Cooperation and Competition: Writing about cooperation at school

In the study of Cooperation and Competition, we have found that many people work together to perform a task to meet a goal. Describe three ways we can improve Oak Ridge Elementary school. Write a sentence that includes your three ideas about what we can work together on to make Oak Ridge better.

62 thoughts on “Cooperation and Competition: Writing about cooperation at school

  1. If I can go to the assembly to make recognize to me but I want to make the kid happy at school.

  2. what I will do to get recognize next year is I will work hard on everything to get recognize.

  3. I will improve in my language arts and math .I will study every night and I will read and practice writing and spelling also I will typing on my computer.

  4. I think that Oak Ridge can be improved by students having better behavior ans attitude, Also we could help the environment and and by having cleaner schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. One way to work together is to do good in school and follow all the rules and the class rules.

  7. I would make people help me say we have posters for the school working together to make the school look more better so everybody can like it.

  8. I think Analyzing the Prompt is a fun activity to do and you get to go over the prompt and look for things that are wrong.Like looking for no no’s like (these are) and (here are)

  9. To improve Oak Ridge i would do an after school clean team.I will also fix up the garden. we could plant a lot with seed donations!What I would finally do is make better lunches.I would let them have more pickles ’cause I love pickles!

  10. I think I could maybe stay after school and help clean up,I could also pass out and hang up flyers about volinters to help students and the school, lastly I could could start a donation program to hlp the very pooly people who cant pay for clothes for their kids clothes or thier clothes.

  11. Working together is a good thing to do and it helps you get good at everything that you were not good at.

  12. My three ideas for improving Oak Ridge is by having trashcans outside,have a clean up team, and make sure people don’t eat food during class time or outside at recess.

  13. One of the thing to improve OAK RIDGE is that you can stop throwing rapers and also stop teasing,name calling,also you can donate clothes to other kids that need it the last thing you could do is start helping teachers.

  14. there are three things how to change oak ridge clean oak ridge help Mr.Robert wash the walls and help your teacher

  15. la escuela oak la tenemos que lipiar o cuidar la escuela laque estamos,que nos cuiden por que nos peden parsar algo malo

  16. I have three Ideas on how to improve oak rigd one of them is help Mr.robbert cleal the school.

  17. Improving Oak Ridge is a really hard job,my first idea is to help clean up,another is to be a good kid the last idea I have is to have a fundraiser to earn money.

  18. la escuela oak la tenemos que lipiar o cuidar la escuela laque estamos,que nos cuiden por que nos peden parsar algo malo.

  19. We can improve Oak Ridge by cleaning up our school trash.Another way to improve Oak Ridge is to have a funraiser so that we can buy school supllies.

  20. my idea of working together to help improve oak ridge is cleaning garbage up at school and providing bake sales to have a bigger playground maybe we can use the money to repaint the school.

  21. The three ideas that I have for improving Oak Ridge is recycling so our school won`t be dirty.The second idea is cleaning up our school. My third idea is donate your clothes only if it don`t fit you.

    • That’s very good because u are recycling.the other i don’t get is about the clothes part how would u donate clothes.the part when u are going to clean our school is also a good thing cause this school is kind of dirty.u are a good student i got the same thing as u to the recycling thing i got that to and that was pretty good i am proud of u.

  22. I will help other people and do something to make people happy because I want to help people and make them happy.

  23. The three ways how to improve Oak Ridge is to clean the school and pick up trash all over the school. The next thing to improve is to donate the shirts that can’t fit you. the last thing to improve is to help everyone with their education.

  24. I know three ways I could improve Oak Ridge.One way is have a cleaner school by raking the leaves and cleaning the window.Another way is better behaves by more time in school and more staff.The last way a bigger playground by doing a bake sale.

  25. I know three things to improve oak ridge the first thing is to clean the bathrooms next is to have good lunches finaly is to have new markers to save money.

  26. I got a lot of thing about Oak ridge that it could help it and I know how to improve Oak Ridge by doing the trash and cleaning the school and be very respectful.

  27. I know three ways to make oak ridge better number one I will have a fundraiser to make some money to get some new supplies for every class , number two I will have a car wash ,and finally I will help the homeless.

  28. We can help the school by kids stop fights and they can behave at school. We can donate cloths to the younger kids at school if it does not fit. People can volunteer to help clean the school and try to donate money to help the school get more supplies for projects.

  29. I think my three way’s are recycle my second one is to have the school to not to litter finally I also think that we should have a fundraiser.

  30. I have tree ways i con improve Oak Ridge is by telling some one to pick trash around, also by telling the lunch ladies to cook heather lunch ,also by helping students to try thinking harder in test

    • I have tree ways I can improve Oak Ridge is by telling some one to pick trash around the school, also by telling the lunch ladies to cook heather lunch ,another idea is by helping students to try thinking harder in test :]

    • Victor G. says:

      I have tree ways i can improve Oak Ridge is by telling some one to pick trash around the school, another idea is by telling the lunch ladies to cook heather lunch ,also by helping students to try thinking harder in test :]

  31. I know three ways to improve 0ak ridge. one way to improve our school is by donating clothes.Another way
    to improve our school is by focusing when we do our CST. Finally cleaning our school so we can be one of the cleanest schools.

  32. I know a way to improve oak ridge is to sell thing after school. Another way to improve oak ridge is to make a fundraiser.The other way to improve oak ridge is clean room after room.