There are at least two writing contest this month about civil rights. You will do writing to enter at least one of the contests.
SacRT (the local bus) is sponsoring a contest called “A Season of Civil Rights” about public transport and civil rights. Here are the rules:
- Write a poem of 10 lines or less;
- The subject should be civil rights and transit (public transport like buses)
I am still locating information on the essay contest. It will involve more writing (essays are usually three to five paragraphs, with three to five sentences in each paragraph). The subject will be about Martin Luther King, Jr and his work.
What you will do today is research. You will get information that will help you write and essay or a poem. I’m going to give you some links to sites that have links to information about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the history of African Americans in this country. Go to the links, then come back here, and tell me three things that you learned that you can include in a poem or essay.
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Greeting from a Vermont 6th grade teacher. I stumbled upon your blog and am highly impressed. My 6th graders and I have recently begun blogging, and invite you and the students to check-out our first attempts.
Here’s a link to a class webpage where you’ll find links to each of the kids’ blogs.
Again, your blog looks great, and I may be contacting you soon with some questions.