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Critical Reading Theories Reflection



After reading through these critical reading theories resources (all of them!), please provide a reply to the following questions:

  1. Which critical reading lens do you understand best? What is it about this lens that is interesting and appealing to you?
  2. What are you looking for through this lens?

Thank you!

Mr. Coey

p.s. to post your comments, please click on the “comments” sections of this post and go through the steps to reply.

Due: Thursday evening at 9pm

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16 Comments to

“Critical Reading Theories Reflection”

  1. September 14th, 2017 at 8:57 pm       Mao Chang Says:

    1. I understand Feminist Criticism the best because readers don’t really pay attention to the gender roles and pays little attention to the typical female role.
    2. I’m looking for the gender roles and the feelings the author gives off of the characters in the story/poem

  2. September 14th, 2017 at 8:54 pm       Da'Marcus Johnson Says:

    I understand the reader response lens best. I like it because your reading it and relating it to your own life.

    I’m looking for things i can relate to. Things that pertain to my life.

  3. September 14th, 2017 at 8:35 pm       Amelia Heu Says:

    The critical reading theory I understand the best is the reader response lens because it demonstrates how multiple readers can connect to a text in different perspectives where all are correct. Through the reader response lens, I will be looking forward to understand how to better connect with the text and to be able to interpret the lens of others.

  4. September 14th, 2017 at 8:12 pm       ruby navarro Says:

    The critical reading theory I understood was gender/feminist criticism because I feel like our society has put us women down a lot by saying that was not capable of being someone or something in life.
    Another critical reading theory I understood was psychological and psychoanalytic criticism because the majority of the authors seem to write about events that happened to them in their past and they can’t seem to let go of it or it simply left a huge mark in themselves that they simply let it out on words.

  5. September 14th, 2017 at 7:32 pm       Harriet Smith Says:

    I find the feminsm critical reading lense most interesting because I can connect with the idea of women empowerment. This lense allows me to see the world in a woman’s perspective when most bias works are meant to empower men.

  6. September 14th, 2017 at 3:15 pm       Trinity Says:

    The critical reading lens that I believe that makes me more curious is gender/feminist criticism. These lens help me understand the meaning of any critical thinking of any type of books. I’m looking for through this is to see how women are powerful in their own way.

  7. September 14th, 2017 at 9:44 am       Julissa Lopez Says:

    I think my mindset is most similar to the New Criticism like lens. I don’t like to over analyze the text in literary works, but instead understand it through the given text. To experience it the way it was meant to be read, with its own meanings, not hidden meanings pulled from thin air.

  8. September 14th, 2017 at 12:12 am       Isabel De Anda Says:

    The critical reading lens i see myself falling under would be feminism. Through this lens I will notice how the women are being treated. I feel like it would be interesting to actually notice how authors actually write out a character and make it almost to the point where any female can relate to it in a male dominated society.

  9. September 13th, 2017 at 9:56 pm       Meuy Saeteurn Says:

    The critical reading lens that i best suit would be ID, Ego and Superego due to the fact you’re looking through what makes the character who they are. However i also would suit with the Reader- Response’s critical reading lens since i am able to input my own interception of the story and characters.

  10. September 13th, 2017 at 9:47 pm       Christian Ramirez-Rodriguez Says:

    I’m more of a Reader Response Critical Reading Lens. I feel like it’s my own words I can use throughout any reading I do and it makes me more connected to the book itself.

  11. September 11th, 2017 at 5:15 pm       Ashley Says:

    I understand the Feminist Criticism lens than the other lenses because I have a female perspective that can help me as well as my Spanish class because we are discussing about gender roles. What i’m looking for is connection with and between this lens and “The Woman Warrior”, maybe even “Like Water for Chocolate”.

  12. September 11th, 2017 at 10:09 am       Tina Thao Says:

    1.) The critical lens that I understand best is the reader response lens. This critical lens interests me because it explains the relationship between literary text and the reader. The reader is said to bring a book to life and interpret a meaning only that one reader can understand.
    2.) I’m looking for a way to understand and engage with the text in a more personal level where I can learn from the text. Also, I want to be able to understand other readers’ perspectives upon the same text and learn from them.

  13. September 11th, 2017 at 9:04 am       Ricardo Pedraza Says:

    The critical reading theory that I understand best is the formalist criticism lens. This lens appeals to me because I like the idea of keeping things ‘pure and unfiltered.’ Through the formalist criticism lens, I will be looking for absolute meaning of the text, without any outside knowledge.

  14. September 11th, 2017 at 9:04 am       Isaiah Roberts Says:

    I believe the critical reading theory that most matches my personality and the most similar style to my type of reading would be the ‘Formalism/New Criticism’. This lens intrigues me the most because whenever I read a piece of text I don’t like interpreting stuff you have to think too difficultly about, but rather just interpreting meanings or themes based off the information or words provided directly from what the poet or writer writes down. When using this lens I am looking for specific words or common ideas repeated throughout the writing that can all tie together to one similar idea and make the text easy to understand.

  15. September 11th, 2017 at 9:03 am       Melissa Figueroa Says:

    1. I understand Feminist Criticism the best because it is always best to have a female critic to give their opinion rather than a males mainly so we, the readers, can have a better understanding of the situation.
    2. I’m looking for the feelings the author gives off and the cultural identities in the story/poem.

  16. September 11th, 2017 at 9:00 am       Judy Vue Says:

    I feel like i’m more of a feminist critical reading lenses. I agree with promoting more equality for females. Through this lenses I can relate to a lot with with females in a male dominated society.

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