Assignment #7

October 14, 2007 by alicemercer · 58 Comments · assignments

First, write three sentences about goals your have for the school year in a comment. Then read one of these links on planning for the future:

The Road to College

  • Read what you need to go to college

BLS Career Information Home Page

  • Learn about different careers (jobs) you could have.

58 Comments so far ↓

  • AbileneD.

    My goals are to get a good grade on math.My other goal is to pay attention.And my last one is to pass fifth grade.

  • Jacqueline.S.

    My goals in school to learn this year math.And also language arts.Also is to learn to learn social studies.And to pass my test in the end of the year.

  • Maria S.

    My goals for this year is to learn Sience.I think it will be great because it sounds like fun.Also to read faster than last year.Also to learn new stuff I haved done before.And, to expereance new things.

  • aaliyah T.

    I hope that i can be good at math when i get older like i do now.i hope that me and some off my friends stay friends until we grow up.My last goal is that i can do better in my talking in class like the teacher said.

  • kong X

    My goals for this years school year is that i will be having well behaviors and manners.And my goals for this year is that i want to have a good and excellent first report card.And if i don’t have a good report my dad wont give me $300.00..

  • Nai S.

    My goals that I need to achieve this year are that i need to try to do a good job on my star test.The second goal I need to achieve is that try the best I can on any subject
    that I need to approve.Finally my last goal is to try to success on test.I also need to try to do the best I can.

  • Jessica S.

    My goals are to not be angry about something and when you want to try something new just try it.My other goal through out the school year is to try harder when there is a test and don’t give up.My last goal is to not be shy and talk a little more in class.Those are the goals that I would use through out the school year.

  • Vili T.

    My goal is to be a racer one day. My other goal is to be the best math person in America. My last goal is to get a reward for racing.

  • sonyas.

    My goals in school is to pass my benchmark test.My second goal is to get a principal award. My other goal is to get as much friends as possible.My other goal is to pass on to fifth grade.

  • Kassandra C.

    My goal for this year is to do better in the STAR, at least to get an advanced.I get good grades but I want to get advanced this year.Those are my goals this year.

  • Victor A.

    My goals for this year is to get advance on my test. I did not get advanced last year but I was close. My other goal is to do better on the tests.HI

  • maitea.

    One of my goals are to do better or get one hundred percent on my math test. Another goal is to listen to the teacher. My last goal is to do better on reading.

  • Dulce J. Fernandez

    One of the goals I have is to try to pass the bench mark test thats coming pretty soon. My second goal is to try to get all of the answers correct. My third goal is to always behave and follow the five bees…

  • marcus w.

    My first goal is have a better school because all the books are riped and dirty.My second goal is more balls because they are flat and gone.My third goal is a better on the test and reading.
    These are good things to be concerned about. What do you think you can do to make the school better?–Ms. Mercer

  • tonie w.

    The goals that I want to accomplish are… get a good grade on my report.. 2.I want to get perfect attendance…
    3.And last but not least I want to get all the awards that I
    can get at the awards assembely

  • patricia

    My goals in school are: to get an eighty percent or higher. Also my goal is to be good in class and to understand what are essay in Standards Plus is.That is my goal in my classroom.

  • alfredo

    My first goal is to pass my test. My second goal is to learn more. Last goal is to go to six grade.

  • Ger V.

    My first goals is have a better classroom.The other one is to have a better computer lab.The other one is to have a better school.

  • aerreus e.

    my goals for this week is trying to get better in math and in language arts. my other goal is trying to get better in other sports too.
    This is only two sentences.–Ms. Mercer

  • Jacob N.

    My goals are getting a good job and a good report card. The job I want to be is a cop or a solder.I hope I can make it to the thing I wish.
    Good, I hope your wishes come true.–Ms. Mercer

  • william

    I want to have a very good score in math . I want to have a good score in soccer . I want to have a very good score in baseball.

    These are good goals. You have a lot of different things you are doing well.–Ms. Mercer

  • Kerry V.

    My gaol for this year is to become smarter than my friend, Annabela. My other goal is to get advanced in both Math and Language Arts. Those are my goals for this year.

  • Dante.M

    My goal is to get A’s or B’s in class.But my real goal is to do good in class.

  • Angel S.

    One of my goals was to make the soccer team and I did. Another of my goal was to be the best I can be. My last goal was to pass the C.S.T.

  • Xian L.

    My goals are to learn to be a better writer because I dream of being a writer some day. I’ll have to keep learning. I hope I could become a writer some day.

  • kawm V.

    My goals is to had at lot have fun. I am go to make to my goal a nice time. My goal is to rich to at last ninty-one persent. It is hard but we need to lesson in class all the time giggling or taing to friend.

  • JAYV.

    my goal for this year is to do a lot of of them is to do better by not getting into any fights.second one is to get better grades so i don’t have to stay in summer school or get held back.

  • RubenC.

    My goal for this year.Are to stop talking so much and pay attention more in class.Then, make it for the soccer team.OH YEAHHHHHH.BYE

  • JenniferR.

    My goal is to get more Principals Award.
    Why, you ask, well because I only got one of those.
    I want to prove that I am a hard working student.

  • AlexusH.

    When the school year is over,I want to have a goal that starts in November. It will be to read 100 books by Janurary. I am going to make a calender with construction paper.Then I’m going to put a star on it if I do it.

  • shataya

    the way to ha write your that you thin coommre to the. i can cgatrtyuj .

  • Nicholas C.

    My goal for this year is getting a higher grade or test score.My other goal is to make friends with other people and to never give up.So follow your own goal and never give up.

  • vinnie S.

    I wonder if this year is going to be hard. Are we going to have fieldtrips. I will try to have a lots of fun. I can’t live forever. My teacher is funny and she sill acts like a kid. I think this is a good year.

  • Michael .C

    My goals for this year is to get advance on the star test.I also want to be in the playofes.Tose or mey goals this year.

  • Annabela S.

    I think you will have to study really hard in college.I think college will be harder because it’s more harder than elementary school,middle school,and high school.One of my goals is to go to college and finish college to become who I want to be when I grow up.

  • Jorge S.

    In Mrs.Loung’s class the whole class has a contract. It is a behavior contract. Mrs. Loung puts a minus if we are bad; or a plus if we are good.

    This is interesting. Is your goal to get a plus?–Ms. Mercer

  • SamanthaM.

    My goal for this week is to turn in all of my homework as much as I can. If my dad knows that I never turn in my homework witch I do turn in my homework then I will be dead meat. lucky me this week I only didn’t turn in my homework only on Monday.

  • MalenaM.

    My goal is do all of my homework and return all my homework. My other goal is to be the best student in the class. My other goal are to be a good listiner and I also have a other goal is to never quite doing something that you like to do.


    My goal for this year is to get A+ and B. My other goal for this year is past my grade. The last one is to do all my homework and all of my friends number.

  • Jack S.

    My goal is to get smarter in high school and middle school. My other goal is to be a game maker and be good at science. I’ll be working really hard to finish all my goals.
    What about getting smarter now?–Ms. Mercer

  • Erika Z.

    My goal for this year is to get 100% on my star test. My next goal is to success on my test.My last goal is to do good on any subject at school.

  • eduardos.

    One of my goal is to know how to read in Spanish. I am working on math.I wot to learn to read in English.

  • Carlosm

    My gaol is to finsh my class work .And finish my homework.And be good.
    This is not really three sentences! It is a good start.–Ms. Mercer

  • IvoryR.

    My goal for next year is to get better at math and learn more. I also want to get better at science and social study. I want to get better at school work and never be late with my school work it mite be hard but that my goal for this year and next year.

  • Tazi B.

    I plan to get good grades in classes.I plan to make friends including teachers,other students,and people in the office. My biggest goal for this year is to pass fifth grade.Do you have any goals?
    Thank you for asking. As I’ve said before, my goal is to teach students about computers. I like your goals. My other goal at home is to knit more.–Ms. Mercer

  • Eliverta M.

    My goals are getting 100%, passing 5th grade,and being in school every single day. These are my goals so my parents can be happy. Ms. Mercer can you tell me your goals?
    You have good goals. My goal is to teach students how to use computers to learn, and to knit more. Thank you for asking me.–Ms. Mercer

  • Erika Z.

    My goals for this year is to get 100% on the star test.My next goal is to success on my test.My last goal is to have fun this year. My very last goal is to do good on any subject or project at school. Ms.Mercer what is your goal for this year? I hope this year you have fun.
    My goal is to have fun, and that I help you learn. Thanks for asking! You have some very good goals. –Ms. Mercer

  • augustine

    to finish something very good and trying hard
    This needs two more sentences.–Ms. Mercer

  • Diego L

    My 3 goals in school are being good .My 2 goal is trying my best .And the 3 goal is having good grades.

    Is it your 3 goals or your first goal? Good ideas, but the numbers are confusing me.–Ms. Mercer

  • misha.p

    my goal is to be good in school and take care of my work. after that i can watch tv or some thing.

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