9 thoughts on “More Natural Disaster Quizzes

  1. Dear MRS.HULL,
    Do you ever wonder what happens to slaves? First slave’s haves there own family to take care of. Secondly slaves shouldn’t have to work for other people for free. Lastly slave didn’t do anything to become slaves. So in my opinion you should free your slaves fast.
    First reason, slaves haves there own family to take care of. Such as putting clothes own there backs and providing them a healthy place to live. In consequence, slave parents have a lot of duties already. We provide a shelter for them. But the shelter is horrible.
    Secondly, slaves shouldn’t have to work for other people for free. They work in fields all day long for people other than themselves. The facts show that slaves don’t get money for all there hard work. We pay them in food. Yea but there isn’t enough.
    Lastly, slaves didn’t do anything to become slaves. In support, we all know that slaves were taken from Africa to work in bad conditions. Further more, slaves didn’t commit any crimes so why should they be slaves. There skin is dirty anyways. But the still have human rights.
    In my opinion I think they should let all slaves go. First, slave’s haves there own family to take care of. Secondly, slave shouldn’t have
    In this whole predicament I learned that all people should be treated equally. In plus was fascinated a lot about my African American roots.

    to work for other people for free. Lastly, slaves didn’t do anything to become slaves. Now I’m going to start a PSA.
    And P.S I changed my whole topic around its not a real situation but I always wanted to learn more about slaves and I hope its okay with you.

    Lamont Faulkner

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