What risks are there on the Internet? What benefits, or good things are there on the Internet? Are the risks of bad consequences worth the benefit of good ones? Please write a comment with three sentences about this.
Photo credit: Internet Good or Bad? from Mikey G Ottawa’s photostream on flickr
It is a risk because you can get merderd.Also u can get,robbed.
yes they are
A risk is a thing is don’t talk to strangers and don’t send out your sell phone number and adress to your house.
yes they are good. but just dont givr they your address and your full name.
A risk is a bad thing to do.It is worth taking.
the good things are less important then the bad things
It is good thing that your parent let you go on the internet and online. Yes that a good thing to go on internet.
The good risk on the internet is asking your parents before sending enformation.
It is good that your parents let you go on the internet and online.
NO it is not safe to do that
I can gest play games and be good don’t
The good risks on the internet are telling you’re parents that you’re going on the computer so they’ll help you. People can contact by looking up you’re address and they’ll look up you’re name
In the Internet there are good and bad things.
In the Internet there are good &bad
A good risk is not giving your information to people online that you don,t no.
The internet is very dangerous because bad man can talk to you . if i was to
A good risks is when you don’t share people your name.A bad risks when you share your name and where you live.
A bad risk is when the internet is going coco. A good risk about internet that you can play a good game.
when a stranger write to you tell a adult so they can take care of it. and so they can never do it again.
A bad risk about the internet is saying bad stuff online to other people. A good risk about the internet is that you can search things that can help you. You can make the internet safe by not talking to strangers and telling them your password or stuff about you.
when i was talking to my best friend c.c on line and she asked me for my phone number and my were i live and i asked my mom and she said no because i did not know her parents and i just knew her and the only thing that i gave her was my name and the name of my dog and my mom said Ok but just do not give her any more infermation and i said ok and i siad ok. and then i got off the computer because i did not know what was going to happen if i gave her more information about my familyv and about me.
A good risk is risking your life for a new born baby.
And a bad risk is saying something bad on the internet.
I don’t like bad words on the internet because it is not for you. I like about internet because you get to play games.
My mom told me to throw away my PS2 so i can buy PS3 because the PS2 had juice. then I could. DO not cuss on the internet.
Don’t talk to strangers on the internet.Tell your parents before giving any information.Don’t give last name and first name before asking your parents.
A bad risk is to put on your full name and mail.The internet is bad the people with you may be bad. You all ways keep your mail address with you.
Don’t talk to stranger’s on the internet . Tell your parents before giving any information.don’t give last name and first name before asking your parent’s.
do not said bad words to other person
A good risks is when you don’t share people your name.A bad risks when you share your name and where you live. To make it safer you don’t share you name and your age.You can not tell where you live and don’t talk to strangers.
I no what is bad no the internet i will tell you one thing about what is bad no the computer don’t loose bad words.I will tell you one thing what is good about computer that it has little kids stuff. If somebody text some thing nasty i would act my mom what i say.
A good risk is that you keep your password privet.You can also make it safe by telling nice things to the person you are chanting with.
Don’t sent bad comment because you will get kick off the internet. You can play games.
Don’t talk to strangers on the internet. The internet can play and move. The internet is fun.
A bad risks is telling your full name.
Being safe is not sharing your full name.
A good risks is when you don’t share your name and where you live.A bad risks when you tell your name to strangers.
I think the internet is bad because sometimes there is a stranger
text you and send you a email about like but the stranger ask you where do you live at but if you tell him he mite come over
Not putting a picture on my space.
not telling who i am.
I think it is a good thing not to share nothing from you to a stranger because something bad might happen
A bad risk is when a stranger email you and say send him a picture A good risk is when no strangers are Email you and the computer is fine.A Safe risk is when there is no strangers asking you do you want to come over.
I hope that I pass this grade and other grades.