.
    What is the risk in helping the poor? What could happen?–Ms. Mercer

  28. Being bad is a bad risk. Being nice to people is a good risk.
    What risks are there in being nice? What could happen?–Ms. Mercer

  29. A good risk is doing your homework. A bad risk is not helping your friend. YENG

    How is doing homework risky? I think it can be but can you explain this too me?–Ms. Mercer

  30. A bad risk is like some one that smokes weed. A god riskis like some one that iskind and nice.

    When is being kind a risk? Why is that a risk?–Ms. Mercer

  31. I heard that a good risk is good .But if there kidding thats bad.
    So what is an example of a good risk? What is a good risk? Why is kidding around bad?–Ms. Mercer

  32. A good risk is that to be a good student. A bad risk is that you are bad in class and get in fights.
    Does being good have risks? What are they?–Ms. Mercer

  33. a good risk is doing your homework. a bad risk is not doing your homework.

    I know you took a risk typing this one-handed, and you did a great job. How is doing your homework a risk? What risk do you take doing your classwork?–Ms. Mercer

  34. A risk is helping peolp Like they fall somone help them that is a risk.A bad risk is you not helping peopl.

    Why is not helping a risk? What might happen if you don’t help? Please look for red lines under words while you are typing. This tells you the word might be misspelled.–Ms. Mercer

  35. Smoking is bad helping others is good no drinking and driving thats bad be nice to your freinds

    These are great examples, but it is hard to read because of all the spaces. Also, you’ve left out periods, and capitals, so it looks like one long sentence.–Ms. Mercer

  36. One time I went to the store and my step brother stole a car and that was a bad risk . One time when I went to the fair my brother got lost and I helped find him that was a good risk.

    Those are both excellent examples.–Ms. Mercer

  37. a bab risk is doing durg

    a good risk meet a new friend

    Meeting a new friend is a risk. These are good examples. Please pay attention when you are typing to red lines that appear under words. This means they might be misspelled.–Ms. Mercer

  38. A bad risk is hurting other people. A good risk is to turning in all your home work.
    Hmm, is turning in homework a risk (it might not be perfect), or is trying to do work when you don’t know everything more of a risk?–Ms. Mercer

  39. A good risk is helping and caring for each other. A bad risk is like you do drugs and smoke. Another good risk is not stealing cash from a store. One more bad risk is like doing bad things and not listening to your teacher and then start drinking drugs. So when I grow up I want to have a good risk.
    Excellent examples! Helping and caring can be risky. Can you give an example of why it would be risky to care for someone?–Ms. Mercer

  40. A good risk is finished all your work in class. a bad risk is hitting kids .

    Is the risk in finishing the work, or trying to do it?–Ms. Mercer

  41. Once I did a risk. The risk that I took was not easy for me. It was hard because I had to save somebody from getting into of trouble so that was my risk. love, Diana

    Can you share details?–Ms. Mercer

  42. A risk is a thing you never did before.A good risk is that you don’t do drugs,smoke,and kill any body.A good risk is like you never had a job before and you try to have a job that is a good risk.On April 15,2006 I took a risk.The risk was we were having a party and my uncle was very drunk he was riding his modercycle and he crashed nobody saw but me.So I ran across the street and draged him to my house.So the risk I took was a good one because if I didn’t do that my uncle woundn’t be here right now so it was worth it.
    Did your uncle take a good risk? Thank you for sharing this, you wrote a lot.–Ms. Mercer