About our Blog — for Visitors

Welcome to our blog! We are a sixth grade class (11 and 12 years old) in Sacramento, CA. This blog is where we reflect on learning.

Our Writing

This blog includes writing from elementary students, and shows work at all stages from first to final drafts.Work with this logo:

has been edited once.

Work with this logo:

is in a final form.

We do this to show the whole writing process, and hope you enjoy seeing how we learn.


We welcome comments. All people writing on the blog need to follow our rules:

  1. Do not share personal information online. Don’t share passwords with others online.
  2. Work on building a community, try to help and support others. If you don’t have something nice to say, you shouldn’t say it.
  3. Use language, spelling, and grammar appropriate (correct) for school.

Adults are welcome to comment to students, but keep the following in mind:

  1. All comments are moderated and monitored
  2. Make sure that all contact with students is happening here, and in the open. Do not arrange ANY contact outside of this blog either on or offline, as this will require us to contact law enforcement.
  3. Make sure you are using appropriate language, both appropriate and kind, in leaving comments, you are setting an example for these students.

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