Summer Work For Students Entering U.S. History


1. Go to Brainpop – U.S. History .

2. Watch each movie (make sure you click on “CC” so you can see the words that are being spoken.

3. After you watch the movie, take either the ‘Classic Mode’ or ‘Review Mode’ quiz. Afterwards, print out the ‘Printed Quiz’ and circle the correct answers. You can give all of them to Mr. Ferlazzo in September


Take a picture of one of your completed quizzes and you can show them to Mr. Ferlazzo in September.

4. Be sure to log-off when you are done. Only three people can use Brainpop using the same registration code at the same time. It does not recognize when you have turned-off your computer. You have to actually log-off so that another person can use it.


1. Go to Zoom In

2. Register, and use this class code:


3. Complete the lessons, beginning from the bottom (“The Bloody Massacre”)


1. Go to ReadWorks

2. Register using this student code:


3. Your password is


You can change the password.

4. Complete all the class assignments


1. Go to ThinkCERCA

2. Register using this class code:


3. Complete the assignments


1. Go to Zing

2. Type in this class code:


3. Click on your name and do the assignments.

4. For the books that say “elearning,” do that work. For others, at the end it says “Show What You Know.” For those, type in the three most interesting things you learned and why you found them interesting.


Time Edge is a site that will be available to you only until August 1st. It has assignments for both U.S. History and World History combined. You can do all or some of them.

1. Go to Time Edge

2. Log-on using your first name and a code you must get from Mr. Ferlazzo

3. Complete the assignments


If you complete all these assignments or have questions about any of the sites, and would like to do more, contact Mr. Ferlazzo by text, Facebook message or email , or send him a message using this form.

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