Resources for Writing a Paper 2 Essay
Dear Seniors,
Remember that your Paper 2 essay is a compare and contrast essay that focuses on the “conventions of drama”– in other words, you are writing about the choices the playwrights have made and how that impacts what we think and feel as a result.
Our goal this essay is to NOT USE LONG QUOTES of a sentence length or longer. That was an approach I allowed when you were sophomores and juniors. Now, as seniors I expect you to weave your “small” concrete details into your summary and commentary so that you provide a “close reading” of the passage/scene/lines of each play. If you have a long quote in your essay, I will not score it. You’ll need to rewrite it.
Below is a variety of resources meant to assist you with writing a compare and contrast essay. Please review them carefully, and notice, especially, the integrated use of concrete details.
Paper 2 Sample Essay with Examiner Comments
Conventions of drama associated with