Pre-IB Summer Reading Challenge

Greetings Juniors!

Hey doesn’t that sound fantastic! I’m so proud of all of you. Again, you continue to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in your academics and everyday endeavors. We had a great year together and we finished strong! Ujima!

As we move into our summer, I’m asking that each of you accept the Sac Library‘s Summer Reading Challenge, where you can win an iPad and other cool gifts! It’s important that we find books we enjoy and share those with our friends and family. Summer reading, as you well know, is an important activity for the inquisitive, college-going students you all are.

1. Make sure you have a library card

2. Sign up for the summer reading program

3. Find your books and start reading!


Each month, I will post on our class website and ask you to give a brief synopsis of one or more of the books you have read. Also, you can brag and share your overall summer reading score. This will allow us to share book titles and provide reviews.

So far, Mr. Coey has read The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson and Outcast by Aaron Allston. 200 pts to Mr. Coey!

Kind Regards,

Mr. Coey

p.s. our first class post will be at the end of this month, so you have a couple of weeks to read your first book!

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