28 thoughts on “Week 17: What is Health?

  1. I think some people has bad health because they do not want to take care of there body.And some of them can take care there own body.

  2. I think that good health is good for your body. I think that bad health is bad for your body.

  3. Health is a thing that means like you are clean.And it also means that you eat a lot of veggies and fruit.Candy and junk is very bad for you.

  4. Healh is good for people because if you get sick you will get sick by other people germs

  5. Bad health is when you have pain.Good health is when you wash your hands after you play with something dirty.

  6. When you are sick you have a unhealthy body.if you eat your fruits you have a healthy body.

  7. Good health is something that make our body feel good. Bad health make us sick and we might feel bad.

  8. Good health is when no bacteria or germs is inside you. Bad health is when you have bacteria or germs inside you

  9. Health is how we live healthy and not get sick or the flu.Health is what people live.

  10. Health is when you eat veggies and fruits. Good health is when you drink vitamin c.

  11. Health is when you take care of your body its when you take control. Also its when you eat fruit.

  12. Good health is when you eat healthy andwhenyou eat healthyyour antibodies get stronger

  13. Health is something good for you. It helps you do things more because it gives your body energy.

  14. health is when you drink a a juice with vitamen c in it then it’ll be healthy and bad health is when you eat a lot of junk food

  15. Health is something you live off of. If you have bad health you will die in a bad way.

  16. Health is like your lungs and digestion. Good health like eating fruits and vegetables makes you feel better. Bad health like drugs makes you feel bad.

  17. health is like being able to play .Instead of being sick and not being able to play.