Look at the column on the right where it says “Blogroll”. Those are blogs for other classes in North America. We will be starting to comment on other classroom blogs. Today, I want you to spend 10 minutes reading some of these blogs. Then send me a comment here telling me what you learned, what looked interesting, and how you feel about talking to these other classes.
Ms. Kruse’s Vocabulary Work
behavior: (noun) a way someone acts
embarrassed: (verb) to feel shy or uncomfortable
generation: (noun) a singe stage in history
history: (noun) things that happened in the past
impressed: (verb) to effect someone’s feelings
intricate: (adjective) to have lots of detail
jabbering: (verb) to talk without making sense
manager: (noun) person in charge
Heritage Lesson 3: Hmong Culture
Please take this survey first
Today, we will be learning about Hmong culture. You will read some Web pages about the Hmong, and share three things you learned. Here are some sites to go to:
- Hmong Picture Books
The following stories are about how and why the Hmong have come to America:
Grandpa,_Why_Did_the_Hmong_Come_to_America.pdf - Hmong New Year
- MPR: This Is Home: The Hmong in Minnesota
- The Best Websites To Learn About The Hmong
This has a list of links to choose from, pick one that interests you - HMONG FIELD GUIDE
This is a large document, but pick one page to read - Hmong Cultural Tour
photo credit: Hmong Embroidery on flickr