“If you had free reign over classified networks… and you saw incredible things, awful things… things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC… what would you do?” – quote attributed to Bradley Manning.
Author Archives: Coey
Ethics and Real-Life Situations
Dear Thinkers,
How might we use the ‘ways of knowing,’ or our ‘intuition’ or one of the ‘moral paradigms’ to guide us through the process of determining what is right and what is wrong? How can our approach, lens, or theory shape how we think about ethical issues? And most importantly, are you ethically responsible to act ‘ethically’ upon the knowledge you gain?
Like our art presentations, where we presented unique ideas/examples to further our discussion of art as an area of knowledge, I would like for you to find a ‘real-life’ situation that deals with ethics as an area of knowledge. A ‘real-life situation’ is real; it is not hypothetical, imagined, or fabricated. This is important because we want to engage in thinking about real issues that we can really affect.
1. Find a ‘real-life’ situation dealing with an ethical issues that can be viewed or perceived from two or more perspectives/lenses. There should be no duplicate issues shared, so whomever posts first has the most topics to select from. And, whomever posts last will need to have read all the other comments/replies so that his/her topic is new and has not yet been shared with the class.
2. Briefly summarize the issue (50 words). Include the link to the article/web site/video in your reply so we can read/view the content and comment.
3. Develop a “question about knowledge” using one of the key ToK concepts we have studied, or by linking to the ‘ways of knowing’. Post your summary and knowledge question.
4. Due Wednesday, 27 April
5. Return to this site, read, and comment on at least two of your classmates’ replies by Friday, 29 April.
I suggest that you consider exploring issues that are either international or environmental in nature because they can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. Also, consider searching these sites for your ‘real-life situation.’
Kind Regards,
p.s. I will post an example of what your reply might look like
Learning Theories: Which theories are you seeing your teachers apply?
Hey thinkers:
This week we are considering studying human beings. Yeah that’s us!
Let’s think about which learning theories we see your teachers applying to their lessons and activities.
Also, you can use this learning style quiz by Edutopia. How accurate are these results with what you know about yourself?
Using the above links or other research, consider how you are taught and how you learn, and answer these two questions:
1. Which learning theories are you seeing your teachers apply?
2. Which learning approaches seem to work best with your learning style?
Provide a response to this post by Thursday, January 31.
Cite examples from your real-life experiences.
Responses to two classmates is due by Friday, February 01.
Kind Regards,
Pseudoscience or Science?
And how can you distinguish it from real science?
Click on the above links to begin your research.
One way to detect pseudoscience is to be observant of claims that are made, yet not tested under scientific conditions. Remember that scientific claims should be reproducible, predictable, and testable. Isn’t it just easier to imagine that these actions have been taken rather than investigate it all for ourselves? Not only are we lazy, but apparently we are biologically hardwired to see patterns which seem to confirm our bias. To learn more about this idea, see this Ted.com presentation by Michael Shermer
Please reply to this post by explaining pseudoscience and by providing at least one example that you encounter in your everyday experiences and observations. What makes your example pseudoscience? What scientific thinking could be applied to test the claims that are made? How can you defend yourself against such claims?
The Natural Sciences
Dear Thinkers,
I hope to be with you all tomorrow, Tuesday. Thank you for all of your awesome questions related to math as an area of knowledge. Special thanks to those of you who posted responses to your peers.
All of the ToK grades have been updated, and I believe that these are accurate and representative of the evidence and observations I have collected and made. Overall, there has been a class-wide effort to achieve greatness, so congratulations.
Included here is another example of a chapter reading response: Ch 8 Natural Sciences I hope you have a successful discussion today.
Tuesday and Wednesday we are likely going to have an auction of scientific ideas…more on that later.
Thursday and Friday we are likely investigating modern examples of pseudo-science…think energy drinks.
Kind Regards,
What is the relationship between Math, Art, and Science?
Dear critical thinkers,
Visit these sites, explore, and generate two questions about math, art, and science:
http://www.mcescher.com/ click on ‘picture gallery’. What is the relationship between math and art?
http://www.goldennumber.net/ explore. What is the golden ratio and the Fibonacci Series? How might this mathematical insight be used to discuss elegance and beauty in mathematics?
http://classes.yale.edu/fractals/ What is significant about fractal geometry? What are the practical applications of fractal geometry? Generate a fractal here pattern here.
Questions due Thursday
Comment and respond to two classmates by Friday
ToK Chapter Reading Responses
Hey all,
Hope you are enjoying your holiday. I am very excited about returning to LBHS next week, and I hope you are too! Below I am posting an example of a ToK chapter reading response. Remember that we are changing the chapter responses to emphasize discussion of personal examples. The chapter 7 reading and reading response required about one hour. I suggest writing the response as you read.
Remember this is just an example.
ToK Chapter 7, Mathematics Reading Response
Most important quotes:
“Math—that most logical of sciences—shows us that the truth can be highly counter-intuitive and that sense is hardly common.” This quote from K.C. Cole speaks to the idea of math as a form of logic that often challenges our preconceived notions about what is known. I like this idea because often we use anecdotal evidence or feelings as a baseline for what we believe to be true. When you see relationships in terms of numbers, however, often your beliefs and perceptions are changed to reflect a more accurate truth. We see this with regard to how statistics and percentages may be used.
“The useful combinations are precisely the most beautiful.” This hints at the idea of applied mathematics as opposed to pure mathematics. If math is only theoretical and not applicable to the world we observe then it is of little use other than amusement. This reminds me of fractal geometry and how the Mandelbrot Set became an important breakthrough in thinking about how we see and apply math in the real world.
Most Important Ideas:
- The idea of “proof” is an important idea because it is the mathematical equivalence of evidence and certainty combined. Moreover, a proof is based on first axiomatic truths and theorems, so the logical argument is at least valid and true. Yet, it is still based on a series of ideas, which may not be observed the same way in nature.
- The idea of elegant solutions, often derived from imaginative or creative insights, is refreshing because often in mathematics we tend to move forward in a linear approach rather than ‘seeing the forest for the trees.’ How much of our mathematical thinking is limited by our inductive approach to solving mathematical problems?
- I tend to think of myself as a formalist; I believe that math is invented by humans and it exists as an independent set of ideas. However, I can see the appeal of Platonism, for it suggests the idea of limitless discovery. who wouldn’t want to think of their favorite subject as having limitless possibility?
Linking questions:
- How is mathematics like a language? As an English teacher, I see the different mathematical descriptions as analogous to the kinds of genres that I explore, each one offering new insights into human experience, yet having its unique advantages and limitations. No one genre, in this case Euclidean of Riemannian geometry, having absolute certainty with the nature of reality. Like language, math is symbolic, and it tries to represent reality. In some ways, math is more a more accurate symbolic language because numbers are far less ambiguous than words. If I say ‘dog’ you might have a range of images come to mind. Yet if I say ‘four’ you have one concept, and fortunately other people, regardless of culture, age, or gender, can understand what you mean when you say ‘four.’
- Does perception play any role in mathematics? Absolutely, we need to observe how mathematical thinking can be applied to the world, and this takes observation. For example, applying non-Euclidean geometry to physics allowed Einstein to make discoveries the nature of reality, e.g., his general theory of relativity. We also see evidence of fractal geometry when we make observations in nature; we see the Fibonacci sequence in flowers, plants, humans, and galaxies. Observations are important because it may allow us to discover or invent new forms of math to help explain the nature of reality.
Two questions about math as an area of knowledge:
- How can mathematics be used as a justification for either confirming or challenging our beliefs and biases?
- If you say you know it is true because you have mathematical proof, is that claim more compelling than a claim that is based entirely on emotions, memory, or eyewitness testimony?
Word Count: 627
Reflecting on your thinking and the Ways of Knowing
As we look back and think about the ideas we have encountered, how are you thinking about your thinking now? Which questions about the ways of knowing are most interesting? And what are the implications for how this thinking and awareness may influence the way you learn throughout your school day?
Create a graphic presentation of your ToK experience, including images or references to ‘real-life’ experiences viewed through the lens of ToK thinking and questioning. Include, when reasonable, linking questions from your chapter reading selections.
The goal of this presentation is to record your thinking about your thinking (meta-cognitive) up to this point in the course and to perhaps even speculate as to how this awareness about knowledge may shape your future.
Visit prezi.com and create a free prezi account.
Then, select one of these prompts to guide your reflection:
- In what ways are we fascinated by the richness of knowledge as a human endeavor? How are we empowered by the act of reflecting upon knowledge?
- How is knowledge constructed, critically examined, evaluated and renewed, by communities and individuals?
- How can you reflect on your experiences as a learner, in everyday life and in the IB Diploma Program? What kind of connections have you made between academic disciplines and between thoughts, feelings, and actions?
- How has ToK encouraged you to explore a diversity of ways of thinking and ways of living of individuals and communities? To what extent are you aware of personal and ideological assumptions of others and of yourself?
- How might you explore your responsibilities originating from the relationship between knowledge, the community and the individual as citizen of the world?
An “A” presentation will explore questions about knowledge, links between ways of knowing, and references to personal experiences, observations, and real-life case studies. Be creative and explore your thinking.
To what degree do you have emotional intelligence?
Dear ToK students,
Many experts now feel that emotional intelligence is a better predictor of success than traditional IQ tests. See how you stack up with this test.
This takes about 45 minutes, so set aside enough time.
Sense Perception, strengths and limitations
In what ways do our senses help us “to know”? Sensing, however, is a biological process, which does have limitations.
Explore the links below; then discuss sense perception as a way of knowing by replying to this post.