Assignment and Links for Week 14

One and two half dollars One and two half dollars from Eric Gjerde’s photostream Creative Commons license

This week, think back about last week and the business you said you would like to start. If you made money from a business, what would you do with the money you made? Write two sentences as a comment below.


When you are done, you can go to these sites:

Interactivate: Simple Maze Game

  • Practice coordinate geometry with this maze game by trying to get to the green light without hitting the mines. Estimation & Rounding Activity

  • Practice rounding in this game

43 thoughts on “Assignment and Links for Week 14

  1. what I’m going to do with the money I made is buy toys. I’m also going to buy cards to collect.
    Great ideas, excellent work!–Ms. Mercer

  2. I would buy more supplies for my shop and if I had exra money I would buy me something.
    Great ideas, excellent work! You have excellent business sense!–Ms. Mercer

  3. I would donate half and I would buy a car.Then the other money I make I will donate .

    Good ideas, great work! Can a child make that much money? Who will drive the car?–Ms. Mercer

  4. I would by a car and i would buy house. And if i had money left then i would buy some clothes and shoes. and i would donate the rest of the money to the charade.

    Good ideas, great work! Could you make that much money as a child?–Ms. Mercer

  5. I will buy a house for the poor. I will try to buy a car for them. I will try to get a job for my cousin.I will buy a house for the poor.

  6. I will spent my money on my family because i want to help my family on there bills. I will spent my money on there bills because they spent there money on me and my brother.

    Good ideas, great work! Do you think you can make that much money when you are young?–Ms. Mercer

  7. I will use the money I earn to pay for college.I will also use it to buy something nice for my mother and father.
    Great ideas, excellent work!–Ms. Mercer

  8. I would donate to the poor. I would give some of it to my family.
    Great ideas, excellent work! You are really thinking about others.–Ms. Mercer

  9. Buy a house , food , clothes, shoes , T.V, bed .

    Good ideas, great work! Do you think you can make that much money when you are under 18?–Ms. Mercer

  10. t will bay a blue Corvette.and a mustang
    Interesting ideas, good work! Do you think you can make that much money before you are 18?–Ms. Mercer

  11. I will use the money to buy a car. I will also use the money to buy a new house.

    Interesting ideas, good work! Do you think you can make enough money as a teenager to do that?–Ms. Mercer

  12. I what to spend my money on clothes . I also on some of shoes and some thing of thins of my work.
    Good ideas, great work!–Ms. Mercer

  13. I will go to be the good money to me.I can has 100 dollar.

    I don’t understand, do you want to save your money, and not spend it? PLEASE REWRITE.–Ms. Mercer

  14. I would spent it in a T.V .Or I will spent it on my little sister.

    Good ideas, great work!–Ms. Mercer

  15. If I had a bussness I would spend the profit on markers, crayons, color peincles .

    Interesting ideas, good work!–Ms. Mercer

  16. The only time I felt fear was when one time it . I came so close to get bit by a dog but my friend helped me

  17. I would save it up for my college money. So I could go to a good college.
    Great idea, excellent work!–Ms. Mercer

  18. I will spend it on a house,clothes,food,shoes,cars,and cellphones.And i will provide my family.

    Good ideas, great work!–Ms. Mercer

  19. i want to buy cars, clothes, food, phones. also, i want to buy stuff for my family.

    Good ideas, great work!–Ms. Mercer

  20. If I had extra money I would save it for collage. So I can have a good job and have a good life.

  21. I would spend my money on a laptop because you could learn more.
    Not enough, please write more.–Ms. Mercer

  22. When I grow up I will spend my money on nothing. I will put in my savings and spend it when I need it.

  23. I would go to collage with a lot of money.If I had a lot of money I would buy stuff for my family.

  24. I wuold realy like to spend my mony on selphone.
    Not enough, please write more.–Ms. Mercer