First, type the first paragraph of your “Which Is The Better Neighborhood?” essay in a Word document.
Then, after you’re done, print it out and also please copy and paste it in the comments section of this post.
First, type the first paragraph of your “Which Is The Better Neighborhood?” essay in a Word document.
Then, after you’re done, print it out and also please copy and paste it in the comments section of this post.
The Best Neighborhood
What do you think the 95823 is better than 95819?
The 95823 have store neat by 95823. In 95823 there are many stores which. Sell food and clothing. So you can walk to the store and the school and walk back home. You just walk to every way you want to go to. You can walk to the park.
School near by 95823. In 95823 there are many schools near by the house. In 95819 don’t see any school near by 95819 in the house. You got out side and just walk to school. If you want to walk to every way you want to go to .
Some people think 95823 is not better than neighborhood because the 95823 don’t have a big house. However this is wrong because I don’t care about the big house just care about the school and store near by the house and walk to school.
In conclusion, I think the 95823 is better. That important to me because you just walk to there you can’t drive to every way just walk to school or any think.
Best Neighborhood
I think 95823 is the best because some neighborhoods in 95819 they don’t care about there pets and they don’t clean there front yard like in 95823
Sometime people moved from 95819 to 95823 it were just because they lived too far from store specially if someone is injure or in emergency they have to drive long way.^^
Many years ago some people lived in 95819 first they thought that there life was easy there. After that they die for more information I have more opinion but I don’t use it
Best neighborhoods
First, I think 95819 is better than 95823 because the neighborhood in 95819 has big house and nice place and beautiful house. 95823 are not better because 95823 don’t have beautiful place and don’t has big house like 95819. 95819 is the best neighborhood because there were a lot of big trees and have some stored that sale good thing. When I went to 95819 I see a lot of things and see a lot of birds around 95819.
Second, housing is affordable because the rent is cost too much money like $602 dollar and the old sold is cost $110, 00 to $120, 000 and after I went to 95819 I think
Is the best neighborhood ever because there was lots of things that I like in there. School is nearby there were many school 5 high schools and 2 middle schools.
Third, some people think 95823 is not better neighbor because too many gangs and bad people 95923 is not the best neighbor because there was not lots school and parks. However, this is wrong because that is not matter. Also, 95823 is not fun because there was no friends and not lots people around 95823.
Why reasons are important? Because we want to know which neighborhoods is better. There was a lot of things in 95819 and big house in there. Which neighborhood is the best between 95823 and 95819 I think 95819 is better because the place in 95819 is more okay than 95823. Why lots of gangs live in 95823? Because there was a lots neighborhood live in there and they just become friends than become gang members. 95823 are lots of gang because there was lots bad neighborhood live in 95823 and lots of gangster lives in 95823.
Best Neighborhood
Which area is better to live? 95823 is much better than 65819. In my opinion the Burbank is good area to live because the houses are affordable, and also every store is nearby houses.
First of all in 95823 the houses are less expensive so it’s easy to live in house or an apartment so people can pay rant so easily. In 95819 houses and an apartment are to expensive hard for poor people to pay rent or to live in house.
Second, in 95823 there are many stores nearby houses so we don’t need to go too so far for the shopping or buying food. I didn’t not see any stores nearby houses or an apartment in 95819 so people go too far and maybe they also have problem when they need anything in hurry and they have to go so far.
Some people think 95823 is not the better neighborhood because this is old area and houses are broken and not good to live there.
This is wrong because if houses are broken we can fir it. It doesn’t matter if its old area or new better has houses or an apartment its better not homeless. Sometimes people loose their jobs so how can they pay for expensive house rent.
Best neighborhood Burbank is much better than 40’s because the houses. Affordable and also, have every store is nearby houses. Burbank is much better than 40’s.
Neighborhood in 95823 and 95819
In a different community people have different life. With me one of 95823 citizens. I have a lot memory. When I came to United States I became a student of Luther Burbank High School. The teacher is very nice. They help me became better student. I think that the neighborhood in zip code 95823 better than zip code 95819. In 95823 have a lot parks and the school are nearby.
The parks are nearby in the 95823 has 45 parks, that nearby my house, then sometimes I have times I go to the parks play basketball with my friends in there, however in Sacramento the parks not to big. We are can open the party in the parks is good to anyone.
School are nearby, when I look at in computer, that my house nearby school, that easy to get here. Sometimes my dad doesn’t have time to take me to school, then I can walking to school that look like exercise on the morning.
Some people might say in 95823 are bigger house and beautiful, too; however in the downtown are very expensive for rent because in there has more rooms.
I believed zip code 95823 is a good to live. The parks and school are nearby my house in good to take the place. This a is why I think 95823 is good because the house have garage in front of and the fence around the house, too. I hope anyone like to live in 95823….
Cheng Xiong
Do you ever know that 95823 is better then the 95819? I think the zip code 95823 is better then 95819 because there are school and store nearby. It is good because you can walk to school. Store is nearby are nearby so that you don’t have to waste gas.
In the fabulous forties there has no store or school nearby. School Neighborhood has store and school around. I can walk to school or exercise. When a school is close by, you don’t late. I mean like you can wake up late and go to school.
It will be good when a store is nearby. You don’t waste a lot of gas. You can walk to store if you have no car. You can even go to the store anytime you want. When there is car traffic you go to the store easy and fast.
Some people might say that fabulous forties are bigger. It will be bigger but there is no store or school nearby. You have to have a car to go to the store or school because it is far away. But in school neighborhood is easy that you can just walk.
I think school neighborhood is better then 95819. In school neighborhood it has a lot of school and store nearby. When we go to fabulous forties there have no school or store. In the fabulous forties it have bigger house. In the school neighborhood it have smaller house but it have a lot of school and store.
My Neighborhood
How well you know your neighborhood?? I believe that my neighborhood is
Better to the others ones because is more easy to get places and find schools.
Two Weekes ago my English class and me we went to one fieldtrip to saw
How many stores and places we have I saw a lot of places for example food max, Mc Donald etc. we want to learn more about our neighborhood.
`One of the other reasons that I like my neighborhood is because we have a lot of parks and I like when I went to the park whit my family I learn that we have 31 parks around us.
Some students that the other neighborhood is better because have big and beautiful houses but these houses are to expensive to buy one that’s why my neighborhood is better……..
The Best Neighborhood
What do you think I’m rite or wrong? 95823 are the best or 95819 are the best. In my opinion I think 95823 are better then 95819. My first reason, in 95823 is better then 95819 because there have store nearby. My second reason, it that the school was nearby.
My first reason, the store was nearby. In 95823 there are many stored which sell food and cloth. In 95823 there have food max, home depot, fast food, good will, rid aid, gas stations. But in 95819 in there I didn’t see any store nearby people house. And I only see the bus stop only.
My second reason, in 95823 there has school nearby people houses. That people could walk to school. And for some people that didn’t have car to take them to go to school. And for some people that when their parent are busy to take them. Then they could walk or riding a bike to go to school.
Some people think 95823 is not better then 95819 because in 95823 have small houses. However, this is wrong because in 95823 have school nearby and the store was nearby too. And there have park for people to go to play soccer, basketball, and playing around. Sometime people could go to the park and walk with friends. Or sometime you have a little party then if your friends want to play something fun then their could go play at the park.
Lue chang
Do you know why people like 95823 is better than 95819? Yes I think that the neighborhood in zip code 95823 is better than the neighborhood 95819 because they house too expensive.
Many people who share your ethnicity. Those people who share my ethnicity are easy talk because I saw that in the computer Asian 19.8%. I think that is good to have a park nearby. It good because, I live on the zip code 95823 it good to have 45 parks to go play.
Some people may say 95819 have the bigger house and good to stay but it to expensive to pay.
I think the neighborhood in zip code 95823 is better than the zip code 95819. Many people who share your ethnicity is in a park nearby to so you can play whit them. This why I think people should live in 95823 because they house is not too expensive.
Best Neighborhood
I think 95823 is the best because some neighborhoods in 95819 they don’t care about there pets and they don’t clean there front yard like in 95823
Sometime people moved from 95819 to 95823 it were just because they lived too far from store specially if someone is injure or in emergency they have to drive long way.^^
Many years ago some people lived in 95819 first they thought that there life was easy there. After that they die 🙁 for more information I have more opinion but I don’t use it
Laura Gonzalez
Best neighborhood
What neighborhood is better? I think that the neighborhood 95823 is better than 95819 for some reason but I am talking about of two. Housing is affordable and stores are nearby.
Reason1 housing is affordable, in the 95823 the rent is cheaper, is only $602 and in the 95819 are of $990 and that is more expensive.
Reason 2, stores are nearby; in the 95823 the stores are nearby and that make you don’t waste too much money in gasoline or in the bus. In the 95823 are many stores like food stores, metro pcs ,clothes store ,ride aid, and in 95819 I didn’t see any stores only houses.
Some people think that 95823 is not the better neighborhood because the houses are not big and can be dangerous because there are too many gangs. This is wrong because the big houses are not important if you can have stores, school, and others things nearby. And gangs are every where.
For this reasons I think that 95823 is better than 95819 because stores are nearby and housing is affordable. And these are important things because you can not waste a lot of money.
Do you like to live in school neighborhood? I think school neighborhood is better than the neighborhood in Fabulous Forties. Many people share my ethnicity live in school neighborhood because housing is affordable.
Many people share my ethnicity live in the school neighborhood because I saw people share the same ethnicity in a neighborhood together. I see in the computer that 19.8% Asia people live together.
Housing is affordable to live because my family can affordable house in the school neighborhood because it cost only $600 dollar per mouth to live.
Some people must say that Fabulous Forties is better and beautiful than school neighborhood. However Fabulous Forties house are too expensive to live because it cost $990 dollar per mouth to tent a house.
I think the school neighborhood is better than Fabulous Forties because many people my ethnicity live in school neighborhood. The housing is also affordable. This is why I think people should live in school neighborhood.
MY Neighborhood
I like my neighborhood .I think that zip code 95823 is more better that 95819
Park nearby and school nearby. In 95823 have a lot parks and the school are nearby.
They help me became a better student. I have a lot memory.
Parks are nearby I thin k that 95823 have more parks I think 95823 have 45
Parks better than 95819 .I live the next to the parks is better than 95819 because they don’t
Have a lot parks where we go to play soccer or something different.
School l are nearby when I look on the computer I saw 15 schools are nearby. On
The school is together to the parks.
95819 biggest houses I think that in 95819 have more beautiful houses and nice cars
Too. When I see that houses expensive when you buy a houses a beautiful houses.
I think that zip code95823 is a better than zip code 95819 parks are nearby school
Are nearby this is why I think that 95823 is better than 95819 because 95823 have more parks
Than 95819 and have a beautiful houses and nice cars than 95823 have more school.
Best Neighborhood
I think 95823 is the best because some neighborhoods in 95819 they don’t care about there pets and they don’t clean there front yard like in 95823
Sometime people moved from 95819 to 95823 it were just because they lived too far from store specially if someone is injure or in emergency they have to drive long way.^^
Many years ago some people lived in 95819 first they thought that there life was easy there. After that they die 🙁 for more information I have more opinion but I don’t use it
G 🙁 🙂 GLE
Neighborhood 95823
Do you like your neighborhood? I think the neighborhood zip code 95823 is better than zip code 95819 because housing is affordable. Also, and grocery stores that sell you’re my ethnic food are nearby.
Housing is affordable because you don’t have to pay a lot of money and save for other thing. Also, if housing is affordable it would make people want to live more.
Grocery stores that sell my ethnic food are nearby because you don’t have to drive so far and just walk to it. However, it don’t make you ran out of a lot of time, if you have other thing to do.
Zip code 95819 have big pretty house than zip code 95823. But I think that zip code 95819 have big pretty house but it to expensive is not like zip code 95823 housing is affordable.
I think the neighborhoods that zip code 98523 is better than zip code 95819 because housing is affordable. Also, and grocery stores that sell my ethnic food are nearby. This is why I think zip code 95823 is better.
Why people like 95823 more than 95819? I think that the neighborhood zip code 95823 is better than neighborhood zip code 95819. Because the zip code 95823 has more park, and school then the zip code 95819.
I think parks are nearby because I like to exercise. In my neighborhood has a park. In the computer 95823 has 45 parks. Because park are nearby is better. When I was boring, I just go play on the park. I very like sport that’s why I want a park are nearby.
Schools are nearby. In 95823 school are nearby to my house, because in the computer show more school. I want schools are nearby because sometime my parent is not come pick me up, so I just walk home.
In 95819 has bigger houses and there are many beautiful houses. The house is too expensive for the poor people to live in it. So people like the zip code 95823 more than the zip code 95819. The zip code 95823 has school gas station, and stores are nearby.
This is why I think that the rich people live in 95819. Because middle-class people can’t live in there, also they have no money to pay the bill. The house is too expensive, so people like to live in the zip code 95823 more than the zip code 95819.
Best Neighborhood
Burbank neighborhood 95823 is better than other neighborhood because 95823 don’t have housing expensive. Also 95823 has big houses and has a lot of park.95823 is affordable housing and store nearby.
The house is affordable also the house is in median. This is affordable and 95823 have light rail and parks. For example, in 95823 is live easy than 95819.Also 95823 has a interesting is restaurant. I believe that 95823 is better than 95819.But someone not believe that 95823 better than 95819.
In 95823, there are many stores which sell and clothing.Also, Good Will, Rite Aid, Gas station. In95819 don’t have duplex. For example, if someone believes that 95819 better I think there are wrong.Because in in 95819 didn’t has panics or big houses. Burbank neighborhood is very interesting and betters every neighborhood.
In Burbank neighborhood 95823 someone think that 95823 is not better neighborhood because has many gangs.Also they thinkthat gangs are fighting and killing eachother.For example, if the gangs in 95823 has fighting maybe someone will not believe 95823.
I think that 95823 better than every neighborhood, because 95823 has store ethic food. Also they has big house. They don’t have expensive house like 95819.
Best neighborhood
Why does 95823 is better?. Around the 95823 is better than 95819. Also they have many parks and have many stores.
Housing is affordable also the housing is in median. And 95823 neighborhoods are better than 95819 because 95823 housing is affordable, people don’t need to waste too much money. It cheap to live in house or an apartment. For example in 95823 have good stores to us to go to shopping.
In 95823 there are many stores which sell food and clothing (food max home depot, good will, rite aid and stations. In 95819, I didn’t see any stores only house. And they don’t have much parks and much beautiful. But they not fight like 95823. Also they don’t have more apartments like 95823.
Some people think that 95823 is not better neighborhood because they so many gang. But this is wrong because the neighborhood is not bad but now, many people like to fight each other. Because some people don’t like other then they get fight.
In my opinion I believe that 95823 is better than 95819. Because they have more parks and nice housing and best school. Also have many different stores in 95823.
Best Neighborhood
I think 95823 is the best because some neighborhoods in 95819 they don’t care about there pets and they don’t clean there front yard like in 95823
Sometime people moved from 95819 to 95823 it were just because they lived too far from store specially if someone is injure or in emergency they have to drive long way.^^
Many years ago some people lived in 95819 first they thought that there life was easy there. After that they die 🙁 for more information I have more opinion but I don’t use it
G 🙁 🙂 GLE
Doua vang
Per 3and 4
What is the best housing in 95823 or 95819? I think that the zip code 95823 is better them the zip code 95819. Housing is affordable and schools are nearby and I could walk to schools
The housing is affordable and I think the zip code 95823 is better because we could affordable the housing cost $602 and those housing is not that expensive.
The schools are nearby. At my house there a schools nearby I walked to school every day.
95823 have small housing than 95819. But they not expensive than 95819.
I think that the zip code 95823 is better them the zip code 95819. Housing is affordable and schools are nearby. I think people show not live in 95819.
Do you know why people like 95823 more then 95819? Yes I think that the neighborhood in 95823 is batter then the neighborhood that in 95819 because the neighborhood in 95823 house is not that much expensive and the neighborhood in 95819 house is very expensive.
I think that the zip code 95823 is good to have a school nearby. It is good to have a school in my zip code that will help me to not worry about to go to school. Also it will help my entire neighborhood too because that will help them to not worry to go to school too. So that will help me and my neighborhood just wake to school easy.
I think that the zip code 95823 is good to have a park nearby. It is good because I live in the zip code 95823 that have 45 parks. So that it good for people to play sport. Also it very important to people when it summer people can go to the park. The other thing is they can go to the park on Sunday, Saturday too.
Some people might say 95819 have the bigger house. There house is bigger because the house it very expense. And they will pay a lot of money to the owner that rent the house to them. Also they have a good work so they can live in that house. And the people live in 95819 is the ranch people only.
I know that the people like the 95823 more then 95819. The zip code 95823 is better then the zip code 95819 because it have more park an more school. What I think it better to have more school, and park in my zip code 9823.
My neighborhood
Do you think the neighborhood or zip code 95823 is better than the zip code 95819? Because I think the neighborhood of 95823 is better because there are more stores, and schools than the neighborhood 95819.
I think that neighborhood 95823 is better than neighborhood
95819. Stores are nearby, parks are nearby to buy and go to play in the parks or eat and relax in the parks in the other neighborhood is not parks, and stores at nearby.
Stores are nearby, we can buy Mexican food like tamales that food is delicious. Parks are nearby; we can go to the parks fast and its closer. We have 31 parks are nearby.
The neighborhood of zip code 95819 has big houses and good cars than neighborhood of zip code 95823. It is to expensive to buy houses in the neighborhood of zip code 95823.
My opinion is that neighborhood 95823 is better. This is why I think because the neighborhood 95823 is better because they have more stores, school than neighborhood 95819.
Ze lao
Burbank neighborhood is the best
Do you like to live in your neighborhood? I think Burbank neighborhood is better. School and stores are live nearby and it more close to people.
School are nearby, because zip code 95823 is has more school then zip code 95819. The school in zip code 95823 is also close to my house. Sometime no one can’t come to pick me up after school, so I can walk home.
Stores are nearby, because Food Max and Good Will stores are close to my house. Sometime no one can take me to buy food or clothes, so I can walk to buy it by myself. In zip code 95823 are has more stores then zip code 95819.
Some people might say that zip code 95819 is has many big and beautiful house. The house of zip code 95819 is cost more money and more expensive, because the house are nice and big, beautiful.
I think, Burbank neighborhood is better, because school and stores are live nearby people. This is why I think Burbank neighborhood is better, because it have more school and stores are nearby.
Did you know that why people like 95823 than 95819? I think that the neighborhood in zip code 95823 is better the zip code 95819. Because the neighborhood in 95823 is not that much expensive but the 95819 house is very expensive.
I think that parks are nearby is good because is easy to take my brother go to the parks. Also in my neighborhood has a park because in the computer 95823 have 45 parks in my neighborhood. Also park are nearby is good for people because they can go to exercise and play sports at the parks.
Schools are nearby. In 95823 school are nearby my house because in the computer show more school. I need school are nearby my house because is not hard to my parent and it easy to get to school. Also sometime my parent is not come to pick up me at school so I need school are nearby my house.
Some people might say 95823 have the bigger house then 95819. 95823 have the bigger house because it very expensive to the house and they pay a lot of money to the owner that rend the house to them so 95819 have the smaller than 95823.
I think that the neighborhood in zip code 95823 is better them zip code 95819. I think that parks are nearby so I can take my brother to the park. This is why I should like to live in 95823 houses.
Ka Chang
The Best Neighborhood In 95823
Which zip code is better? I think that the neighborhood in zip code 95823 is better. There are schools nearby. And there are stores nearby. You can get to the store so easy and to school easier.
House is affordable in zip code 95823 because you don’t have to pay a lot of money. People in my neighborhood pay less than $800 and the sold is cost 110,000and 120,000.But I think people who live in 95819 pay more than we pay in 95823.
Parks are nearby. Some people live nearby the park so they can go to play everyday and to have friends to join them at the park when they have picnic or party. If you live nearby the park you can invite many friends to play with you or to join you when you have party.
Some people in the zip code 95823 think it better to live there because they have many big house and live near school so their child can walk to school so they don’t have waste any gas to drive their child to school everyday. The houses in 95819 cost a lot of money because over there they have big houses over there but when poor people came to live there they don’t even have enough money to pay the manager maybe I guess the manager will kick them out of the house.
What make the zip code 95823 better is because they don’t have expensive house and they live nearby school, stores and easy to get to places by bus and light rail. What make I think that zip code 95819 is not that good like 95823 because they have expensive houses.
I believe that Burbank 95823 is better than 95819.First library nearby is important
for us kids to go and do our homework. Second stores are nearby is important to us people
so we could go and buy food and any kind of thing that we want. For Example in Burbank 95823 there are many store which they sell food and clothing ( food max ,goodwill, rite aids) in 95819 I
didn’t stores only houses.
Some people think that 95823 is not better neighborhood because there’s no
big houses. This is wrong because 95823 is better because big houses is not important
but there’s a lot of stores in 95823.library nearby the main ideas is that library are important to student to go to because they have to study and do their homework. The main ideas is that stores are important because we could go and buy any kind of food we want
Rue Thao
Why people like 95823 more then 95819
I think that neighborhood in zip code 95823
Is better then the zip code 95819. Because the
Zip code has more park and school nearby. That people like zip code 95823.
I think park are nearby because I like to take picture and play Game at the park. In my neighborhood ha a park, in the computer 95823 has 45 parks. Park are nearby is better because
It is easy to go to exercise T the park. The can make people want to stay nearby the park.
I think schools are nearby because I like to walk to school and I can get to school on time. I think my neighborhood has 2 high schools; the computer in the 95823 has 4 high schools. School are nearby is better because it is easy to
Go to school.
The zip code 95819 has bigger house and there are house beautiful
There are house is very expensive. The house they are pay too much of money to make the house too expansion. Many people like this beautiful house and house also important to people.
I think that people like the zip code 95823 more the 95819, the zip code 95823 better to has a park and as school nearby this is why, I think that people like to live in zip code 95823 the 95819 because that is easy for there live.
My Best Neighborhood Tri Huynh
Two and half years, I came to from United States. I became a student of Luther Burbank high school. All teachers teach very well. They held me became better student. I am very happy when I learn in school Luther Burbank high school.
My opinion I think that neighborhood in zip code 95823 is better than zip code 95819,reason one housing is affordable, reason two many people who share your ethnicity live the neighborhood.
Reason one housing is affordable. The parks are nearby in 95823 has fourteen fine parks that nearby my house, then sometimes I go to the park play baseball with my friends in the park, but in Sacramento the park not to big. We are can talk with friends in the parks too.
Reason two many people who share your ethnicity live the neighborhood. In the school are nearby, when I look at computer, that my house nearby school, that easy to get here. Sometime my mother don’t have time to take me to school, then I walking to school with my brother that look exercise on the day ,
Opposing reasons in 95823 is bigger house and very nice too. There are houses very expensive for rent. Because in big house and beautiful.
My counterarguments there house is very expensive, the houses there pay to much money to make a house very expensive.
Restate topic I think is a beautiful house and bigger, summarize reason housing as affordable, and many people who share your ethnicity live the neighborhood. Summarize opinion this is why I think 95823 better 95819 because they are very bigger house and expensive too.
nice paragraph i enjoy…
hope u have good day…
nice essay because i like your paragraph it good man keep it up..
esta muy bueno muchacha;’;’;’;’;’;’;’;’;’n good jod ;’;’pero some students think;’ mija he jajajajajejejejeje;’;’
hey Mr. Hernandez
i like your essay NICE!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Alina i like your essay (:
very good job!!!
i like your essay
esta chido
hey yeng i like ur essay ko.
i like your essay kia.because it very good and have a lot of example.
ey nice paragragh you got here
i like your essay b/c it have alot of information about the two
i like your essay because is fune….
i like your essay cause you got some good word.
hey chou i very like your essay because like you say they have a beautiful houses n have a tall tree too……..when we went there i saw a big house was beautiful n i saw a tall tree tooo…..i like your essay ……..thnx gtg… 🙂
that cool man……………………. 🙂
i like your essay cause you got some good thing.
hey kia i like ur paragraph its have alot of example.
Yeng Yang
Do you ever know that 95823 is better then the 95819? I think the zip code 95823 is better then 95819 because there are school and store nearby. It is good because you can walk to school. Store is nearby are nearby so that you don’t have to waste gas.
In the fabulous forties there has no store or school nearby. School Neighborhood has store and school around. I can walk to school or exercise. When a school is close by, you don’t late. I mean like you can wake up late and go to school.
It will be good when a store is nearby. You don’t waste a lot of gas. You can walk to store if you have no car. You can even go to the store anytime you want. When there is car traffic you go to the store easy and fast.
Some people might say that fabulous forties are bigger. It will be bigger but there is no store or school nearby. You have to have a car to go to the store or school because it is far away. But in school neighborhood is easy that you can just walk.
I think school neighborhood is better then 95819. In school neighborhood it has a lot of school and store nearby. When we go to fabulous forties there have no school or store. In the fabulous forties it have bigger house. In the school neighborhood it have smaller house but it have a lot of school and store.
Do you like to live in school neighborhood? I think school neighborhood is better than the neighborhood in Fabulous Forties. Many people share my ethnicity live in school neighborhood because housing is affordable.
Many people share my ethnicity live in the school neighborhood because I saw people share the same ethnicity in a neighborhood together. I see in the computer that 19.8% Asia people live together.
Housing is affordable to live because my family can affordable house in the school neighborhood because it cost only $600 dollar per mouth to live.
Some people must say that Fabulous Forties is better and beautiful than school neighborhood. However Fabulous Forties house are too expensive to live because it cost $990 dollar per mouth to tent a house.
I think the school neighborhood is better than Fabulous Forties because many people my ethnicity live in school neighborhood. The housing is also affordable. This is why I think people should live in school neighborhood.
hey man tat is short paragraph ahahh but nice keep up the good work man!!
First, I think 95819 is better than 95823 because the neighborhood in 95819 has big house and nice place and beautiful house. 95823 are not better because 95823 don’t have beautiful place and don’t has big house like 95819. 95819 is the best neighborhood because there were a lot of big trees and have some stored that sale good thing. When I went to 95819 I see a lot of things and see a lot of birds around 95819.
Second, housing is affordable because the rent is cost too much money like $602 dollar and the old sold is cost $110, 00 to $120, 000 and after I went to 95819 I think
Is the best neighborhood ever because there was lots of things that I like in there. School is nearby there were many school 5 high schools and 2 middle schools.
Third, some people think 95823 is not better neighbor because too many gangs and bad people 95923 is not the best neighbor because there was not lots school and parks. However, this is wrong because that is not matter. Also, 95823 is not fun because there was no friends and not lots people around 95823.
Why reasons are important? Because we want to know which neighborhoods is better. There was a lot of things in 95819 and big house in there. Which neighborhood is the best between 95823 and 95819 I think 95819 is better because the place in 95819 is more okay than 95823. Why lots of gangs live in 95823? Because there was a lots neighborhood live in there and they just become friends than become gang members. 95823 are lots of gang because there was lots bad neighborhood live in 95823 and lots of gangster lives in 95823
your easy have a good reason
Dee y u wrote so short but anyway i like the happy face n sad face in ur essay.
hey your essay is good i like it….
That good essay because the parks nearby that easy to get in. Sometimes has a lot people play in the park look like basketball and tennis.
ur paragraph is good and nice man.. keep up the good work..
hey nice essay i like it.
i like your essay!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
hi ger is good because i like your fist par talking about school?
Your essay is nice because you talk that in 95823 have school nearby to your house so you can go to school quickly.
ZE your essay so better because a house nearby the school it is good to get sometimes parent’s don’t have time to take them to school they can walking school…… 😀
hey nice one.
your essay is sso long i like that …..
This is really good example because you are right sometime we don’t have ride and we have to walk to school or when sometime we bored at home we can go to park and play there
hey Troung i like your
essay i think u have a lot of important
information 🙂
very good JOB!!!!
nice essay i like the way that u write it ger
nice one
nice essay cheng i like it…….hehehhee
nice nice….
nice man…..keep up a good work…
good essay because it good write
nice paragraph i like it because u have lots of example ka keep up the good work!
i like your essay because i am agree whit you in that the 95823 is better than 95819
hey man ur paragraph is so good i very very very very very very very very very very very very very like it.
nice man…..u paragraph is cool man…because is cool….
no think neng i like your essay.
hi neng your essay is good because i like your example is make me understand batter english?
hey jomine i like your essay because ur essay is nice….
hey pausini you have a good examples in your easy you have to write more because your easy it to short nop te creas i just playin jajjajjja
hey Laura very good job in your essay:)
NICEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! … eaea!! =D
ey ka i like yur paragraph because is nice…..
i really like your essay because i make me unerstand more about both neighborhood.
Hi! lue i like your essay because is a nice paragragh and lot of thing in each paragragh bye.
My Neighborhood
What neighborhood is better? I think Burbank is better than the 40’s. There is a lot of reasons why Burbank is better, but I think the most important are because schools are nearby and because in my neighborhood are more diversity.
One of my reasons was schools are nearby, for example in Burbank neighborhood there are a elementary school 2 middle schools and 5 high schools. In the 40’s schools are very far.
My other reason was because in this neighborhood there are more diversity and more languages for example Latino 23.8%, African American 25.1%, Asian 19.8%, and Pacific Islander 1.3%, in 95819 there are not too much diversity like in Burbank neighborhood.
However some people think 95823 is not the better neighborhood because it doesn’t have big houses and because this neighborhood has a lot of gangs.
This is wrong because to have a big house is not as important as have schools and stores nearby, and gangs are everywhere.
Like I say Burbank is better than the 40’s because schools are nearby and more diversity.
Do you know that which neighborhood is the best in this world? I think that 95823 is better than 95819.An 95823 including stores, school and many kind of stores that is nearby the streets. But in 95819 is not have stores nearby any streets.
The stores are nearby any streets. And also have many stores. For example, food store, a clothes store and include many restaurant and 95823.The important that also have health service that nearby some streets. And easy to walking to buy something to eat or buy things to use at home. It has many an ethnic to this area 95823 because many people different countries come to live in 95823.
School is also nearby everyone in area 95823.It easy to walking to school, than it easy to your parent drop you kids to school. It is have much school that is around of 95823 because everyone in 95823 is rich. It easy to walking from school to home because if your dad is busy than you could walking home. And some school nearby parks and parks are beautiful to in join play game at parks.
Some people think 955823 is not the better neighborhood because it too much gangs and not big house. In 95823 there are some streets that are dangerous to walking at night. However, this is wrong because some people think 95819 is better than 95823.
I believe that 958243 is the best neighborhood in this country. Also in clouding Buses nearby School and light rail, too. It has more diversity and more languages in 95823 because different people live in 95823. And too much parks in 95823. I think that 95823 is this best houses and it is beautiful neighborhood that I never see before when in came to us. In 95823 is beautiful neighborhood is this country.
nice essay u have alot information Tri
i like your essay man.
Our School Neighborhood
Do you know that our school neighborhood houses are not expensive? I think that our school neighborhood is better than the Fabulous Forties my reasons are that the houses are affordable and the grocery stores that sells your ethnic food are nearby.
My first reason that I think our school neighborhood
Is better then the Fabulous Forties because the houses are affordable, I have seen houses on rent and the houses don’t coast a lot also because my classmates and me did a research about our school neighborhood about 3 weeks ago and we found that the median rent is $602.
My second reason is because the grocery stores that sell your ethnic food are nearby. If you want to buy food you can buy your food at foodmax the store is close to our school neighborhood also because you can go look at the computer what store are close.
Some people say that the houses Fabulous Forties are better because the houses are bigger and prettier but I think that their expensive plus the stores are farther.
Did you know our school houses don’t coast a lot? I think you should live on our school neighborhood because the houses are nearby because theirs store that sells your ethnic food are nearby and the house are not expensive.
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Bryan Ballesteros
March 28, 2011
Comparing Neighborhood
What do you think is the better neighborhood to live, the Burbank neighborhood or Fabulous 40’s? In my opinion Burbank neighborhood is better neighborhood than Fabulous 40’s. I have two reasons to support this opinion. One of my reason is Burbank neighborhood has more schools than Fabulous 40’s and my other reason is Burbank neighborhood has more stores nearby.
The Burbank neighborhood has more schools than fabulous 40’s.For example, Burbank neighborhood has 6 high schools, 2 middle school, and 9 elementary. However Fabulous 40’s has 1 high school, 2 middle school, and 2 elementary.
The Burbank neighborhood also has more stores nearby than Fabulous 40’s. For example, Burbank neighborhood has more stores like Rite Aid, Goodwill, BG video, Eye Glasses, McDonald, and many more. In Fabulous 40’s I didn’t see any stores.
Some people might say Fabulous 40’s is better neighborhood because Fabulous 40’s has more houses than Burbank neighborhood. That is true Fabulous 40’s has more houses than Burbank but the houses in Fabulous 40’s are so expensive and some people can’t afforded. The houses in Burbank are not so expensive and some people can afforded.
The Burbank neighborhood is better neighborhood than Fabulous 40’s because Burbank neighborhood has more schools and it has more stores nearby. Burbank neighborhood is important to know because Burbank neighborhood has more qualities than Fabulous 40’s.
Do you think that Luther Burbank neighborhood is better than fabulous four?
I think that Luther Burbank is the best place to stay because there is no trouble and other bad things
One reason is that there is a store nearby when you need something second reason is that there is a dentist nearby when there it’s emergency.
Some people might say fabulous four is better, couples people might say Luther Burbank neighbor is the best place because there is a store and dentist nearby.
Do you think Luther Burbank neighborhood is better than fabulous four? I think that Luther Burbank is the best place to stay because there is no trouble and some other bad things. One reason is that there is a store nearby when you need something to eat. Second is that there is a dentist nearby when you need to fix something in your body. Some people might say fabulous four is better because is quiet but some might say 95823 is a better place because there is a dentist nearby and a stores.
How do you think about neighborhood in Burbank are different kind of Asian people. Some neighborhood in Burbank has a lots Asian people, I think Burbank neighborhood better than fabulous neighborhood because I has one reason to tell about neighborhood. I think Luther Burbank neighborhood better once, something that Burbank neighborhood has a lot of Asian girl in Luther Burbank.
My opinion is about Luther Burbank and fabulous neighborhood Burbank neighborhood has a lots of people in this school. I tell about fabulous neighborhood doesn’t has a lots people to help somebody else something happen then didn’t help because their has not much a lots people. I like my neighborhood live close to me. Some neighborhoods are bad or they could do something bad to you.
For example, Some neighborhood are better because has a lots different people also has fun. In Luther Burbank are nice school and has a lots Asian boys and girls they al together in neighborhoods, so everyone will help together.
School neighborhood
Would you like to live in neighborhood that nearby stores and many pretty houses? I think Burbank neighborhood is my favorite neighborhood than fabulous forties neighborhood because I have a two reason to support my opinion. One is that Burbank neighborhood has more stores and has more beautiful houses. Another reason is that in Burbank neighborhood have a different kind of people, has more school and has more parks.
One reason that the Burbank neighborhood is better than the fabulous forties is that Burbank has more stores and has more pretty houses than fabulous forties. For example Burbank neighborhood has more stores like: food max, taco bell and, 99 reaches. And also has more pretty houses, those houses are very big and tall, it very pretty. In fabulous forties it doesn’t has more store’s and pretty houses like Burbank neighborhood.
Another reason that support my opinion is that Burbank neighborhood has more different people and has more different people live nearby each other like : Asian and Africa American, white , Latino, and Vietnamese. Also Burbank neighborhood has more schools and has more parks. For example, Burbank neighborhood has 23.6% of white and 23.8% of Latino, 25% of Africa American and 19.8% of Asian. Also it had 24 parks and 17 schools that nearby Burbank neighborhood. Fabulous forties have less different people and school, and parks.
Some people might disagree with me because in Burbank neighborhood is too noisy and don’t really has pretty houses. This is wrong because in fabulous forties stay quiet and don’t really live nearby stores and dental and different people. In Burbank neighborhood has more school nearby. It better to stay a place that noisy and has many different peoples live nearby each other.
I think Burbank neighborhood it better than fabulous forties. Burbank neighborhood has more stores and has more different people live nearby each other, has more pretty houses and those houses are tall and big. It is important because if you live nearby many different stores and different people and health service.
Pa Yia vang
Per: 4 2/28/2011
Do you know that Burbank neighborhood houses rent is $395 in a month and Fabulous Forties houses rent is $900 in a month? In my opinion, 95823 is a better neighborhood houses rent than 95819 neighborhood houses rent because Burbank houses rent is not high and the houses are big enough for a family to live.
One reason is that Burbank houses rent are not expensive. For example, my uncle they want to live in Burbank houses because the houses rent is $359 in a month. In Burbank houses neighborhood there are parks that nearby and schools are nearby. In Fabulous Forties, houses rent is $900 in a month that is an expensive rent. For example, my family we don’t want to stay in Fabulous Forties house because there is an expensive rent. There are not many schools that are nearby.
Anther reason is that the houses are big enough for a family to stay. For example, my uncle they stay in a big house and they rent is not expensive. There are some stores that are nearby. In Fabulous Forties, houses are big but it kind of quiet place so it dangerous to stay. For example, people that stay in Fabulous Forties houses are a quiet place to stay. There are churches that are nearby.
Some people might say that Fabulous Forties house are better than Burbank houses because Fabulous Forties houses are big pretty houses and have more room enough for the family. Foe example, when other people they see the house they will like it cause is big and pretty house. This is wrong because Fabulous Forties houses rent is too expensive and don’t need big houses for the family.
In my conclusion, 95823 is a better neighborhood houses rent than 95819 neighborhood houses rent because Burbank houses rent is not expensive and the houses are big enough for a family to live. For example, my uncle they stay in a big house and they rent is not too expensive.
Bee xiong
Burbank neighborhood
Do you want to know about the Burbank neighborhood and the fabulous forties neighborhood and which is a better neighborhood? In this essay I’m going to write about the Burbank neighborhood and fabulous forties with reason, opposition, and counterarguments. In my opinion, Burbank neighborhood is better than fabulous forties because Burbank neighborhood have more store, more park, and people.
One reason that Burbank neighborhood is better because Burbank is have more park and children want to play their. And people could exercise at the park and also the teenagers can play soccer or basketball at the park. On the weekend i could see lot of people on the park and some riding bike together at the park. For example, I also ride my bike with my friends to the park.
Another reason that Burbank neighborhood is better because people are going to the park and it make them healthy and more energy. Also it has 24 parks around the Burbank neighborhood and it a lot of place for people to exercise and make them feel better than stay at home. And also I exercise by myself at home too. For example, I and my friend are going to have a party at the Burbank Park next week.
Some people might say that the Burbank got the most parks but the fabulous forties got the beautiful houses and the houses are very big. That wrong the houses are beautiful but it too expensive and most people don’t have enough money buy the house. The houses at the Burbank are not beautiful but most people want to live there because the houses it not too expensive and most people can buy.
The Burbank parks are beautiful and children want to play there. And the Burbank got most stores and most people and also more school. Some people might want to have a party at the Burbank parks too. The Burbank parks are like a place that people want to go there and have fun and exercise for their body.
Burbank Neighborhood
Do you know that Luther Burbank neighborhood has a percentage of 19.8% diversity of Asian people live here? In this essay I’m going to write about the Fabulous Forties and Burbank neighborhood of Fabulous Forties. I think that Burbank neighborhood is better because it has more grocery stores than the neighborhood of Fabulous Forties. The other reason is that it has more Asian then the Fabulous Forties. Also the Fabulous has least Asian people and it has least grocery stores than the Burbank neighborhood.
One reason that the Burbank neighborhood is better than the Fabulous Forties because Burbank has more Asian than the Fabulous Forties. For example Burbank has more cheap houses and it has a lot of stores that are near the houses and school that are near the houses. Also it has a lot of cars stores and much kind of things around then Burbank neighborhood, for example services, and stores and etc. It is important because you can go to stores easier and it will not be hard for your parents, also it will be easy for our parents to go to stores and speak the same languages as them.
Second reason is that Burbank neighborhood is better because it has more Asian stores than the Fabulous Forties because Burbank neighborhood has the percentage of 19.8%. The Fabulous Forties has the percentage of 3.1% of Asian. It is important to have a lot of Asian because it won’t be hard for your parents when they go to stores. Also it will make our parents make new friends and communicate with others and get to know each other well. Also you won’t get bored all the time, if you have more Asian people on your neighborhood then it will make you get more fun and more friends because there are more people that are speak the same language as you too.
The Fabulous Forties is better than the Burbank neighborhood because it has least Asian and it’s quite. Also it has nice houses and very good neighborhood because it’s only white and some blacks, also it makes us speak the same language as them too and it will make us happier. Also it will help you speak English better and more English. It is important because it makes the Fabulous Forties a quite place to stay and live because most people likes to stay and live on a peaceful and a quite places so they can learned or read. Also it will make this Fabulous a better place and a peaceful neighborhood to live with.
No! the Burbank neighborhood is better because we Asian need to have some neighborhood that speak the same language as us so it won’t be hard for us to go buy things when we first come to the united states. Also it will be easier to the people that don’t know how to speak English. Also our parents need someone or some people to translator for our parents when we’re not home or when we go to school because when we go to school no one helps our parents and when they want to go somewhere it’s hard for them. Also whenever they want to go somewhere they can go and ask for someone to go translate for then and help them.
Are you been go to the Burbank neighborhood and fabulous neighborhood? I thing the Burbank neighborhood is better than Fabulous neighborhood. Because I have tow reasons to support the Burbank is better. One reason the housing is affordable, another reason is stores are nearby.
The housing is affordable is important for people to own the house. The cost of the house in Burbank neighborhood is about 100,000 dollars and the cost of the house in Fabulous neighborhood is about 250,000 dollars. If the houses are expensive then the rent would be expensive. If the houses are cheap then the rent would be cheap. For example, the rent of the Fabulous neighborhood is 1200 dollars or more. But the rent of Burbank neighborhood is 1000 dollars or less. It is big different between the Burbank neighborhood and Fabulous neighborhood.
Another reason the stores are nearby. In average the people go to store buy food every. In the Burbank neighborhood the people only spent five to fifth minutes form home to the store. But in the Fabulous neighborhood the people have to spend maybe more than fifth minutes to travel between home and store for buy food or other stuff. Also the people will save gas because the stores are nearby.
Some people say the Fabulous is better than the Burbank neighborhood, because the hospital is nearby. The houses are prettier than the houses of Burbank neighborhood. OK, do we need to go to the hospital everyday? In fact, do people need a big nice house? The people who in the Burbank neighborhood are living easier than the people who live in the Fabulous neighborhood. People don’t have to pay too much money for their house or renting every month in Burbank neighborhood. They are feeling less stressful and happy.
The Burbank neighborhood is better because the people have easy life. The houses are cheaper than Fabulous also the rent is cheap and the stores are nearby. All the reasons that are proving the Burbank neighborhood is better than the Fabulous neighborhood. Do you known what is your choosing now? Between the Burbank neighborhood and Fabulous neighborhood.
Did you know that Burbank neighborhood is populated with many different kinds of people? In this essay I’m going to compare Burbank new neighborhood and fabulous neighborhood, in my observation I think Burbank neighborhood is better than fabulous 40’s because their houses are more affordable and you will have more fun and more friends.
I think Burbank houses are better than fabulous forties because they are more affordable and it has many kinds of people for example many people like Latinos, and Asian people and white people and black people.
In my opinion Burbank neighborhood is better because you will find many schools so your children’s will go to and in school you will meet new people and many friends for example there are many schools like fern bacon, Burbank high school and many more schools.
People might say that fabulous forties neighborhood I better because theirs not a lot of black people or Asian or Latinos that will make more violence and their neighborhood is filled with peace. This is wrong because its better to have more people because you wont be bored you will have a lot of fun and you will go to any store you want with your friends.
What I learned that Burbank neighborhood is better than fabulous forties because its has more people and many stores like for example Food max, xxx Suzie’s, la costena, Belen, Chinese hair cut and many more stores. Fabulous forties population is filled with 88% of white people and the rest are mixed up and theirs not many schools or stores and it will be boring to live there because there’s nothing to do and you wont meet new friends and many more people.
Ricardo Rascon
Did you know that Burbank neighborhood have 23.8% Latinos and the Fabulous Forties have 8.7% Latinos? I think Burbank neighborhood is better then the Fabulous Forties. I have two reasons why Burbank neighborhood is better then the Fabulous Forties. One of the reasons is because it has more schools, and it has more parks then the Fabulous Forties.
One of my reasons is that Burbank neighborhood has more schools than the Fabulous Forties. Burbank neighborhood has nine elementary schools. But it has two Middle schools. And it has six High schools and there Luther Burbank High school.
My other reason is that Burbank neighborhood has more parks than the Fabulous Forties. For example Burbank neighborhood has 17 parks. And Fabulous Forties neighborhood only has 12 parks. And the Burbank neighborhood parks are better than the parks on Fabulous Forties.
Some people might say that the Fabulous Forties is better than Burbank neighborhood. They say that one reason is that the median age is 40 years and Burbank neighborhood median age is 28.5 years. And the other reason is that Fabulous Forties is better is because the houses are more expensive. But this is wrong because is better to live around young people. And the other is that Burbank neighborhood has better houses.
I think Burbank neighborhood is better because it have many good things. Like the schools Burbank neighborhood has more schools than Fabulous Forties. And the other reason is that Burbank neighborhood has many parks and the parks are big and beautiful. That’s why Burbank neighborhood is better than Fabulous Forties.