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A Sacramento City School Blog

Abstract Image Poem

  1. Type your abstract image poem into a Microsoft Word document; include your reflection about your poem
  2. Be sure that your poem has imagery, simile, motif, and abstract noun
  3. Copy and paste your poem into the comment box
  4. Submit
  5. Comment on three of your classmates’ poems: specifically comment on striking words, images, comparisons, or feelings.
by posted under Poetry | 116 Comments »    
116 Comments to

“Abstract Image Poem”

  1. April 26th, 2011 at 3:02 pm       chong moua Says:

    Movement: slam poetry
    Poets: Allen Ginsberg & Gregory Croso
    Poems: death & fame, the American way
    Explain: I chose slam poetry because when I hear slam poetry it catches my attention and I makes me want to listen and understand what’s it’s about
    Point by point
    Comparison: figurative language, rhyme pattern

  2. April 7th, 2011 at 4:31 pm       Abhi Says:

    A Sunday morning,
    Calm, looking forward
    To a nice weekend day,
    A man in Vacaville
    Wakes up to breakfast,
    Afterwards he walks outside
    To pick up his newspaper
    He picks it up-BOOM!
    The newspaper explodes in his hands
    Sending him to the hospital
    Randolph Henry Spencer said
    “The Bomb brought peace,
    But man alone can keep that peace”
    This saddens me to know
    That the world can
    NEVER be a safe place

    I had to think about the story. I had to put myslelf in the shoes on the man, to write like he would have. My Imagery evokes the feeling of Sadness. I haven’t devloped a specific type of style. I felt I had to write this poem, because It amazes me to know that there is not safe place in the world. The man woke up to a simple sunday, it ended up being a headline.

  3. April 7th, 2011 at 2:55 pm       Cynthia Arriaga Says:

    The ocean’s sparkling water glistens from the sun setting on its horizon.

    The ocean is like a lost book full of mystery. Only those who search within its pages could uncover its secrets.

    It’s an unknown world within our own, waiting to be discovered.

    The ocean is the unexpected, the ocean is irony.

  4. April 7th, 2011 at 2:54 pm       chong moua Says:

    Honk for Japan
    “Honk for Japan!!”
    A YouTube video
    Made by a YouTube sensation

    Donating 10 dollars
    For each honk he receives
    On the streets of LA

    His friends help him
    All raising their sign
    That says
    “Honk if you love Japan”

    I feel inspired myself
    To help Japan
    To show Japan we care

    I’m trying to invoke a feeling of inspiration. Show that even in the weirdest way possible. Just by honking the people help donate 10 dollars without knowing and most of all Nigahiga donated the money. Making the video can inspire other people to do good too.

  5. March 31st, 2011 at 4:51 pm       Michelle Nguyen Says:

    Omg Cassandra! You and god again?! Great poem though! love it!

  6. March 31st, 2011 at 4:48 pm       Su Her Says:

    Neng your dragon is tight

  7. March 31st, 2011 at 4:47 pm       Jasmine Young Ko Khang Says:

    WITH YOU, WE’RE IN CHURCH ALL DAY, EVERYDAY<3 May God be w/ you. Ily!

  8. March 31st, 2011 at 4:44 pm       Su Her Says:

    Eagles thinking

    Just waiting to approach
    Thinking and watching down,
    As it is soaring up high in the sky in circles,
    The eagle is like a fast speeding car
    Just waiting to hit top speed,
    When it comes down to its foe and to devour its foe,
    But it is only a shadow that’s being seen
    As it is to attack it prey,
    The eagle folds its wings charging at its prey
    As the thoughts of its mind is thinking,
    How to finish its prey in its mind,
    Than boom the shadow moves
    As the thinking is done

    The connection between the eagle and thinking is that the image shows it waiting and thinking. The abstract noun is that, the thinking shows that how fast the prey is going to lose to the eagle. My imagery evokes the feeling of speed is excitement, because the prey is the eagles food or sacrifice. The writing is different from an essay writing because an essay is written to thoughts of what your objective is, but this writing is base on what you want to share to other people.

  9. March 31st, 2011 at 4:43 pm       Cassandra Paz Says:

    The Truth
    The cross that stood in Skull Mountain,
    In the center it had the most perfect
    Man alive, Jesus
    Jesus’s story is like the greatest
    Love story ever told,
    He is my world,
    My earth,
    My sky,
    The air that I breathe,
    He is vital to me,
    There was one cross,
    There were three nails,
    There is only one —

    A deeper understanding: I refer to the Skull Mountain because that is where Jesus was crucified. I described Jesus as perfect because that is what he is and forever will be. I said it was the greatest love story ever told because no one will ever love you like Jesus, he always intercedes for you and takes care of you. He is my world because without him I wouldn’t be who I am today; I would be a lost soul. I referred to the cross because everyday I have to pick up my own. I struggle just like everyone else, but I have faith that at the end of the day everything will be okay because it’s all in Gods hands.

  10. March 31st, 2011 at 4:41 pm       Alicia Rizo Says:

    Ice cream, sympathy

    The delicious ice cream
    strawberry flavor
    with chocolate on top
    and a cookie on the side

    ice cream is like
    a friend, who
    will always be there
    and prepared

    a sweet company
    to brighten my day
    and there for me
    to share my pain

    the ice cream is
    there for me when I
    need it, tasty and sweet

    The connection between the image and the abstract idea is that ice cream is sweet, just like a person that feels sympathy can be sweet. Sweetness makes people feel better. My imagery creates a pleasant feeling. This writing is different from essay writing because it has an idea but it is expressed in your own way without having to follow a format.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 4:46 pm       Yvette Beltran Says:

      Alicia made me want icecream
      thats great though cause it means you create an
      image, a beautiful one

  11. March 31st, 2011 at 4:36 pm       Katherine Prasad Says:

    it’s really amazing! i like the words you used to describe the dragon and destruction

  12. March 31st, 2011 at 4:34 pm       Yvette Beltran Says:

    Love of Roses
    I am imitating this poem
    To expand to you
    I bloom so preciously
    When you receive me you feel warmth

    Can you be my soul mate, Water?
    Because I need you to remain alive
    What am I? I’m yours truly a rose
    Like a rose when this is handed it makes you
    Feel special
    Butterflies inside
    A smile on the outside
    But the rose leaves a romantic fragrance
    It sets the mood just like I do

    Compare to a sunset I makes you shiver
    When you give this to me
    I’ll see what is honestly meant
    Receive me
    Complete me
    Check the note on me
    What does it say?
    “I give you a bouquet, and one of the roses are fake
    Once they all die you’ll know it wasn’t faith”
    That’s right, You got it
    I’m yours truly -LOVE

    I create the image of love through a flower, it was hard choosing which flower I wanted to compare love to. But I thought of a Rose because it had to be special it had to be love, it soon clicked “ROMANCE”. My poem evokes confusion and undefined, because love is something that no one knows until you witness it. Its left unclear. This poem is different from an essay because an essay seem boring unrealistic. But this poem has feelings, emotions- we all relate to it

    • March 31st, 2011 at 6:52 pm       Abhi Says:

      This poem makes me feel and think. AWESOME!

    • April 12th, 2011 at 2:48 pm       Michelle Xiong Says:

      i enjoyed reading this and its amazing how you said butterflies on the inside and beauty on the out. when i hear this what comes to my mind is a person.. and love. <3

  13. March 31st, 2011 at 4:32 pm       Kabao Vang Says:

    The clock
    By Kabao Vang
    The clock hanging on the wall,
    Always turning clockwise,
    Ticking and toking,

    The clock is like life,
    That can never turn backward by itself,

    It is a robot that never sleeps,
    Work, work, and work is all it ever do,
    No resting, no stopping

    The clock ticking and toking,
    As it works its way,
    Through the day and the night

    The connection through the image and abstract noun is like the clock is always alive which describe the abstract noun because a clock is an object that no one actually pays attention to it due to the fact that it never stop ticking and toking which makes it seems boring. The poem evokes a sort of boring slow feeling to it. A poem is different from an essay because essay evokes stronger feeling in it then an essay does.

  14. March 31st, 2011 at 4:30 pm       Neng Vang Says:

    The dragon lord acts aggressively,
    And destroying cites,
    That makes up a mountain,
    Leaving behind dust and flame,
    The flames which devours
    Both objects and souls

    The dragon is like the,
    God of destruction,
    Creating destructive images

    It is the fear of the people,
    Burning and discarding,
    The land which they were born on

    The dragon flies,
    Flapping its destructive wings

    The connection between the image and abstract noun is that the images show destruction and the abstract noun loves to create destruction. They both are related to the theme of destruction creates fear. My imagery evokes the feeling of unwanted because people builds cities and to cities require environment to be sacrifice. The writing is different from essay writing because it’s not written in complete sentences and its base on your opinion.

  15. March 31st, 2011 at 4:28 pm       Jacqueline Ward Says:

    ULGY, the Salamander.
    By Jacqueline Ward
    Salamander, salamander…
    A scorching deathly day,
    Yet you need no shade.
    Salamander, salamander…
    Skin scaly and rough,
    Looking at you sure can be tough.
    Salamander, Salamander…
    Like a needle in my eye,
    I beg you to crawl a way and say goodbye.
    Salamander, salamander…
    You are a nightmare,
    There you sit with a hideous glare.
    Salamander, OH DEAR Salamander!
    One last simple thing to say before I run the other way…

    Poem analysis: T he poem I wrote was about a Salamander I saw when I was watching animal planet. The mood I was trying to evoke through imagery was playful and humorous I wanted to make the reader laugh or at least crack half a smile. This is different form essay writing because an essay has a specific structure a poem does not. You can structure a poem any way you’d like. I like to believe a poem shows more individuality, creativity, and imagination then an essay.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 4:33 pm       Jasmine Y. Khang Says:


      Y.yaddddaaaadaa (:


      • March 31st, 2011 at 4:37 pm       Michelle Nguyen Says:

        Haha! i like how you show and give us the mood of how disgusted and ugly a salamander can be.

  16. March 31st, 2011 at 4:27 pm       Audrianna Isaac Says:

    She comes tongue out, panting
    Waging her tail,
    Cheerfully greeting me
    When I walk through the door

    She’s like love,
    When there’s nothing but chaos
    My dog makes me smile.

    She is the sun,
    On a cold winter night,
    Shining bright.

    She cuddles with me
    At night
    Protects me from bad dreams
    She’s…. joy.

    My reflection: My poem is about my dog, and how she makes me feel. The imagery evokes the feeling of happiness and joy. The writing is different from essay writing, because in my opinion it requires more thinking. Thinking about how you feel. But it also is more fun than writing an essay because it’s your creativity and it could be written however you want and also about whatever you feel.

  17. March 31st, 2011 at 4:26 pm       Katherine Prasad Says:

    The Playful Bunny

    The white bunny,
    Walks among flowers in a grass field,
    The sun’s rays shining on its soft fur,

    The bunny is like a snowball,
    Rolling in the grass,
    Going in any direction,

    The bunny is a ball,
    Bouncing happily on the ground,

    The bunny nibbles on flowers,
    And hops around,

    Reflection: The connection between the bunny and playfulness is that the bunny jumps around and playful people usually are active and jump around. The imagery evokes a happy and playful feeling. This writing is different from essay writing because in poems, you can express your feelings, and in essays, it’s more based on what you know. Also, in poems, it’s more of an art form, so there’s more detailed writing for better understanding. And in essays, details are important but too much of it will make it boring.

  18. March 31st, 2011 at 4:23 pm       Michelle Nguyen Says:

    The dog lies on the front doorstep,
    Waiting for his owner to get home
    The dog is like a baby,
    Trying to get its mommy’s attention;
    Crying and whining
    The dog is a diary,
    Who I go to,
    To express my feelings
    Looking at him not understanding,
    But still licking my cheeks with happiness
    The dog follows me wherever I go,
    No matter how harsh and mean I can be
    Walking beside me,
    But never behind me

    The connection between the image and the abstract noun is that the dog will always be loyal to its owner. A dog might not seem loyal, but when you need him/her, they will be there by your side. I believe that my imagery evokes a strong friendship relation between a human and a pet. This writing was different from essay writing because writing poems require more thinking. Essays would have been longer, but in a poem we must explain the meaning in short stanzas. A poem is more complex than an essay.

  19. March 31st, 2011 at 4:22 pm       ricky her Says:

    Standing and stalking,
    A cheetah awaits upon its prey.
    With one step at a time,
    It moves stealthy as time itself.
    Its intelligence, no question,
    Greater than mankind.
    The time is now,
    Leaping and rushing to its prey.

    The connection between my image of a cheetah and my idea of patience is the way how a cheetah will patiently attack its prey. The cheetah displays soft movements as it first stalks. Therefore, when it runs extremely fast, it can achieve its prey. My imagery evokes suspense. This writing is different from an essay by the language. It takes a while to come up with the language. And I think the language and time written in poetry set it apart from essay writing.

  20. March 31st, 2011 at 4:20 pm       Abhi Says:

    A large crowd
    The spot light
    Your principal, you
    And you’re Diploma

    It is like a
    Tattoo on your body
    That identifies you as
    A High School graduate

    It is your key
    To exit childhood,
    And emerge into adulthood
    A high school diploma
    – Knowledge

    My poem is about Knowledge being symbolized by a high school diploma. Grade schools have a goal, that goal is to make you knowledgeable about the world. After, you pass high school you are highly knowledgeable, and your diploma symbolizes that you have passed high school. My poem evokes the feeling of satisfication. You work 13 years of your life to earn this honor. Some people don’t even make it. It’s satisfying to hold a diploma with your name on it. Poems are more on the emotion side, compared to essays which are more on the reason’s and example’s side. I prefer poems, because we write poems from our hearts.

  21. March 31st, 2011 at 4:18 pm       Joseph Yang Says:

    Sadness of Our Earth

    The earth spins slowly, giving
    morning to the people.

    The earth is like a car, constantly
    used for granted.

    It is a ball of waste,
    covered in trash,
    and losing its beauty.

    The earth roars, cries
    with showers of cold tears-

    The relationship between the earth and sadness is the earth has been used by humans to grow food, to give water, and to provide shelter. As this occurs each and everyday, we are causing the earth to die because of global warming. We don’t try to preserve the earth’s life and because of that, I feel the earth is sadden by our actions. My imagery evokes sadness.
    This writing is different from an essay writing in that an essay writing requires you to think hard about the topic but a poem writing doesn’t require hard thinking. When you write a poem, the ideas usually come to you and you are able to write them down into a poem.

  22. March 31st, 2011 at 4:18 pm       Jasmine Y. Khang Says:

    The koi fish swims freely,
    glistening in the clam, cool, collected pond.

    The koi fish is like a phoenix,
    soaring into the air, being able to reach the peaks of it’s desires.

    It is a spirit,
    it may not be seen but it will always be there

    The koi fish glides,
    lurking into the depths of the water-

    The koi fish and serenity have a connection because they both share the meaning of calmness. The koi fish is a gentle creature, it swims so silently, almost with no motion. As serenity, it basically explains the koi fish’s beings. The feeling that my imagery evoke’s calmness. This poem is different from essay writings because poems have stanzas and this poem does not contain multiple extensive writing(paragraph format).

  23. March 31st, 2011 at 3:10 pm       Chai Vang Says:

    a monkey? lol.. nice
    “Hiding from its predators
    Camouflage in the environment”
    those lines caught my attention. goodjob lol:]

  24. March 31st, 2011 at 3:09 pm       chong moua Says:

    i agree too

  25. March 31st, 2011 at 3:07 pm       chong moua Says:

    i agree

  26. March 31st, 2011 at 2:58 pm       Michelle Xiong Says:


    The blue water was rushing down from the
    highest point of the mountain
    they call this beauty waterfall

    The waterfall is like a hemlock
    It’s breath-taking beauty catches your eyes
    but the deadly risks that awaits you keeps you
    from thinking it’s harmless

    Waterfall is happiness
    The complete image of a perfect picture
    The visual of the beautiful rainbow that’s been created
    creates warmth and joy in one’s heart.

    The waterfall is a place of risk
    yet everyone wants to experience the
    moment where your heart is filled with
    excite and amazement although
    they know that they’re fully responsible in anyone
    falls into the water. Happiness and risks

    The image and the abstract noun are both beautiful and the feeling it gives you fills your heart with joy. My imagery evokes a calm/breath-taking feeling. When I wrote my poem I feel as though the poem had more comparison and more exaggeration.

    • April 13th, 2011 at 8:07 pm       Silvya Garcia Says:

      I really like your poem. I love the way you describe the waterfall. I love your poem. The comparison of love to a waterfall is cool. To me, it felt like a calm tone, at least that’s what I felt as I was reading it, but nice job:)

  27. March 31st, 2011 at 2:58 pm       chong moua Says:

    The Man
    The man stands tall,
    Above others with his knowledge,
    And his outstanding strength

    The man like a lion,
    Uses all his strength even against a small prey

    The man is a dog
    Who can figure out the difference between
    a toy bone and a real bone

    The man, when defeated
    Loses himself,
    Not being able to show himself again


    The connection between the man and pride is that the man has intelligence and strength, and it makes him proud. The feeling this poem invokes is a feeling of awe-ness and feeling of being strong and confident but it shows that it leads to a person’s downfall. This writing is a different from other writings because it has to be worded in a way and it has to have connections between the abstract noun and the person, place or thing it talks about.

  28. March 31st, 2011 at 2:57 pm       Silvya Garcia Says:

    My dog sits excitedly
    At the end of the bed
    Wagging his tail rapidly
    From side to side

    My dog is like a
    Guardian angel
    To me and to my family

    He is our shadow
    Always following
    Us around through
    The house

    He goes around,
    Licking our hands
    And staying by our side-

    The connection between the dog, the image, and protection, the abstract noun is that the dog fights to protect its owners. It turns defensive to protect the ones he loves and he and he stays close to them. The feeling the imagery evokes is hope and care. This writing is different because you can create strong feelings or emotions without writing a whole bunch of words.

  29. March 31st, 2011 at 2:51 pm       Jason Khammanivong Says:

    The Monkey
    The monkey hangs on the tree
    Branch with its curly
    Black tail in the dim
    Full moon

    The monkey is like the
    Vision of a blind human
    Difficult to see
    In the darkness of the forest.

    The monkey is a chameleon
    Hiding from its predators
    Camouflage in the environment

    The monkey sneaks, swings
    Away from tree to tree
    Becoming invulnerable

    The connection is that I wrote about a sneaky monkey and how the monkey is sneaky which leads to a monkey being invulnerable. What I mean by invulnerable in this poem is that the monkey sneaks around place to place unseen and is protected from any harm because its sneaky. I think I created sort of a calm and quiet feeling. This writing is different in my opinion because in poetry, words are expressed to create imagery with the least amount of words. In poetry, a lot of metaphors, similes, personifications are used.

  30. March 31st, 2011 at 2:49 pm       Patrick Vue Says:

    Lover’s Death
    Lovers sit together at the beach planning their life as they watch the sunset of light.
    The couple is like a glimpse of heaven that is shower over by the light of god’s angels.
    The couple is a picture of perfection emerging from their shadow of love
    The couple closes their eyes and says their dreams together in harmony, darkness surrounds them, and slowly unfolding their wings, the hands of angels reach down.

    The connection between Death and Lovers are, when two human beings discover love and their love is not bliss, death would seek to end a beloved thing or being the two humans share because they have understood and devour god’s belief but because of the lost, death will bring love to the two humans. The feeling my imagery evokes is the happiness than when it comes to the end the imagery evokes sadness. This is different from essay writing because in poems the writer’s emotions and creativities has no limit because a poem can be anything and the words that are use has hidden meaning while an essay is formal and use for business.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:01 pm       Mai Sheng Vang Says:

      I like how your poem had a nice mood. The ways your used similes and metaphors, it gave me a nice imagery of your poem.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:04 pm       Michelle Xiong Says:

      I really like how you use god’s angels with death. It created a feeling of peace. Makes you feel as though death isn’t sad. And i like the imagery in the first stanza it fits well with the poem because love and the visual of the beach is both romantic (:

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:08 pm       jccoey Says:

      This reminds me of both Platonic love because the lover’s don’t touch each other, and it reminds me of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Is this a suicidal pact?

    • March 31st, 2011 at 4:50 pm       Kabao Vang Says:

      its really emotional…struck me straight in the heart… i like it =)

  31. March 31st, 2011 at 2:47 pm       Bee Yang Says:

    The ocean, a vast blue pool,
    Stable and calm

    The ocean is like a pool of tears
    And the mild winds like its cry

    It is a reflection of the blue sky,
    Quiet and endless

    The ocean, great and calm, and
    At times no violence-

    My abstract noun I chose was “peacefulness”. To me, I chose an image of the ocean. The ocean is calm and peaceful so to convey this I used words such as “stable”, “mild”, and “quiet”. I tried to give my view on “peacefulness” and relate it to an object. To me, the imagery evokes a calm feeling. To receive the full feeling, it must be read slowly. This was unlike writing an essay because it isn’t just sentences. Some poems may not even have a sentence. In poems, as few words are used while in essays as much words as possible can be used. Poems have a hidden meaning that takes effort of careful reading while essays give its point off right away.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:00 pm       Oscar Says:

      “The reflection of a blue sky” is a good comparison. It creates a good imagery about about the ocean.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:04 pm       Chai Vang Says:

      your imagery caught my attention:)
      i never heard of “And the mild winds like its cry” before NICE

  32. March 31st, 2011 at 2:46 pm       Oscar Says:

    The wolf walks with his pack
    Through the snowy winter
    Behind him are his friends and family
    He leads the way through the wilderness

    He observes his land like an eagle
    He stalks his prey
    But never he harm the land

    He is an ice skater moving through snow and ice
    With the slightest of ease

    The wolf views what he has
    All around him he sees life
    But it is not any ordinary life
    It is his life-

    The wolf like any animal represents gratefulness. They use what they were given and never ask for more. The imagery evokes calm feeling by the way that the wolves are walking and there is no major action. My writing is different from essay writing because I usually do not include any imagery or metaphor. I also put more thought in the words I choose for writing a poem, even though I am not good at writing poems.

  33. March 31st, 2011 at 2:44 pm       Victor Medina Says:

    An Evergreen’s Sincerity
    Evergreens, tall and straight,
    Always the same shade of deep green
    Not one more or less than 500 branches

    The Evergreen tress like sentinels
    Guarding their posts unconditionally
    Night and day, throughout their lives

    Its scent is a wave
    Of power, extending farther
    Than the Evergreen’s branches

    The Evergreens are slightly swayed
    By the fiercest of winds, but never broken-

    The evergreen tree is constant, it seldom changes, sincerity is just that. Never are true intentions hidden, it wears its heart on its sleeve so to speak. The evergreen evokes pride, strength, and comfort. My poetry writing had to come from a different place. Less analytical, more emotional

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:05 pm       Ying Says:

      Nice. I like the part “its scent is a wave of power”. You always know what to say AppleMedina (:

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:06 pm       Silvya Garcia Says:

      I like the way you compare evergreens to sincerity, and I like the words you use create an image. They created a pleasant mood:)

  34. March 31st, 2011 at 2:42 pm       Keav'n Says:

    Single Heart, One Wolf
    By: Keav’n Lor
    Distance in the lightest footing
    Paws and paws some more
    Leaving a trail, sinking deep into snow
    Dreading empty in the flakes
    Howls and silent, trailing our lone traveler
    Not lost but not there
    May it and fangs lay still to see
    Let its claws wonder in freedom

    Gentle as cotton
    Soft as fur
    Loyal like glue
    And its growth, like mankind itself
    May the beast travel like a machine
    But more cautious, more durable, more grown like cubs should grow

    Strength of no other, It is a strong gateway to our unseen

    Our symbol which shine bright,
    Our Ideals

    I feel as if we are missing and/or forgetting our boundaries. It‘s as if we let ourselves be limited but in truth we can believe more, striving higher than what we are believing.
    To me, I believe there is a limitless boundary , for I can strive high if I fully commit to poetry. For a limitless boundary, it means that there can not be any boundaries of poetry and deeper meaning as long as if you let it be that way.
    Poetry, Developing meaning please.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 2:54 pm       Mai Sheng Vang Says:

      In your poem, I liked how you compared Loyal to glue. The words that you picked where interesting because it made me understand more about what you were describing.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 2:56 pm       Chai Vang Says:

      you said, “It‘s as if we let ourselves be limited but in truth we can believe more” i like how you said that. it gave me a better understanding of your work

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:05 pm       Victor Medina Says:

      “Hows and silent, trailing our lone traveler”. That has the MOST meaning to me. It shows how our ideals scream at times, and receed in others. And how they lead us through life. And “lone traveler”, our ideals aren’t always the same as other peoples. Love it.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:12 pm       Ying Says:

      Very nice. You have some awesome and strong comparison. 🙂

  35. March 31st, 2011 at 2:42 pm       Chai Vang Says:

    I want my body thrown away like filthy old garbage
    I want my body burned through the fierce of flames
    I want my body to melt away every sins I had faced

    My body is like a curse set upon my soul
    Swallowing up my meanings to live and grow old

    It’s a cruel reminder
    Telling me to leave…
    … to go away and never come back…
    To be seen

    My body shows no pain and no mercy
    But through my skin
    And beneath my flesh
    Does not remain a heart, but a shell…
    Bottled up through the years

    My connection between my images and my abstract noun is how together it develops an idea how a persons own body can be their worst object to have. I made my imagery conveys uneasy feelings through a hollow body; alive and still beating yet pure dead within the soul. This writing is different from an essay writing because I think it makes the reader think about the actual meanings and what the author is trying to convey, but an essay comes straight out with a thesis and what its trying to show or talk about to the readers.

  36. March 31st, 2011 at 2:42 pm       Mindy Vang Says:

    Innocence of the Lily

    The lily stands alone,
    waving in the green

    The lily is like a
    child, having no
    worries of the

    It is a beauty of
    warmth, letting the
    sun shine through
    from top to bottom.

    The lily blooms, softly
    on the edge of
    the hill-

    The connection between the image and abstract noun is that the lily is a flower, which does not have feelings or thoughts, so it is pure and innocent. My imagery evokes a calm and refreshing feeling. This type of writing is different from essay writing because it involves descriptive images and literary features. This writing also does not have a support or evidence.

  37. March 31st, 2011 at 2:39 pm       Ying Says:

    The eagle stood confidently,
    shimmering on top of the world
    waking up the sun.

    The eagle is like a robust man,
    soaring within every valley
    and mountain through the fog.

    It is a dazzling trail
    to be followed, swiftly and
    ghostly into the haze.

    The eagle bleat a figure,
    spread its wings, reaching high-

    The connection in my sight between it, is that the image illustrates certain movements that involves the abstract noun and the meaning of the images defines the abstract noun. My imagery to this poem gives a feeling of the brightness, happy, and peaceful. This writing tend to be different from essay writing because it is more thoughtful, creative, and create an image in your head. Also it’s different because as a reader you’ll need to read through a poem couple of times to understand it and feel it.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 2:56 pm       Victor Medina Says:

      Way too paint a picture. The words were small but with big meaning. The image helps shift to the idea of being free. Even without the abstract noun at the end, it would still be conveyed. Great job Ying.(Banana)

    • March 31st, 2011 at 2:59 pm       Keav'n Says:

      Soft, Slient, Quick, Way to explain a big meaning within small words+

  38. March 31st, 2011 at 2:38 pm       Hieu Says:

    The elephant stands sturdy
    strong with their hive under
    the shining tree

    The elephant is like a tall
    9 feet statue, easily to be

    It is a box of fun,
    open and close its personality
    when ever it can

    The elephant moves, stomping
    its feet and learning
    how to stop laughing-

    The connection between the image and the abstract noun is that the image, which is the elephant, and the abstract noun, felicity, describes that the elephant which can be strong and giant, but it does have a sense of humor which makes it more interesting. The feeling that my imagery evoke is pride. The elephant doesn’t care if it’s enormous or it’s as big as a statue. It’s still shows its inner beauty and humor to everyone and it’s proud of what it’s made of. This writing is differ from the essay is that for this poem, you have to use a certain vocabulary that matches the image and expresses it with a certain amount if words. But for an essay, you still have the use wide vocabulary but there are no words limits.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 2:57 pm       Keav'n Says:

      I think elephant best describe Peaceful/Protective

      Elephants don’t uses shade. I’m negative to this

  39. March 31st, 2011 at 2:34 pm       caroline gomez Says:


    The dog strides along confidently
    Side by side with its owner
    In the fear of a dark night

    The dog is like a guardian angel
    Keeping its owner safe of all dangers
    Knowing its presence will take away all fear

    It is a light in the darkness of a tunnel
    Letting itself be seen
    Only to lead the way

    The dog seeks, aids
    Determined to do its best and to serve

    The image of the dog has a connection with the concept of loyalty because dogs are one of the few most loyal animals. The images in the poem create a feeling of security and confidence. Writing poems is a lot harder then writing essays because you need a vivid imagination and be more creative.

  40. March 31st, 2011 at 2:33 pm       Vidy Lopez Says:

    Hello Little Blue Alien,
    Are you Alone?
    Go back to your Satellite.

    The Alien is like a
    Not tall enough
    to be a Dinosaur.
    Not short enough
    to be a Zebra.

    His voice for all
    The Outcasts.

    The Alien walks around
    with Pride. He’s not Ashamed
    to be Unique. He’s proud
    to admit it-

    The connection between the image and the abstract noun is that when you are odd you quiet don’t fit it. The only idea that comes into your head is escaping the world. The feeling that I think the imagery evokes is what is she talking about? That weird feeling, and that’s the whole point. This writing was somewhat strange. Like in an essay you must explain all of your ideas and specify them. In poetry, it is beautiful to leave some mystery. You must choose your words correctly.

  41. March 31st, 2011 at 2:32 pm       Mai Sheng Vang Says:

    It stands in a dark ally
    Where all the moles and rats stay.

    It’s like a robber, it comes out when you least expect it,
    And when you do notice it, it’s just too late.

    It’s like the dirty trash you see on the ground
    The ones that are a hundred years old.

    Traveling by wind to wind, from people to people
    Spreading everywhere and anywhere –Rumors

    The imagery of my poem connects with the abstract noun because it sets a disgusted mood that gives you an idea of the abstract noun. Rumors are dark and nasty and it doesn’t benefit anyone like moles, rats, robbers, and dirty trash. This poem is different from essay writings because it’s doesn’t need to have facts; it’s your point of view. Also because you can set the sentences in different ways that doesn’t follow the essay formats.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 2:51 pm       hieu Says:

      rumors does hurt and you still have to live with it. no matter what they says, life is still continuing with or without rumors.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 2:58 pm       Mindy Vang Says:

      I like the way you used imagery to connect with rumors. For example when you said that they are like dirty trash on the ground that has been laying there for a hundred or years, I can see clearly that rumors are dirty, not nice, and they also stick with you forever.

    • March 31st, 2011 at 3:00 pm       jccoey Says:

      I love the ambiguity at the start of this poem; it really creates tension all the way to the final line!

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