Heritage and Culture: Questions?

question-markLast time, we shared some of our cultures. We have students from different cultures from the Southeastern part of Asia, the Hmong, and Mien cultures. We have students who come from the Native American or American Indian culture. We have students who are Mexican or Mexican-American, students who are African American or black, and students who are white. Some of you did not know what your cultural backgrounds were, and I asked that you talk to your family members about this to try to get a better idea.

Today, please write a question that you have either about your culture, or one of the other cultures in our class. Please be appropriate and respectful. If you are not sure if your question is appropriate or respectful, talk to me and we’ll see what we can come up with.
Photo credit: question-mark by the.sprouts, on Flickr

74 thoughts on “Heritage and Culture: Questions?

    • Hmong people do a lot of stuff, as in mostly traditional stuff. Sometimes they go out and stuff and play sports. In their tradition, they call spirits and their ancestors. Sometimes they do this traditional thing that they go to another world and talk to the dead because they’re making people sick.

      • What other traditions are there.I am wondering because I am Laos.Are you Hmong?How do you pronounce your name.

      • Yes i agree because Hmong people like me celebrate special holidays like Hmong New,and other stuff too.

      • hi I am Hmong ^_^ and you say Hmong new year is cool not for me Hmong new year for me is boring

      • New years eve is fun even though i dont speak hmong.New years eve could lots of fun .I have a friend that is hmong and i go with her only every four years to celebrate because she always askin me.

    • What do you mean by “what do hmong people do?” & yes we do have special holidays just like any other culture, but our holidays are very different from others. You could say they are holidays but in a way there not.

    • You are Mexican & Black probably becuase your parents are different nationalities and you are mixed and you are also italian becasue one of your parents is mixed with italian or maybe the are both mixed with italian.

  1. I wonder if Puerto Ricans have a special holiday and if they do, how do they celebrate it?

    • African Americans came from Africa. The whites brought them from Africa and yes African Americans do speak a different language.

    • black people come from africa, and yes they speack another language african language. XP

    • they come from africa or different places and also they do have alot of languages including english a world wide spoken language.

    • I think thats white people being mean sometime because they were born in the United State and they think thats they have more power.

      • sometimes i fell the same way I heard it’s racist to celebrate black history month. it makes me feel like we are nothing to anybody expect slaves.

      • I agree. But white people are mean because their parents were probably mean and the parents born you that way.

      • Sometimes i feel the same way because they do think they have more power then others but they don’t.

      • Yes I agree with you that the Vietnamese started the war.I think they did because they want to take over the land.

      • No the Vietnam didn’t started the American started first and when the American going to loose they told the Hmong to help them. Than the Hmong help them but they still loose the war.

      • Thank you for saying that because I did not know that. Thank you once again, and remember, my name is Alexis!

  2. In my culture I have to eat certain things because alot of things have sugar in it. Another reason why we have to eat.Why do we eat that way.

  3. I wonder How do Mexico made there food how good is it. My culture is Hmong we like to travel all around
    the country.

  4. I wonder if you are black can you be born in Mexico

    If you are Mexican can you be the president of the USA

    Lastly if you are a Mexican kid and you go to the USA and you cant speak English how do you learn how to speak English

    • It doesn’t really matter where you’re from, it depends on the states’ rules because some states will let you move there and you’re called an immgrant. If you are mexican then yea you can be the USA president because it doesn’t matter what culture you are, you just have to be born in the US to be the president. If you’re mexican or any other race than US, you can go to school, and there are certain teachers that teach you how to speak english.

      • I also think that it doesn’t mater what culter. I also think it doesn’t mater where you were born because no one can make fun of peaple of there calter.

  5. How big is a party when Mexicans make one?Which types of foods are in Mexico?What is Mexico’s best work of art?What type of clothes do Mexicans wear or make?

  6. I wonder how do Mexican people grow cocoa bean or where do they get it from?I know that they get cocoa bean from a tree.

  7. I wonder how Mexican people make there candy so good and how do Mexican people speak englis in the unit states.

  8. I want to know if Mexico is like back in the day.I want to know if they get wooped in school or if they even go to school?I also want to know if Mexico has different type of people like people from America?I want to know if they get to chose to come to America or if they get to just come when ever they want to come?I want to know if they have houses that are nice or if some of them are poor.That is basically me saying i want to know how they live out there.

    • I don’t really know how Mexicans were back in the days, but I hope someone answers that for you. I don’t think mexicans got wooped at school. It depends mostly on the bullys and who they want to pick on. They come to America because they want a better life and at Mexico, they didn’t really have a good life. The houses depends on if they were a rich person, a person who gets paid averagely, or that they don’t have a lot of money.

  9. I wanna learn about Mexico because there is a lot of interesting things I wanna know.How do the people in Mexico live?Why do you have to be transfered when your Mexican before you go to the United States.But Americans can go because their not Mexicans.

  10. Why do the Mexicans trade beans and cloth to get stuff why don’t they buy it with money?Are the Mexicans houses made out of mud,stone,and clay?How do the Mexicans live?Does it ever rain in Mexico?If it does rain in Mexico does the mud melt because it gets wet?

    • Mexicans make houses out of many sorts of things like mud, clay, bricks, and wood. they make houses of mud by mixing mud and water and shaping the mud like a wall. they dry it, then they carve the mud into a house shape.

    • Let me tell you that there is a special type of mudd that people use to make there houses in mexico and these house are made out that special type of mudd becasue it keeps the hot out in the summer and they dont melt with the heat they actually harden up like a rock in the heat and it stays nice and cold on the inside and in the winter it keeps the cold out and keeps the heat in.


  12. If you don’t know how to speak English you can learn form America teacher. They can speak some word in Mexico.