Oedipus Rex: Group Research Projects

Day 1

  1. Group leaders create a Google Slides file and share it with your group members by using student google accounts. First login to your Google school account. Create a new slide show. Share it with your group member using their SCUSD Google accounts.Username: firstname-lastname@student.scusd.eduPassword: Date of birth in the mm/dd/yyyy format (including slashes)To look up Student Usernames in Infinite Campus

    Student Information > General > Student Account Info > Primary Username

  2. Decide which specific topic within the larger category you will research and present to the class. Your slide show should consist of one slide with information about your topic and one slide that provides a specific concrete detail from Oedipus Rex. So, two slides for each group member.
  3. Conduct research using the Google Advanced Search feature and by limiting the domain to .edu
  4. Research using the Sacramento County Library at
  5. Cite sources correctly by using www.easybib.com and follow the instructions for MLA style

TIPS for using APPLE computers:
to copy use COMMAND C
to paste use COMMAND V
Drag images into your slide.

Day 2

  1. Group leaders should share their Google Slide with chris-coey@scusd.edu
  2. Your first slide should look similar to the example I have provided on the “Oedipus Rex: Group Research Projects” handout. You want one image and several bullet points but not long sentences or lengthy prose. Keep your audience engaged with less text!
  3. Your second slide should provide a specific concrete detail from the play as it relates to your topic. You can provide the context for the quote when you present to the class. Be sure you know the WHO? WHEN? WHERE? WHAT? WHY? answers to help you provide the context.
  4. Be sure to contribute to the conclusion slide and the works cited slide so that your group score is a high mark. For the conclusion, be sure to address a) the significance of your topic b) and how this research has shaped your understanding of Greek culture and history.

Day 3

Present to the class in order: Groups A, B, C, D, E

Day 4

Present to the class in order: Groups F, G, H

Day 5

Reflective Writing (What did you learn about Greek culture and history given the research presentations?)

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